atelier        genocide warnings

Avant les grands désastres les hommes n'auront rien dit... - Réné Tavernier
ongoing: "Bones," a poem by Marilyn Buck

suppressed news


  2019 suppressed news      


December 31, 2009

      Canada: see previous, ongoing.


      Argentina: on December 17th Judge Octavio Aráoz de Lamadrid ordered the arrest of Chinese former officials Jiang Zemin (former head of the CP) and Luo Gan (former head of office 610) for persecuting the Falun Gong (Falun Dafa). The case complements the current indictment in Spain of 5 Chinese leaders on charges of torture and genocide in the persecution of the Falun Gong, which also names both among other current and former Chinese officials. An occasional news story reminds readers that the accused are "communist" leaders. With human rights organizations and the Falun Dafa Information Center Western media has helped document cases of torture and the 3000 deaths. See previous. The principle of "universal jurisdiction" which encouraged case acceptance in the Spain of 2006, has since been limited in Spain under pressure from Israel among other countries fearing war crimes prosecution. See previous.     Partial sources: "Argentine Judge Issues Arrest Warrants for Chinese Officials," Matthew Robertson, Dec.18, 2009, The Epoch Times; "Chinese Regime’s Response to Genocide Ruling Was Predictable," Wen Long, Dec. 29, 2009, The Epoch Times; "Spanish Judge Calls Top Chinese Officials to Account for Genocide," Charlotte Cuthbertson, Nov 14 / 30, 2009, The Epoch Times.


      Cambodia: the Associated Press reports that Ieng Thirith, 78, once of the Khmer Rouge, social affairs minister and a Shakespeare scholar, her husband former foreign minister Ieng Sarv,85, former head of state Khieu Samphan, ideologist Nuon Chea, have each been charged by the UN Tribunal in Cambodia with genocide and torture among other crimes. The Reuters report refers to the Khmer rouge regime as "ultra-communist" and notes the couple as "French educated Communist revolutionaries".     Partial sources:"Khmer Rouge 'first lady' charged with genocide," Dec 21, 2009, CBC News; "Tribunal charges Khmer Rouge "First Lady" with genocide," Jared Ferrie, Dec. 21, 2009, Thomson Reuters.


      Canton Trinidad El Salvador: on December 26th, 2009, Dora Alicia Recinos Sorto, 8 months pregnant, and her 2 year old were shot returning from doing the laundry. The mother, "shot five times in the back," according to the Latin American Herald Tribune, died with her unborn child. A member of the Cabañas Environment Committee, her husband was a board member and target of a machete attack in 2008. The assassination follows the recent killing of Ramiro Rivera, the Committee's vice president under police protection at the time of his murder (last August he was shot 8 times). Killed with him in his pickup were a 57 year old woman and a 14 year old girl. The Cabañas Environment Committee is opposing and protesting Pacific Rim Mining Company (Vancouver) proposals to start up its El Dorado gold mining operations again near their village. The Committee tries to educate the people about the environmental effects of gold extraction through cyanide. Their murder follows that of Gustavo Marcelo Rivera in June, an environmental activist from nearby San Isidro whose body was found after torture. Luis Alberto Quintanilla. a priest, escaped assassination in July. Two of the attacks have been traced to mayors in favour of mining permits. Pacific Rim is also pursuing a lawsuit against El Salvador, 77 million dollars for the money it might have made if its mining permits were not denied.     Partial sources: "Anti-Mining Activists Killed in El Salvador," Amy Goodman with Alexis Stoumbelis, Dec. 29, 2009, Democracy Now!; "Environmentalist Murdered in El Salvador," Dec 28, 2009, Latin American Herald Tribune; "Opponent to Canadian Pacific Rim Assassinated in El Salvador," moira Peters, Dec. 21, 2009, Dominion News Cooperative; "Hitmen Assassinate Prominent Woman Activist in Cabañas; Pro-Mining Violence Continues," Jason Wallach, Dec. 27, 2009, Upside Down World; "El Salvador: another anti-mining activist assassinated," WW4 report, Dec 28, 2009, WW4 report blog.


      Europe: a case brought against the government of Bosnia (see previous), initially by a Bosnian Roma then joined by a Bosnian Jew, was successful at the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg. Previously excluded by Bosnia's Dayton Accord oriented Constitution, members of both minority groups are now allowed to stand for election in Bosnia.  Other Roma related news:  in the U.K., Hungary's fascist, anti-Roma Jobbik party (see previous) has opened an office in London and begins firming its ties with British fascists. The British National Party has already allied with France's fascist National Front. Jobbik leader, member of the European Parliament Krisztina Morvai (Fullbright, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Master of Laws, Kings College London - see previous) was recently dissuaded from speaking at a London rally, by anti-fascist protest.   In Canada, scheduled for deportation to Czechoslavakia on December 6th, after being denied asylum in Canada, Roma Jan Szamko was found dead in his detention cell at Toronto West Detention Centre, December 8th. Explanations were not offered his wife and child, or public. Widow and child have chosen to withdraw their request for asylum, and are returning to the Czech Republic.     Partial sources: "Rights court rules against Bosnia," Dec 22, 2009, Al-Jazeera; "Court slams Bosnia for barring Jews, Roma from office," AFP, Dec. 22, 2009, Google News "Hungarian far-right party Jobbick sets up London branch," Fiona Hamilton, Dec 5, 2009, The Times; "Romani asylum seeker from the Czech Republic dies in Canadian custody," Dec.30, 2009, ROMEA; "News correction for Dec. 29," Dec 29, 2009, "Czech Romany asylum seeker dies in Canadian detention cell-press," Dec. 30, 2009, Ceské



December 30, 2009

      Canada: Prime Minister Harper has without explanation shut down Parliament until March 3rd. The process of "prorogation" requires the Governor General's approval which she has given. This is the second year in a row in which Harper has suspended the people's voice, in favour of his minority [government's] agenda. Last year his party risked being stripped of power by a broad-based Coalition representing the people. Reasons suggested by news media for this suspension of democracy are, 1. this will allow the Prime Minister to appoint Conservative members to Parliament's Senate andease Conservative legislation. 2. spare his government further confrontation of alleged crimes in its directing Canadian Forces to acts violating the Geneva Conventions. 3. Time to arrange the budget. Harper's choice of dates suggests that by March 3rd, the Winter Olympics will have played out. These reasons do not explain suspension of the people's voice, and suggest an agenda outside processes of a multi-party system. The Liberal leader of Parliament's House, Ralph Goodale, called it a "shocking insult to democracy." The prorogation disbands all Parliamentary committees including "The Special Committee on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan" (see below).     Partial sources: "PM seeks Parliament shutdown until March," Dec 30, 2009, CBC News;PM suspends Parliament," Les Whittington, Dec 30, 2009,; "Afghanistan: How long can PM bury his head?" Stuart Hendin, Dec29, 2009,"Parliament suspended until after Winter Olympics," Allison Cross Canwest, Dec 30, 2009, The National Post. As of 5:02 PM 30/12/2009.



December 21, 2009

      Ottawa: in an "Open letter to the Parliamentary Special Committee on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan" Lawyers Against the War calls for the "cessation of transfer of Afghan prisoners and a public inquiry to identify violations and recommend civil and criminal remedies" [archived]. The Special Committee is attempting to deal with Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin's allegations that the government was having Canadian Forces render prisoners to Afghan torture, and that the government was informed of the torture. The Harper government has tried to deny knowledge of this. The "Open Letter" cites instances of public record where the government was informed, including evidence by Alex Neve of Amnesty International Canada presented to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development in 2008. LAW urges the Special Committee to uphold Canadian and International law through recommending a judicial inquiry, stopping transfers of any prisoners in Afghanistan to other countries, and protecting (with remedies) prisoners Canada has transferred to other countries. Previous.     Partial sources: "LAW calls for cessation of transfer of Afghan prisoners and a public inquiry to identify violations and recommend civil and criminal remedies," Gail Davidson/LAW, Dec. 21, 2009, Lawyers Against the War listserv.



December 20, 2009

      Copenhagen: the Copenhagen Accord was approved by the powerful nations in a manner that legally binds them to nothing. It recognizes the two degree Celsius goal as a limit for temperature rise; the recognition is not likely to be effective. Lumumba Stanislaus Diaping, representing the G77 (130 developing nations with 80% of the world's poor) - whom NYT refers to simply as "a Sudanese delegate" - has made it clear the accord as it stands condemns Africa to eventual death, among other nations / land masses of poorer peoples. His recognition of the genocidal aspect of industrial countries' refusal to put aside profits, frightened the Danish Prime Minister into finding Diaping's metaphor of the Nazi death camps, "despicable." While the world press covered well China and the U.S. in their evasion of emergency measures required to save entire peoples from the effects of temperature rise (over 1.5 Celsius is foreseen as catastrophic) the G77 position is ignored. Diaping said the agreement "is asking Africa to sign a suicide pact, an incineration pact in order to maintain the economic dependence of a few countries... It is a solution based on values that funneled six million people in Europe into furnaces" (Sudan Tribune). There is no mention made in world press or alternative coverage of Copenhagen, that the US. military use and production of weaponry is the primary threat to the world's environment, despite millions who watched the 5 Hiroshimas worth of destruction to of Iraq in the first campaign alone (also bombings of Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia) on television and the oil wells of Iraq burn.     Partial sources:"UN Climate Talks End With Bare Minimum Agreement," Reuters, Dec. 20, 2009, The New York Times; "Climate deal 'worst in history': G77," Agence France Presse, Dec 19, 2009, ; "Sudan climate negotiator ‘Holocaust’ remarks prompt angry response," Dec. 20, 2009, Sudan Tribune; "Copenhagen: World leaders 'face public fury' if agreement proves impossible," Dec 17, 2009,; "Chief G-77 Negotiator Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping: US-Backed Proposals Mean Death for Millions of Africans," Amy Goodman w. Lumumba Stanislaus Diaping, Dec 18, 2009, Democracy Now! (download suggested); "Leaked Internal UNFCCC Document: Global Temperatures Will Rise by More than Two Degrees Celsius," Amy Goodman w. Jade Lindgaard, Naomi Klein, Dec. 17, 2009, Democracy Now!.


      Savannah River Site South Carolina: for depleted uranium related news see our environment page with its direct link to Leuren Moret's video on d.u., the effects on the health of veterans (currently) and its use as a biological weapon in the genocide of Iraq.



December 18, 2009

      U.S.: political prisoner Jeffrey "Free" Luers was released from prison December 16th, 2009 after nine and a half years served of a twenty-two year eight month original unjust and illegal sentence.     Partial sources: "Eco-prisoner Jeff “Free” Luers released from prison," press release, Dec. 16, 2009, Civil Liberties Defense Center Oregon.


      Canada: Parliament begins to address the issue of prisoners detained by Canadian forces in Afghanistan. The turning over of prisoners to US forces was stopped when there was clear evidence these prisoners were then tortured. Subsequently Canadian Forces turned over prisoners to Afghan forces where the suspects were also tortured. Reports of this have been steadily available in the media, Committee Hearings, from concerned organizations (Gail Davidson, Lawyers Against the War letter of March 8, 2007 [archived]), as well as official reports from non-Canadian sources. A Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin has exposed the lack of government response to reports of prisoner abuse. The Harper government's ongoing denials of knowledge about the crimes are belayed by heavily redacted reports to requests for information. The Conservative government is not cooperating with Parliament's request for unredacted information on detainee transfer, despite Parliament's vote requesting it. As Christmas approaches, what is clear: Canadian Forces rendered first to the U.S. then Afghanistan Forces, prisoners / suspects, who were then tortured. This is a crime under Canada's adherence to the Geneva Conventions. The crime is a direct result of the government's policy. The Harper government has attempted to hide and deny evidence.     [Partial sources added 23/12/09: "Canada complicit in torture of innocent Afghans, diplomat says," Steve Chase, Nov 18, 2009, Globe and Mail; "Proof of detainee abuse exists, despite MacKay's denials," Paul Koring, Dec 6, 2009, Globe and Mail; "Peter MacKay reaches for the eggnog," Jane Taber, Dec 9, 2009, Globe and Mail; "Will he resign? Peter MacKay's 'very bad day' gets worse," Derrick O'Keefe, Dec. 9, 2009, apprec. Canadian Peace Alliance; "Tories accused of torture cover-up," Bruce Campion-Smith, Feb 2, 2008,; "Parliament in showdown with Harper government over Afghan documents," Jennifer Ditchburn, Dec 11, 2009, Canadian Press / Google News; "A who's who of officials named in Richard Colvin's testimony," Nov 23, 2009, CBC News; "Colvin disputes witnesses' detainee testimony," Dec. 16, 2009, CBC News; "Ottawa seeks to gag Afghan prisoner probe witnesses," Sept. 29, 2009,; "What Ottawa doesn't want you to know," Paul Koring, April 25, 2007, Globe and Mail; "From Canadian custody into cruel hands," Graeme Smith, April 23, 2007, Globe and Mail, etc..]


      Iraq: 900 Iraqi prisoners await execution in Iraqi prisons. These men and 17 women do not have access to lawyers. The BRussell's Tribunal in Belgium carries a petition to end the killing. See the link, Stop the Death Penalty in Iraq. If you enter the BRussell's Tribunal site, see "For Justice for Iraq" (in English, Spanish, Arabic), the outline of a legal case currently under consideration for prosecution by a Spanish judge, charging George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack H. Obama, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Anthony Blair and Gordon Brown with "war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide" against the people of Iraq: it concerns the "intended destruction of Iraq" for 19 years, and the unnecessary deaths of more than a million Iraqis by a low estimate. While the case takes care to overcome the defense of "intent" that US policy consistently uses in attempt to avoid application of the Convention on Genocide to U.S. policies, the documented destruction may be evidence enough. In building its Coalition for invading Iraq, US policy gathered with the spoils of an aggressive war most avenues of recourse to justice. The crime of genocide has no statute of limitations, and whether this case is accepted for prosecution in Spain, the facts and clarity of its argument will remain for eventual prosecution.



December 17, 2009

      Canada: 4500 Canadian Forces have been committed to the Vancouver Olympics as part of Task Force Vancouver, in addition to police and private securities forces estimated at 15,000. Edmonton's Lord Strathcona's Horse unit has been training with combat gear in field operations. The numbers of US military involved under NORAD is not revealed but the US State Department is setting up on an entire floor in downtown Vancouver, aside from its regular Consulate. The Olympics Civil Liberties Advisory Committee is seeking assurances from the RCMP that agents provocateurs will not be used and that the civil liberties of the people will be observed. See Amy Goodman at the border; see previous.     Partial sources: "Soldiers training for Olymnpic Games," Roger Knox, Nov. 17, 2009, Vernon Morning Star; "Olympic Civil Liberties Advisory Committee releases recommendations,"Jeremy Hainsworth, Dec.03, 2009, Where Queers Conspire; "US presence for 2010 Games," Bob Mackin, Dec. 1, 2009, The Hook.

      The Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in Canada which has protested Canadian Security Certificate application to five Muslims for nearly ten years reports that Federal Court Judge Richard Mosley has found the Certificate against Hassan Almrei, "not reasonable and must be quashed," faulting CSIS and the Canadian government for bad faith, withholding evidence, profiling, etc.. Almrei was arrested in 2001 on a Security Certificate and placed in solitary confinement. Other Security Certificate detainees are finding similar reactions from Canadian courts, which suggests there was a policy to further the "war on terrorism" by depriving five Muslim suspects of their human rights. Mohammad Mahjoub arrested in 2000, was released by court order November 30th, 2009, after a six month hunger strike - he was hospitalized November 26th. He is in need of bail funds [access:< >]. The Gerald and Maas North American Political Prisoners pages carry notes on the imprisonment of all five: Canadian Security Certificates.     Partial sources: "Hassan Almrei Finally Sees End of His Secret Trial Security Certificate!" i>Campaign to Stop Secret trials in Canada, Dec14, 2009, Nowar-Paix listserv. "Mahjoub: Support needed so he can be released quickly," Hunger Strike Support Committee - Montreal, Dec 16, 2009, Justice for Adil listerv.


      South Carolina: more on the Savannah River Site at environment page


      U.K.: Tzipi Livni, Foreign Minister of Israel during its invasion of Gaza, cancelled her trip to London after a warrant was issued for her arrest on war crimes charges.The warrant was withdrawn: she was not in England. Israeli officials are treating the matter as a political issue rather than an issue of law. Israel is trying to persuade the British government to change the laws which allow prosecution of Israeli officials among others for alleged war crimes. Concerning the US The Jerusalem Post notes 4 Jewish groups are asking the Supreme Court to overturn the decision of a lower court allowing civil prosecution of individual officials for war crimes. The US. Foreign Sovereignity Immunity Act is usually used to dismiss charges against officials, but the position seems to approve of war crimes when administered by a government policy. Because there is difficulty in holding Israelis accountable for acts which are considered war crimes when committed by nationals of other countries, non-government initiatives will probably gain strength. This applies to the war crimes of other powerful nations as well. Most peoples do not like war crimes. See "Kawther Salam" at links and her "Names and Photos of Israeli War Criminals in Gaza" [access:< >]. See previous. See previous, etc.     Partial sources: "Arrest warrant issued for Tzipi Livni," Marcus Dysch, Dec 15, 2009, The Jewish Chronicle; "UK court issues, then revokes, arrest warrant for Israel ex-foreign minister," Carrie Schimizzi, Dec. 15, 2009, Jurist - Paper Chase; "Israeli officials at risk for civil lawsuits," E.B. Solomont, Dec. 16, 2009, The Jerusalem Post; "Israel upset after U.K. warrant targets politician," Dec. 15, 2009, CBC News.



November 29, 2009

      South Carolina: the South is losing its battle against military and corporate contamination of land and water, particularly in African-American poor areas; as irreversible damage increases, the lack of people's resistance can be attributed to the media. See environment news, Nov. 29th.


      Congo: as foreign interests continue to extricate the Congo's resources, all its people remain victims of a crime. Friends of the Congo (see links) notes that contract reviews of mining rights reveal mining companies gain 600% while the government of Congo less than 5%.     Partial sources: "The Basics of the Chinese Deal ," Blog Scholar, Nov. 19, 2009, Friends of the Congo [access:< >]; "Some Shocking Facts Behind the Mining Review Process," Blog Scholar, March 25, 2009, FOTC; "Our mining companies' responsibility to the Congo: Response from FOTC Canada," Bodia Macharia, Oct. 29, 2009, FOTC; "Our mining companies' responsibility to the Congo," Keith Martin, Pct. 27, 2009, National Post.

Historical note: Some of the Canadian Mining corporations in the Congo are First Quantum Minerals Ltd., Lundin Mining Corporation, Simberi Mining Corporation, Africo Resources Ltd, SouthernEra Diamonds Inc. (ref. Keith Martin, National Post)

      Canada: a respected American journalist, Amy Goodman and 2 co-workers were interrogated for over an hour, November 25th, at a Canadian border crossing. She is host of Democracy Now! [access:< >] providing an alternative to corporate media news. She was on her way to address an audience at the Vancouver Public Library. Questions about the substance of her speech, what exactly she planned to say, when asked at a border station where an individual's rights are under threat of suspension, become a political act by law enforcement. Vancouver is currently hosting a massive police / military buildup as 'security' for the Olympic games. Local protestors have been under police pressure for over a year. Confidentiality of the Goodman team's computers - which could include research material, access to news sources, writings, - areas protected by the rights of journalists in free countries, was violated. Unlike two women Mohawk editors, the journalist was not beaten, and unlike British MP George Galloway who wasn't allowed in the country to speak at a Toronto church, Ms. Goodman was permitted temporary entry.     Partial sources: "Amy Goodman Detained at the Canadian Border, questioned about speech," Nov. 26, 2009, Democracy Now!; "What Olymnpics ? Baffled U.S. radio host interrogated at border," Petti fong, Nov. 28, 2009, The Toronto Star / .



November 19, 2009

      New York City: Lynne Stewart, 70, was placed in prison today in an apparent attempt to frighten American lawyers into cooperation with what have turned out to be criminal acts of state (previous, see "The detention of Muslims and their defenders"). The civil rights lawyer of long standing was a court-appointed attorney for the Muslim cleric, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. He was convicted in 1995 (life with an additional 100yrs) of conspiracy to commit "terrorism", with nine other defendants. The New York Times called the charge a "Civil War-era seditious conspiracy charge"; the alleged violent crimes were not committed. Abdel-Rahman was arrested in 1993, about three years after the US military dropped five Hiroshimas worth of ordnance on the innocent civilian population of Iraq. The prosecution relied partly on the services of a planted FBI informant / bombmaker requesting a million dollar fee, which parallels the entrapment fees in Canadian joint "anti-terrorism" operations (see "February 5, 2007" at "Those called 'the Toronto 18"). As the American public was primed with the "war on terror" after 9/11, Stewart's legal team was charged by the Ashcroft Justice Department for sharing communications from the blind and isolated cleric with his community outside. Despite rights of humanity which cannot legally be bartered to anyone, communications were not allowed. In Stewart's case the prosecutor asked 30 years. The judge sentenced her to 28 months. Her entry to prison was delayed for medical care and appeals, until today. Disbarred, she honours the legal profession by placing humanity before self-protection under persecution. The government, currently preparing New York City for the "war on terrorism" trials of Guantanamo prisoners (see The Daily News headline below) is attempting to extend her sentence. Persecution of a defense team reflects a military tactic under dictatorships, of imprisoning lawyers for representing clients whatever their beliefs. Lynne Stewart's assistant, Mohamed Yousry, a court-appointed translator, begins 20 months in prison simply for providing a translation. They are innocent. There is American decency but Lynne Stewart and Mohamed Yousry take a piece of it with them to prison.

"The holy Koran commands the faithful not to commit aggression" ... "The bombing of the World Trade Center could not have been done by a true Muslim." - Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, as quoted in Time
    Partial sources: "Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman: A Voice of Holy War," Jill Smolowe, Edward Barnes et al, March 15, 1993, Time; "The Terror Conspiracy: the Overview; Sheik and 9 Followers Guilty of a Conspiracy of Terrorism," Joseph P. Fried, Oct. 2, 1995, The New York Times; "The Lynne Stewart CaseWhen Representing an Accused Terrorist Can Mean the Lawyer Risks Jail, Too," Elaine Cassel. Oct. 12, 2002, Counterpunch; "Conviction of Sheik's Lawyer for Assisting Terrorism Is Upheld," Benjamin Weiser, Nov. 17, 2009, New York Times; "Civil Rights Attorney Lynne Stewart Responds to Court Ruling Upholding Conviction and Ordering Her to Prison," Amy Goodman & Lynne Stewart, Nov. 18, 2009, Democracy Now!; "Ex-lawyer ordered to prison on terror conviction," Larry Neumeister, AP, Nov. 18, 2009, Google News; "Lynn Stewart in Jail !" Jeff Mackler, Nov. 19, 2009, Monthly Review online; "Terror moll gets hers: At long last, lawyer-turned-felon Lynne Stewart is going to prison," editorial, Nov. 19, 2009, New York Daily News.



November 18, 2009

Updates on Honduras are included to help identify government policies which should be placed within a context of the Convention on Genocide. Government policies in Iraq and Afghanistan have led to a continuing eradication of national groups, particularly of the poor. This is more evident as the national groups of vulnerable countries become increasingly - "the poor," and the forces violating the Convention are more clearly colonial, using servant / puppet governments in the targeted countries to commit the crimes.

      Honduras: the Honduran resistance has again announced its refusal to recognize the upcoming elections November 29th, because it is not represented. Its members will not vote. On November 14th President Zelaya wrote President Obama that he will not recognize the coup government's elections. Today the governments of Brazil and Argentina have announced that unequivocally they will not recognize the elections. In its capacity for information technology / computer systems, the Harris Corporation has been awarded $38 million dollars to team with U.S. Southern Command's "Joint Task Force Bravo" located at Soto Cano AFBase (Honduras), commanding Central American operations. COFADEH (Committee of Families of Missing Detainees in Honduras), the Honduran human rights organization, has released its second report on violations since the military coup June 28th: "Statistics and Faces of the Represssion," based on overt repression of the resistance by the X Battalion (from Marcala-La Paz) and the persecution of teachers and youth. COFADEH is calling a national emergency and asking international concern. 4234 violations registered (June 28th - Oct. 15) include violence against nonviolent demonstrations, violent targeting of journalists, charges of political crimes, injuries and death by chemical and sound weapons, threats and attacks against human rights workers, "beatings, torture, sexual violation,assassination," the use of mercenaries to implement a previous structure of death squads (1980's), "the criminalization of public protest," 3033 "arbitrary arrests and detentions", suspended rights, curfew and what observers would recognize as martial law. Violations have been verified by members of the international human rights community ("COFADEH Report in English" and Granma). A summary of women's reports on violations as presented to the International Commission on Human Rights ("Report on Women's Human Rights Violations Shows Systematic Attack on Women Under Honduran Coup," Jessica Sanchez and Adelay Carias, Nov. 12, 2009, Americas-MexicoBlog / Axis of Logic) notes 100 demonstrations against the coup, over 50% women demonstrators, 4000-6000 detentions, documented acts of violence against women including use of "nail studded police batons", violence aimed at vagina, breast, buttock, police gang rape as "punishment", shootings, media censorship, sexual intimidation, intimidation against registering reported abuse, etc.. On June 29th the government banned emergency contraception. In an interview with Democracy Now! John Perkins suggested what the media has not, that the coup removing President Zelaya from Honduras was not only the result of his attempt to reform the Constitution but his call for raising the lowest wage rate by 60%. Perkins specified Dole and Chiquita as the most affected employers, and considers the overthrow of that democracy a standard CIA sponsored coup. See previous, previous, previous, etc..     Partial sources: "Argentina y Brasil reiteran no reconocer elecciones Honduras," Versiani & Villaverde, Nov. 18, 2009, Reuters America Latina; "Southern Command gets network boost in Honduras," David Hubler, Nov. 18, 2009, 110S Government Information Group / Media Inc.; "Ousted Honduran president rejects upcoming election," Nov. 15, 2009, CNN News; "Resistance in Honduras calls for abstention from elections," Nov. 17, 2009, Granma International Online Editions; "Hondurans Face Emergenency Situation," Oct. 27, 2009, Havana Times; "COFADEH Report in English," trans. Atlee & Cozameth, Nov.11, 2009, The Quixote Center; "Hoodwinked: Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded—and How to Remake Them," John Perkins with Amy Goodman, Nov. 10, 2009, Democracy Now!.


      Italy: while the UN Food Summit (called the "Hunger Summit") convened in Rome over the past three days officials noted a lack of participation and commitment by world powers to feed the global 1 billion who are "hungry". Of the richest nations (G8) the leaders of France, Germany, Japan, the U.S., U.K., Canada and Russia, did not attend. Oxfam called the offerings "crumbs".     Partial sources: "UN official questions world's hunger comnmitment," Frances D'Emilio, AP, Nov. 18, 2009, Google News; "Lack of top leaders hobbled UN Hunger summit: Diouf," Agence France Presse, Nov. 18, 2009, Google News.



November 9, 2009

      Canada: on November 6th after six years of investigation the RCMP made a second arrest under the Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act charging a resident of Windsor Ontario with the crime of genocide committed in Rwanda. See previous.     Partial sources: "Windsor man faces genocide charge," Dave Rogers, Nov. 8, 2009, Ottawa Citizen online; "Canadian man charged in Rwandan genocide," UPI, Nov. 8, 2009,

Historical note: as the interface with the international law proceeds within Canadian law, war crime prosecutions for genocide risk the dangers of selective application. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was not able to address the upper reaches of the crime. This continues to undercut the Tribunal's authority. The shooting down of the Rwandan president's plane triggering mass killings and coinciding with the invason of Rwanda by current President Paul Kagame's forces, remains suspect as a U.S. and U.K. operation engineered with foreseeable results. According to his affidavit when Michael Hourigan, an Australian investigator / lawyer for the Tribunal, supplied Chief Prosecutor Louise Arbour (Canada) with a memorandum of evidence concerning Kagame's responsibility for the plane crash, Arbour placed the issue beyond the Tribunal's power. Nor was her successor Carla Del Ponte, once the Attorney General of Switzerland, able to bring charges or pursue the evidence and she made public the pressures against her. Kagame's government actively impeded investigations, and the U.S. and U.N. had her removed from Rwanda. Both women chief prosecutors went into the job with reputations for integrity and bravery. The two were not adequately supported by the governments which created the Tribunal, due to the governments' military and political agendas. There remains evidence of Kagame's and U.S. responsibility in a militarily engineered genocide, ignored by the ICTR. Additional measures to protect judges and staff from political management are needed. Evidence of threats, replacement, retaliation, political and national pressures on judges / officials at international law is evidence of crimes under Canada's War Crimes Act: "Offences against the Administration of Justice" / "Infractions Portant Atteinte à l'Administration de la Justice"). Specifically stated in the U.N. Convention against Genocide is the requirement of application: "Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals" (Article IV).

      Peru: the country's primary organization representing Indigenous peoples, Amazon Interethnic Development Association of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP), is under attack from the Peruvian government which has requested it be dissolved by order of the 37 Criminal Court (Lima) received October 15, 2009. This attempt to deprive native peoples of a unified voice follows President Garcia's declaration during the mining protests of the summer, that Peru's resources belong to all its people, meaning the state. The state sells to / licenses foreign interests in a manner that historically has kept the people impoverished. See previous     Partial source: "Peru: Government launches attack on Indigenous peoples' organisation," trans. Kiraz Janicke, Nov. 4, 2009, Links: international journal of socialist renewal.


      Italy: on November 4th, 22 U.S. CIA employees / agents and a U.S. Air Force colonel were found guilty and sentenced in an Italian court for participating in a U.S. "extraordinary renditions" action involving the abduction of Muslim cleric, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, taken to Egypt and tortured. The former Milan CIA station chief received 8 years, the others five years. The station chief for Italy and another higher-up claimed and were allowed diplomatic immunity, a tactic that double-crossed their people in the field. The convicted are required to pay the victim and his wife 1.5 million euros. Although the U.S. says it will not allow extradition of the criminals to Italy, they are liable to seizure in most other countries.     Partial sources: "CIA agents guilty of Italy kidnap," Nov. 4, BBC News; "CIA verdict in Italy challenges Obama on renditions," Phil Stewart, Nov. 5, 2009, Thomson Reuters.


      United Nations: the General Assembly has approved the Goldstone Report, (see previous) and by vote of 114 yes (interestingly Ireland and Portugal), 44 abstentions (notably England, France, Spain), and 18 no's (ie. the U.S., Canada, Australia, Israel, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and others).     Partial sources: "General Assembly backs findings of UN report into Gaza conflict," Nov. 5, 2009, UN News Centre; "U.N. Assembly votes for Probes of Gaza War Charges," Reuters, Nov. 6, 2009, Bernama. com; "UN Vote on Goldstone 'Depressingly Predicatable'," PR Newswire, Nov. 5, 2009, SOA World Magazine.


      U.S.: The Washington Post reports four hundred thousand names (however, a million "entries") are now on the FBI's "terrorism watch list". Currently the intelligence community turns in 1600 names for inclusion each day. The present list was initiated by George W. Bush in September of 2003.     Sources: "1,600 are suggested daily for FBI's list," Walter Pincus, Nov. 1, 2009, The Washington Post; "U.S. terrorism watch list tops 1 million," Randall Mikkelsen, July 14, 2008, Reuters.



November 4, 2009

      Seattle Washington: on November 2nd, five people - 3 priests, a nun, two mothers, all of ages 60 to 83 cut through three security fences at the Kitsap - Bangor Naval Base, made their way to the Strategic Weapons Facility - Pacific grounds, spread their blood and sunflower seeds, hammered on access ways and fences, and were arrested. It was early morning of All Souls Day. The base has over 2000 nuclear warheads, about a quarter of the declared U.S. nuclear arsenal and is refitted for the Trident D-5, a missile system of possible first strike uses, with 8 nuclear warheads each. Each warhead maximum capacity is about 30 times the force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. When arrested Security placed hoods over the heads of each, handcuffed and forced them to the ground and kept them there in the wet four hours before interrogation by base security, FBI, and NCIS, then charged them with trespass and destruction of U.S. property and released three possibly all. Because of the Trident's accuracy, required for destroying hardened missile silos of an 'enemy,' these missile systems are considered first strike weapons: an 'enemy' missile silo would be empty if its missile were deployed. The protestors are acting in accord with the Nuremberg principles under international law, their faith and in the truth of their consciences. This Plowshares action is called Disarm Now Trident Plowshares Action; its participants are Bill Bischel, Susan Crane, Lynne Greenwald, Steve Kelly, Anne Montgomery. For other Plowshares actions see Fr. Carl Kabat currently awaiting trial December 21rst in Greeley Colorado; also Weapons of Mass Destruction Here Plowshares (sentences served); also Sacred Earth and Space Plowshares #2 (sentences served); other actions are noted in these archives; for Plowshares anti-nuclear nonviolent actions since 1980 see links: plowshares disarmament actions; Gerald and Maas Plowshares posters are among early posters     Partial sources: "Disarm Now Plowshares act at Trident Sub Base," Nov. 2, 2009, Jonah House [access:< .]; "US priests and nuns protest at world's largest nuclear base," Nov. 3, 2009, ICN ~ independent catholic news; "First strike," as of Nov. 4, 2009, Wikipedia; "eighty-one-year-old Catholic priest and num abused after weapons protest," staff, Nov. 3, 2009, Ekklesia; "Antiwar demonstrators cut fence at Bangor sub base," AP, Nov. 3, 2009, Houston Chronicle.


      Canada: in a partisan threat to freedom of speech and attempts to sustain the survival of the people in Gaza, on March 20th the Conservative government barred U.K. Minister of Parliament George Galloway's entry to Canada. The denial was upheld by Federal Court on March 30, 2009. See previous. And previous. Galloway's participation in the campaign for humanitarian aid to relieve Gaza's suffering was construed as an infraction of Canada's laws which place Hamas on its list of terrorist organizations. On October 30th Canada's Federal Court agreed to a judicial review in January 2010.     Partial sources: "Court will review Government decision to bar British MP George Galloway from Canada," multi-sourced, Nov. 4, 2009, Nowar-Paix listserv; "Banned British MP to get day in court," Canwest News Services, Nov. 2, 2009, The Windsor Star.



October 29, 2009

      Canada: convicted on May 22, 2009, of 7 counts of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, all crimes which occurred in Rwanda, Désiré Munyaneza was sentenced today in a Montreal court (the Superior Court of Quebec) to life in prison with parole eligibility after 25 years. He may appeal the sentence. The case was brought under Canada's War Crimes Act (links to French and English texts ).     Partial sources: "Life sentence for Rwandan convicted of war crimes," Amy Luft, AP, Oct. 29, 2009, Google News; "Sentence in R. v. Munyaneza," Marketwire, Oct. 29, 2009, SOA world (India); "Munyaneza gets life in jail for Rwandan war crimes," Oxct. 29, 2009, CBC News; "Rwandan gets life in prison for war crimes," Catherine Solyum, Oct. 29, 2009, Montreal Gazette /Vancouver Sun.

An exclusive in The Toronto Star publishes previously unavailable photos which may prove Omar Khadr's innocence. The photos show Khadr's body buried in rubble at the time he was alleged to be attacking a U.S. soldier, and before he was shot by U.S. military. The evidence was presented by Khadr's military lawyers to a US task force investigating Guantanamo. The Harper government is currently under court order to request Khadr's return to Canada but has appealed the court's decision for the second time. See previous.     Partial sources: "Omar Khadr 'innocent' in death of U.S. soldier," Michelle Shephard, Oct. 28, 2009, The Toronto Star apprecLAW.



October 23, 2009

      Iraq, Afghanistan, the former Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Gaza... : while the US and Canadian departments of defense and the World Health Organization continue to minimize health risks of depleted uranium, and information concerning medical effects of DU on US and Canadian veterans is suppressed, doctors working at Iraq's Fallujah General Hospital report that in the month of September 2009, out of 170 childbirths 24% of the babies were dead within a week. 75% of the dead were deformed. The doctors have found in the past that some of the deformed babies who survive then develop disabilities. The statistics reflect U.S. and British use of depleted uranium weapons and white phosphorous. For the Fallujah campaign see "Fallujah, April 13th, 2004," with other entries. Military actions against Fallujah may show the "specific intent" necessary for prosecution of genocide under U.S. Law; the ongoing destruction of life is evidence.   In the Iraqi province of Babil, south of Baghdad there are 10 times as many cancer cases now as three years ago.     Partial sources: "Deformed babies in Fallujah / Iraq : Letter to the United Nations," Dr Nawal Majeed Al-Sammarai & others, Oct. 12, 2009 [access:< >]; Video: "US ammunition blamed for Iraqi cancer hike - 12 Oct 09," You Tube, Aljazeera English; Video: "Iraqi cancer figures soar," Oct. 13, 2009,; "Depleted Uranium," Fact sheet # 257, Current - Revised 2003, World Health Organization; "Genocide in Fallujah," by Brussells Tribunal, March 27, 2005,; U.S. Code Collection (Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 50A) #1091, Genocide, as of Jan. 8, 2008, Cornell University Law School [access:< >]; "America's Poison Legacy," David Lindorff, Oct. 19, 2009, Pacific Free Press; "Depleted Uranium," Bureau of International Information Programs / U.S.Dept. of State, Jan. 14, 2005,

The effects of depleted uranium on the next generation are foreseen in early reports by Mohammed Daud Miraki concerned with Afghan children / civilians : "The Silent Genocide from America," and "The Perpetual Death from America.", first noted in our Genocide Warnings archive, June 14, 2004. In 2007 Alfred Lambremont Webre mentions in his article on Canada's contribution to US DU production that the Canadian military in Afghanistan was wearing dosimeters in the field.

Editor's note: documentation of the medical effects of depleted uranium is increasingly suppressed online and rare after 2006. U.S. Government denials of DU's threat to its own military personnel as well as to entire targeted civilian populations seem intended to sidestep charges of genocide. Recommended: "Talk - Leuren Moret on Depleted Uranium," April 6, 2005, Seattle (entirety [video access:< >], excerpt [access:< >], apprec. DUaChemBioRadiation.


October 22, 2009

      Turkey: women wearing their headscarves in affirmation of religious beliefs are reportedly being persecuted at times of interface with the official machinery, ie. hospital clinics, universities, political meetings.     Partial sources: "Doctor refused examining a patient who is old as a grandmother" ("Examples from Discriminatory applications Implemented due to the Headscarf 2009") Att. Fatma Benli, Oct. 22, 2009, email; "Doctor in Turkey refuses to treat elderly woman for wearing headscarf," Oct. 8, 2009, World Bulletin.


      Canada: ordered to leave Canada by September 11th, Rodney Watson (see previous) who came to Canada from the U.S. in 2006 instead of serving another tour in Iraq on extended duty,has been given sanctuary by Vancouver's First United Church. Watson has a Canadian child and fiancée. Parliament has twice voted to stop deportation of U.S. war resisters.     Partial sources: "War resister finds sanctuary," Stig Nielsen, Oct. 20, 2009, Metro Vancouver; "US war resister first to take sanctuary in Canada after being ordered deported," Camille Bains, Oct. 20, 2009, The Canadian Press; "Iraq war deserter takes sanctuary in downtown church," Richard J. Dalton Jr., Oct. 19, 2009, The Vancouver Sun.

Montreal: former U.S. President Bush (see previous) was given a standing ovation by Montreal corporate and business leaders before he spoke at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel. Amid several hundred protestors outside he was burned in effigy. Many threw shoes. Five were arrested. Aside from the expenses of local police departments, RCMP security for Bush lectures in Canada this year cost Canada an estimated half a million dollars.     Partial sources: "Bush jokes as protesters burn his effigy outside downtown Montreal hotel," Canadian Press, Oct. 22, 2009, Google News; 5 arrested at anti-Bush protest in Montreal," Oct. 22, 2009, CBC News; "Tab for Mounties to protect Bush expected to exceed $500,000," Bill Curry, Sept. 26, 2009, The Globe and Mail.


      Nigeria: the AP reports instances of 200 children from 13 churches, tortured / killed because they were accused of being "witches" after denunciation by their pastors; this is substantiated by the Catholic Bishop of Uromi's report to the Vatican's Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops; he acknowledges the persecution and occasional slaughter of those assumed to be witches, particularly among pentacostal congregations, and asks the Synod for advice.     Partial sources: "Churches denounce African children as 'witches'," Katherine Houreld, Oct. 17, 2009, Associated Press / Newsday; "Interventions from Synod's 11th Congregation," Oct. 12, 2009, Global Zenit News.


      Peru: Shining Path leader Abimael Guzman's book, De Puno y Letra, smuggled out of prison, has appeared in Peru. Reuters reports the work asks amnesty for The Shining Path and asks his followers to vote / partake in the democratic process (In presidential elections planned for 2011 polls currently favour Alberto Fujimori's daughter - the ex-president himself is in prison for selected war crimes and lesser convictions, but is likely to be pardoned if his daughter wins). Peru's government [is reported to have] hired [name deleted under threat of legal action], an Israeli 'security' firm, for 10 million dollars, to instruct Peru's special forces in fighting the Shining Path. [Name deleted under threat of legal action], previously instructed [ie. trained] Georgian forces, subsequently accused of genocide by Russia for their tactics. Peru's government has recently awarded 10 million dollars in reparations to impoverished communities which suffered (70 thousand victims) in the previous major campaign against guerrillas.     Partial sources: "Shining Path leader stirs Peru with jailhouse book," Terry Wade & Patricia Velez," Sept. 16, 2009, Reuters Alertnet; [under threat of legal action by attorneys representing a security company based in Israel, the unlinked noting of an article once published by Haaretz on Oct. 15, 2009, is removed from mention here Dec. 14, 2011; for current verification of the relevant reports: "Military Planning Major Attack on Guerrillas," Ángel Páez, May 19, 2011, IPS; "Perú: La guerrilla se reactiva, el gobierno se rearma," Eduardo Berezán, 09/08/10,; "Ex militares israelíes entrenarán a patrullas de Perú contra el terrorismo," Agencia EFE, Nov. 7, 2009,; "WikiLeaks show U.S., Israel arms rivalry in S. America," May 10, 2011,; "WikiLeaks: Peru hired Petah Tikva firm to fight guerrillas," Yaakov Katz, 12/16/2010, The Jerusalem Post; "How Israel Has Helped Georgia Train Troops And Supply It With Weapons," 08/11/08, (Jerusalem); "Head of World Congress of Russian Jewry accuses Georgia of genocide," Lily Galili & Haaretz Correspondent, 16/08/08,; "Georgia is guilty of genocide - Medvedev," Aug. 10, 2008, RT; "Putin accuses Georgia of genocide," Aug. 10, 2008, RT; others ]; "Peru Pays $10 Million in Reparations to Terror Victims," Oct. 22, 2009, Latin American Herald Tribune.



October 20, 2009

      Canada: Edmonton is hosting former U.S. President George W. Bush today, Saskatoon tomorrow, Montreal on October 22nd. Under current law when "there are reasonable grounds to believe" a person has violated Canada's War Crimes Act (Sections 4-7) - specifically "genocide", "a war crime", or "a crime against humanity", that person isn't to be allowed entry to Canada whether a Minister of the Government intercedes or not (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, Div. 4, 35, 1, a). The law is clear. In "Barring Bush from Canada: time for the Law to step in," Gail Davidson of Lawyers Against the War who has repeatedly made this point, suggests the law's application. See Lawyers Against the War [access:< >]. LAW's previous encouragements to deny George Bush entry and charging him with war crimes (torture) were not well accepted. By selective application of the law the Harper government subverts Canada's law intended in this case to keep war criminals out of Canada but more deeply intended to deter war crimes. Although Canadian law interfaces with international law and the International Criminal Court, and shows increasingly brave judicial decisions in defense of individual rights, Canada's legal system so far has provided no effective resistance to the war crimes of its allies and those responsible for the crimes. The attempt to make war criminals acceptable helps 'normalize' policies of neo-conservative Canadian politicians who encourage participation in the destruction of other countries.     Partial sources: "Barring George W. Bush from Canada: Time for the Law to Step in," Gail Davidson, Oct. 18, 2009, Lawyers Against the War [access:< >]; "War Criminal George W. Bush Not Welcome in Canada! TMLD," Oct.19, 2009, TML Daily apprec. nowar-paix.



October 18, 2009

      Guatemala: at the end of September there were two killings of community leaders claiming land with their people. Others were wounded. The land is also claimed by Canadian HudBay Minerals (Manitoba) through its Compañia Guatemalteca de Niquel. The Company's explanation that the people are shooting eachother is not widely accepted. In a country where an internationally recognized genocide has occurred without adequate prosecution and redress (some war crimes are being addressed ~ see previous) in 2008 HudBay bought the nickel mining operation from Vancouver's Skye Resources, which in turn bought Canadian INCO's interest in Exmibal (the INCO company in Guatemala) in 2004. At the time INCO acquired 14% of Skye. US Hanna has been working Guatemala since 1956 (the CIA overthrew Arbenz in 1953), with INCO buying in about 1960.     Partial sources: "Recent killings linked to Canadian-owned nickel mine in Guatemala," Dawn Paley, Oct. 1, 2009, Upside Down world; "Heads They win, Tails You Lose," Dawn Paley, Nov. 17, 2008, The Dominion; "Guatemala: an Ongoing Commitment to Good Community Relations," April 5, 2004, INCO 2004 Social Responsibility.


      Honduras: there are reports of arbitrary shootings in poor neighborhoods, by police and unknown paramilitary. The victims are then required to pay for own their medical treatement. See previous    Source: "Honduras De Facto Regime Opens Fire in Poor Neighborhoods," Dick Emanuelsson & Mirian Huezo Emanuelsson, Oct. 14, 2009, Upside Down World.


      US: Political Prisoner update: on July 28, 2009 Leonard Peltier was refused parole, despite the increasing evidence of his persecution, and despite more than reasonable doubt concerning his conviction. Peltier is an overt example of retribution and 'management' of activists during a period when the F.B.I. is implicated in the assassinations of American political leaders. See notes on our political prisoners pages Leonard Peltier and also for material concerning Peltier at John Graham . Peltier is eligible for parole again in 2024.... The Black August Organizing Committee has requested that Congress'es Black Caucus be allowed to visit - with a concern for prisoner maltreatment, high profile political prisoners in the U.S., in particular Imam al-Amin, abused without explanation in ADX Florence Supermax security facility (Colorado). Treatment of Imam al-Amin has been consistently abusive, legally in question, beyond decency or wisdom. The cases of Leonard Peltier and Imam Jamil Abdullah al-Amin require investigation, rectification, redress, and should be of concern to the International Red Cross and other agencies of International Law with a mandate of protecting human rights. See Imam al-Amin at our political prisoner archives.     Partial sources: "Leonard Peltier: Parole denied," Eric Seitz, Aug. 21, 2009, BayView; "Stop torture in U.S. prisons," the Black August Organizing Committee, Aug. 31, 2009, BayView;"Imam Jamil al-Amin in 23 Hour Lockdown," Kairi Al-Amin, Feb.23, 2009, Suhaib Webb.


      Israel: over eighty-four high school students in Tel-Aviv have issued a letter stating their refusal to serve in the military, and citing Israel's oppression in the occupied territories. To refuse means jail time in their true struggle to retain a conscience for Israel. The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has strongly endorsed the Goldstone Report (see previous) and turned it over to the UN General Assembly for consideration. The HRC resolution condemns Israel for its "non-cooperation", omits any mention of Hamas, and affirms presentation of the report to the UN Security Council if serious war crimes investigations aren't begun by Israel and Hamas within 6 months. Ie. see Kawther Salam's work - previous and from our links page..     Partial sources: "Israeli Youth Resist Conscription," anon, Oct. 15, 2009, Infoshop News; "Israeli Youth Reject Army Call-up," Oct. 13, 2009 upd,; "UN Rights Council slams Israel for its 'non-cooperation' with the Goldstone commission," Oct. 18, 2009, Jerusalem Post; "Netanyahu vows to fight UN report," Oct. 17, 2009,



October 12, 2009

      Honduras: a shot was fired at the Church conference headquarters in Tegucigalpa. The Catholic hierarchy supported the military coup against the people, warning Zelaya not to return to avoid bloodshed ( if to make him responsibile for any resulting violence ?). See previous. The coup government continues to close the media outlets of its opposition, issuing a decree for revocation of business licenses for media which might threaten national security. A national assembly of the National Front against the coup meets this week. WW4 Report offers reports that coup supporters are hiring former paramilitaries of groups linked to death squads and war crimes, from Colombia and other Central and South American countries. See previous.     Partial sources: "Zelaya supporters blast Honduras media crackdown," AFP, Oct. 12, 2009, Google news; "Honduras Resistance to Discuss Next Steps," Oct. 11, 2009,; "Honduras "importing" Colombian paras as mercenaries?" Oct. 12, 2009, World War 4 Report; "Zelaya supporters blast Honduras media crackdown," AFP, Oct. 12, 2009, The Sydney Morning Herald [access:< >; "Honduras: Catholic Church in Tegucigalpa attacked," Oct. 12, 2009, momento; "The Honduran Catholic Church's True Colours: Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga," Ecologica, July 5 - Oct.9, 2009, [access:< >] blog.



October 10, 2009

      Zimbabwe update: in a State attempting to emerge from economic and health disasters, a small group of tortured human rights activists (others are still missing) are suing the government for half a billion dollars. The European Commission on Zimbabwe of the European Union is offering the equivalent of nearly 24 million Canadian dollars, in seed and fertilizer as assistance intended for 700,000 small-scale farmers. As for the approximately 400 commercial white farmers who remain with their farms, they have found legal support from the Southern African Development Community Court, Namibia, but in Zimbabwe face harm, burnings, and the government's continuing seizure of lands. Foreigners are barred from owning agricultural properties. Ben Freeth, a white farm owner, is in Washington seeking U.S. assistance. Morgan Tsvangirai, once against land seizures and championed as an opponent to Robert Mugabe, has managed to change Zimbabwe's Constitution allowing himself unlimited terms in office.     Partial sources: "Zimbabwe activists sue state for 500 million. Chengetai Zvauya (AP, Oct. 1, 2009, Antiwar Newswire; "EU gives 15.4 mln euros aid to Zimbabwe farmers," Nelson Banya, Oct. 8, 2009, Thomson Reuters; "Zimbabwe farmer Ben Freeth begs Barack Obama to stop Robert Mugabe land grab," Christina Lamb, Oct. 11, 2009, Times online UK; "Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai amends Constitution giving himself unlimited terms," Oct. 10, 2009,


      UK: a report by the national Department of Children, Schools and Families shows eight times as many children with special needs are excluded from the schools: 33 for every 10,000 students. Other groupings of pupils most likely to be banned are Roma, Irish Travellers and Blacks from the Caribbean.     Partial sources: "Special needs pupils 'excluded eight times more than others'" John Roberts, Oct. 8, 2009, Yorkshire Post UK; "Special needs exclusions targeted," The Press Association, Oct., 2009, Google News; "Special needs exclusions targeted," Sept. 28, 2009, BBC News.


      India update: "Operation Green Hunt" has at least 75,000 paramilitary troops under arms. The purpose of the operation is said to be India's need to demonstrate the government's authority over a central region. For months India's media have been raising the fear & hate level against Naxalites who are called Maoists. Government ads are reported in newspapers stating “Naxals are nothing but cold blooded murderers”. The Naxal movement gathers recruits from rich and poor and is currently under attack in Chhattisgarh. In Orissa to the East Journalists are organizing to protest the arrest in September of fellow journalist Laxman Choudhury. He is charged with "assisting Maoists" and sedition. Choudhury had written an article critical of the police cooperation with drug traffickers. Chairman of India's National Commission for Scheduled Castes (ie. for the Dalit) Buta Singh, a Sikh, has criticized the government of Orissa for 6000 cases of atrocities against Dalits, pending in court but unprosecuted. With "Operation Green Hunt" occuring in nearby Chhattisgarh, the Chief Minister of Orissa has requested 7 battalions of paramilitary be sent to his province. See previous.     Partial sources: "Orissa ‘not serious’ in tackling Scheduled Castes’ problems: panel," IANS, Octo. 9, 2009, Thaindian News. "Orissa journalists to protest colleague’s arrest," IANS, Oct. 10, 2009, Sindh Today; "Orissa CM expresses concern over Operation Green Hunt, seeks seven CRPF battalion," Sept. 19, 2009, Odisha Today and suggests a multi-caste force as opposed to caste killings evidenced in the Orissa region with persecution of Christians and Dalits. "Why the Green Hunt rhetoric rings so hollow," Mukul Kesavan, Oct. 9, 2009, & WSJ ;"Weapons of Mass Desperation," Shoma Chaudhury, Oct. 3, 2009, Tehelka Magazine.





October 7, 2009.     News items concerned with endangered groups increasingly suggest that governments are becoming a primary threat to the survival of minorities.

      Chad: Amnesty International U.S. is reporting mass house/business demolitions /evictions in Chad, targeting opponents of the ruling party. Amnesty reports 3700 homes and businesses in Chad's capital city destroyed in the past 12 months. AI has also documented mass eviciton in Angola, Kenya, Nigeria in July and August.     Partial sources: "Who is demolishing all those homes?" Oct. 5, 2009, Amnesty International US email; "Kenya urged to end forced evictions," Laura Walubengo, Oct. 5, 2009, Capital News Kenya.


      Sri-Lanka: in the government's war with the Tamil the government of China supported the military regime. About 300,000 Tamil are estimated currently interned. The UN continues to find difficulties applying influence, despite the International Criminal Court's concern with the government's human rights violations. See previous.    Partial sources: " Colombo risks squandering Sri Lanka's hard-won peace," Brahma Chellaney, Sept. 19, 2009, The Japan times; "UN official calls on Sri Lanka to investigate war crimes allegations," Bhargav Katikaneni , Sept. 19, 2009, Jurist.


      Czech Republic: the government is reported placing Roma children in (state) homes citing Roma families' inability to provide basic necessities... There are continuing reports of Roma people attacked by neo-nazi groups and neighbours. A Roma Realia and Romany Resistance spokesperson, Vaclav Miko, has stated "Romanies are being betrayed by the Vatican in the form of silence...". Romanies were denied a visit with the Pope on his recent visit. See previous. See previous. See previous.     Partial sources: "Dení Yet another attack on the Roma in Mikulov," Romea, Oct. 1, 2009, Romano vodi; "Czech Roma: Betrayed by Vatican's ignorance," CTK, Sept. 29, 2009, Prague Daily Monitor.


      Hungary: there are reports of Magyar Gárda (outlawed) in uniform, marching (under a 100) and attending (about 300) Jobbik political rallies. See previous. See previous.     Partial sources: "Magyar Gárda marches on Roma ghetto," Hungary Around the Clock, Sept. 28, 2009,; "Roma see no progress in their conditions," CTK, Sept. 16, 2009, Prague Daily Monitor.


      China: among other websites the Falun Dafa Information Center ("The Official Source on Falun Gong and the Human Rights Crisis in China") and Voice of America keep the persecution of Falun Gong from being suppressed news. The site provides ongoing evidence of their suffering. The Chinese government makes little effort to refute charges of persecution or match the well funded information campaign and comfortable interface with the media and middle class ethic of the West. [access:< >].


      U.S.: as law enforcement and policy restraints on legal protest increase, the Center for Consitutional Rights (CCR) has re-issued its pamphlet: "If an Agent Knocks," available at no charge online [access:< >].

In Washington D.C. October 5th Mike Ferner the President of Veterans for Peace, Leah Bolger (VFP VP), Ken Mayers - the VFP treasurer, were among 82 [correction: 61] in all arrested calling for an end to the war in Afghanistan, an end to the occupations, calling for accountability, the end of torture and detentions, and presenting a petition to the White House. Among other groups of the protest coalition were the Atlantic Life Community and Witness Against Torture, Code Pink, the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance. Liz McAlister was teaching necessary things. It was Phil Berrigan's birthday.     Partial sources: "Three-fourths of the VFP Executive Committee arrested along with others in DC today," Kenneth Mayers, Oct. 6, 2009, Maine VFP listserv; "61 Antiwar Protesters Arrested at White House," Headlines, Oct. 6, 2009, Democracy Now!; "We are standing up to the powers of this world," Liz McAlister, Oct. , 2009, Jonah House; "82 arrested at White House demanding end to Afghan & Iraq Wars...", Frida Berrigan, Oct. 2009 [access:< >].



October 1, 2009

      India: in an issue heavily suppressed by world media, hardline extremist Hindu sects continue to wage war on Christians who make up a small percentage of the population. The conflict is apparent in Orissa and Karnataka. See previous. and "Orissa," previous. The minority groups' defenders are increasingly Maoist guerillas of the CPI-M, a branch of India's Communist party in disfavour for its defense of the poor, Christians and rejection of the caste system. India's National Council of Churches has also condemned India's caste system as a kind of apartheid, and condemned the ongoing persecution of the Dalits (referred to as "outcasts" or "untouchables"). When government ministers attempt to ban the Bajrang Dal (a Hindu extremist) group the CPI-M calls it hypocrisy: the government hasn't broken silence or intervened in police brutalities against women protecting their churches. Attacks on Christians have extended into Kashmir in the portion under Indian military occupation. In the past year the CPI-M position has been forced from strong public statements in defense of minorities, to increased armed resistance against the extremism. The government has labeled the CPI-M a "terrorist" organization. The churches aren't presenting a united front. The Catholic Church in Kerala for instance, maintains schools and hospitals afforded only by the rich. One of India's true voices, Arundhati Roy, has warned of a possible genocide as the Indian military finds the poor to be 'Maoists' in their homes or in forests ( genocide warning), as with Christians in the Orissa region where 4000 are afraid to return from the forests for fear of being made to convert or killed. In a war on supposed Maoists that may risk the survival of all the poor, the Indian army is about to launch a massive campaign ("Operation Green Hunt") against the CPI-M in central and Eastern regions of the country (Roy). The motive for persecution may be traced to internationals seeking the region's resources, with the continuing lack of concern for the most vulnerable traditionally found in colonialist policies.     Partial sources: "Ban on Bajrang Dal likely, says minister; BSP supports ," Oct. 7, 2008. Thaindian News; "UPA ’silent spectator’ to attacks on Christians in Karnataka: CPI-M," Sept. 18, 2009, Thaindian News; "Indian Christians should not cast stones," Bijo Francis, April 7, 2009,; "Maoist rebels gun down Hindu leader in India's Orissa state ," South Asia News, March 19, 2009, Monsters and; "Orissa: Maoists warn of more attacks on Hindus," Bhadrapad Shuddha Dwitiya, Sept. 1, 2009, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti ; "Orissa Christians are 'Prisoners' in India, Says Ministry," Ethan Cole, The Christian Post; "Indian Christian leaders call for an end to caste-based discrimination, also within churches," Sept. 30, 2009, Consejo Mundial de Iglesias ; "Top Indian Official Calls Violence Against Christians a Disgrace," Dibin Samuel, The Christian Post; "India Briefs: Recent Incidents of Persecution," Mahruaii Sailo and Shireen Bhatia, Sept. 30, 2009, Right Side News; " Author Arundhati Roy on the Human Costs of India’s Economic Growth, the View of Obama from New Delhi, and Escalating US Attacks in Af-Pak," Amy Goodman w. Arundhati Roy, Sept. 28, 2009, Democracy Now!.



September 30, 2009


red cloth series ~ série toile rouge
videos: four poets




September 24, 2009

      Canada: in Montreal, Judge Danièle Tremblay-Lamer's decision from the Federal bench unequivocally released Adil Charkaoui from a Canadian Security Certificate arrest which has kept him in bondage to the state without charges since 2003, initially detained without charges for two years in prison. All restrictions on him are to be lifted. This assertion of justice follows a cautioning to Canadian courts ealier this week by Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, against applying severe denials of civil liberties in what the newspapers call "the war on terror." And last August the Canadian Bar Association (37,000 members) cautioned Prime Minister Harper on his possibly discriminatory approach to Canadians under death sentence in other countries, as well as his reluctance to repatriate citizen Omar Khadr still held in Guantanamo. See previous.     Partial sources: "Judge lifts Charkaoui restrictions," Les Perreaux and Colin Freeze, Sept. 24, 2009, Globe and Mail; "Terror suspect to be freed ," Andrew Chung, Sept. 24, 2009, Toronto Star; "Top judge warns against overzealous anti-terrorism measures," Janice Tibbetts, Sept. 22, 2009, Ottawa Citizen, apprec. Nowar-paix; "Bar association slams Prime Minister Stephen Harper over death penalty," Peter O'Neil, Canwest , Aug. 18, 2009, Ottawa Citizen.

On Monday Mohamed Harkat was released from the most obviously "restrictive" measures of his bail. In Ottawa, Federal Judge Justice Simon Noël ended the arcane surveillance procedures inside and outside the Harkat's home - he is allowed to leave and walk around, alone. The court says he can read his mail and speak on the telephone without being monitored. The Ottawa Citizen quotes him after the hearing saying, "There were too many conditions to remember," for all the three years of his detention since imprisonment with no charges against him. Further discussion of bail conditions resume in court Sept. 25th. See previous.     Partial sources: "Judge dramatically eases restrictions on Harkat," Chris Cobb, Sept. 21, 2009, Ottawa Citizen; "Supersized freedom," Donna Casey, Sept. 22, 2009, Edmonton Sun; "Harkat back in court!" Sophie Lamarch, sept. 23, 2009, email list.

Abousfian Abdelrazik is suing the Government of Canada ( 24 million) and Lawrence Canon, Minister of Foreign Affairs (3 million), for Canada's involvement in Abdelrazik's imprisonment, torture and for obstructing his repatriation to Canada. He was arrested when he went to visit his mother in Sudan, 2003, and he required a court order to finally return to Canada June 27th. U.S. and U.N. responsibilities for Canada's actions remain in question. See previous.     Partial sources: "Abdelrazik sues Canada over forced exile," Sept. 24, 2009, CBC news; "Canadian sues feds for $27M over exile, torture in Sudanese detention," Colin Perkel CP, Sept. 24, 2009, Google news.


      Honduras: President Zelaya has returned to Honduras where he has taken refuge in the Brazilian embassy, Tegucigalpa. Initially a proponent of privatising Honduran resources, his conversion to the people resulted in a coup. The people's resistance is backing Zelaya's reinstatement. The resistance is becoming part of a pan-american front with the clarification of colonial policies which gain countries resources through economic cooperation without overt military invasion. While Zelaya has asked for support of the international community, the U.S. has claimed that Zelaya's return to Honduras is "reckless" (BBC). Crowds of his supporters near the embassy have been attacked by Honduran troops many of whom mask their faces to prevent identification. Police confirm two people protesting the coup have been killed. See previous.     Partial sources: "Interview with Honduras resistance leader: `The US is sustaining the coup'," Kiraz Janicke and Federico Fuentes,, and others, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal; "Ousted leader returns to Honduras," Sept. 21, 2009, BBC News; "Ousted Zelaya returns to Honduras," sept. 21, 2009, Al Jazeera; "Honduran security forces break up pro-Zelaya demonstrations at embassy sheltering him, " Freddy Cuevas, AP, Sept. 22, 2009, Rogers Yahoo! News; "Dozens Arrested, Wounded in Honduras Standoff," Sept. 23, 2009, Democracy Now!"; "2 Hondurans Killed in Anti-Coup Protests," Sept. 24, 2009, Democracy Now!".



September 19, 2009

      U.S.: David Cole's book The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable, (ed. David Cole, The New Press 2009) presents the public with evidence of a crime, using memos by Bush administration lawyers authorizing torture. Cole is a professor of law at Georgetown University. He notes the U.S. is legally obligated to prosecute. To raise public awareness The Center for Consitutional Rights in New York is offering "Torture Team trading cards" of Bush, Cheney and other players. See previous. See also Spain.    Partial sources: "David Cole on “The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable,” Goodman / Sharif Abdel Kouddous, Sept. 15, 2009, Democracy Now!; "Reminder: Get your free Torture Team trading cards today !" Sept. 15, 2009, CCR mailing list.


      Honduras: the resistance (see previous) has called for a boycott of the national elections called by the coup-government. Two of the candidates for president have withdrawn from the electoral process until President Zelaya returns. Business leaders in Honduras plan to give discounts to voters, "to strengthen democracy." The National Front (Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe de Estado) is trying to keep the coup government from deporting environmentalist priest José Andrés Tamayo to El Salvador. The U.S. is not expected to validate elections under the coup government. The UN Human Rights Council barred the Honduran ambassador from entering the council meeting.     Partial sources: "Honduras: resistance plans election boycott," Sept. 15, 2009, WW4 Report; "Honduras ambassador excluded from UN Human Rights Council meeting," UN Wire, Sept. 15, 2009, Smart Brief; "Zelaya Urges Hondurans to Sit Out Elections," Sept 16, 2009, International Latin American Herald Tribune.


      Colombia: human rights workers, continually under threat, find increasing risks exposing DAS (Colombian clandestine security) operations against human rights defenders, rights workers, lawyers and politicians, peace workers, and their families. Canadian Liberals are moving toward the Conservative government's support of Bill C-23, which ignores the human rights disaster of Colombia while furthering trade agreements. Amnesty International finds no improvement in Colombia's human rights outlook, with a third mass killing in 2009, of Awá native people. So far this year 27 trade unionists have been killed. See also previous.     Source withheld & Amnesty International.


      Israel: according to The New York Times Israel's President Shimon Peres has called the U.N. 's report by Richard Goldstone's team on Israel's military campaign in Gaza "a mockery of history." The report made public September 15th, advises the issue be turned over to the International Criminal Court for prosecution if no credible investigation proceeds within six months. See also Jan. 19th, Moreno-Ocampo. The report accuses both Israel and Palestine of war crimes, masking the preponderance of violations by Israel. A symptom of Israel's current imbalance: disabled workers in Gaza are being refused disability benefits from the National Insurance Institute though they have paid into Israel's social security program.     Partial sources: "Israel Rejects Call for Gaza Inquiry," Isabel Kirchner, Sept. 16, 2009, The New York Times; "Israel Blocks Money to Gaza's Disabled," Jonathan Cook, Sept.12, 2009, Dissident Voice.


      Canada: a recent attempt by Israel to improve its image (the Brand Israel campaign) was brought to the world's attention by filmmaker John Greyson withdrawing a work from the Toronto International Film Festival new "City to City" series. This first year celebrates Tel Aviv while Israel is facing international censure and legal action for war crimes. Close to ten thousand people have signed or signed on to support The Toronto Declaration which stands against the use of the arts for propaganda. An email from The Toronto Declaration - No Celebration of Occupation ! to early signers notes Canadian media have refused to publish its answer to the false charges of blacklisting Israeli films. The declaration, letter and updates are available at The Toronto Declaration blogspot [access:< >].

Adil Charkaoui's case will be considered in Federal court in Montreal September 24th and 25th. On July 31 the Crown filed an admission that there is insufficient evidence to warrant his being held on a Canadian Security Certificate. He was arrested in May 2003. Background.     Partial sources: "Government admits evidence in Charkaoui file is insufficient," current, Coalition Justice for Adil Charkoui [access:< >];"24-25 September: Hearings in response to government admission of lack of evidence," Sept. 15, 2009, Justice for Adil listserv.

September 21rst and 22nd, in Ottawa at the Supreme Court Building there will be a bail review hearing for Mohamed Harkat currently held in restrictive home arrest after 43 months in prison without being charged. He is held on a Canadian Security Certificate. See previous. See background.     Partial sources: "Call for Court solidarity for Mohamed and Sophie Harkat," Call-Out, Sept. 17, 2009, Justice for Mohamed Harkat [access:< .].

Kahentinetha Horn's article "The North American Indian Holocaust" is available again on Night's Lantern.



September 13, 2009

      Honduras: René Chavez, a regional coordinator of the Frente Nacional opposing the coup, a former teachers union leader described as a resistance leader was arrested and placed in prison (Central Penitentiary, Barrio Inglés, La Ceiba). The National Resistance Front Against the Coup fears for his life and has asked for the solidarity of international concerned organizations to help free him. A two day strike by trade-unionists began Sept.10th and included the worker and student takeover of the National Autonomous University of Honduras; strikers are demanding the return of President Zelaya. Granma reports that the U.S. Southern Command plans to include in its multi-national joint exercises from Sept 11 to 22, the Honduran military.Suggesting a DIA / State Department rift, the visas of 14 supreme court judges, the foreign minister Carlos Lopez and coup president Roberto Michelett have been revoked by the U.S.. See previous     Partial sources: "Honduran Resistance Leader Chavez Seized," IFCO / Pastors for Peace, Sept. 12, 2009, Pacific Free Press; "Pentagon asks for joint military maneuvers with Honduran coup regime," Granma, Sept. 10, 2009, Global Research Sept. 11, 2009; "Official: U.S. revokes visas of Honduran president, 15 others," Sept. 12, 2009,


      Spain: British and Spanish reports indicate that Judge Baltasar Garzón is proceeding with the case against Alberto Gonzales, John Yoo, Douglas Feith, Jay S. Bybee, and David Addington, for their responsibility in furthering torture policies of the Bush administration. The case was brought by the Association for Human Rights in Spain, the Organization for the Dignity of Spanish Prisoners, other Spanish organizations, and currently 3 former detainees at Guantanamo. It is surviving the Spanish government's attempted opposition. Spain's Parliament has passed legislation curbing application of "universal jurisdiction," while continuing to allow it when directly affecting Spanish people, or when the alleged war criminals enter Spain. The new act may be a violation of law if it serves to protect war criminals from prosecution. Garzón's application of international law has drawn pressure from right wing groups in Spain, accusing him of knowingly exceeding his authority by investigating murders of thousands of civilians by Franco forces in Spain's Civil War. Aside from Chile's Pinochet, Garzón has also pursued Bin Laden and officials from Israel and China. See previous (this can be followed back to early April by clicking on "previous" in each related entry).     Partial sources: "Spanish judge resumes torture case against six senior Bush lawyers," Andy Worthington, Sept.9, 2009, apprec. LAW; "Garzón aviva la causa de Guantánamo," Diario Público, Sept. 6, 2009, Pú; "Spanish Parliament to Revoke Practice of Universal Jurisdiction," June 26, 2009, European Affairs; "Spain's top judge appears in court," Sept. 9, 2009, Al Jazeera; "Spanish judge opens probe into Guantanamo torture," AFP, April 29, 2009, Google News.



September 11, 2009

      International: Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo of the International Criminal Court has announced that the Court is making preliminary investigations of war crimes in Afghanistan by NATO forces and Taliban, in Gaza by Israeli Defense Forces, in Georgia - presumably by Georgian nationalist forces supported by the U.S. and Israel as well as by Russian forces, and in Kenya and in Colombia. Aside from its troop commitment in Afghanistan, the U.S. supports suspect groups in several of these countries. The U.S. does not subscribe to the International Criminal Court. The International Criminal Court is under some pressure to apply its mandate beyond past focus on Africa. ICC jurisdiction over war crimes implicit in the continuing instances of civilian casualties and attacks on medical facilities in Afghanistan, would rely on a direct request from Afghanistan or the UN. As NATO forces find themselves under increasing pressure in Afghanistan, the likelihood of crimes against the civilian population increases.     Partial sources: "Court Orders Probe of Afghan Attacks," Joe Lauria, Sept. 10, 2009, Wall Street Journal apprec. LAW listserv. "ICC prosecutor to begin investigating NATO troops in Afghanistan," Brian Jackson, Sept. 10, 2009, Jurist.


      Argentina: former President Fernando De la Rua, is to face murder charges in the death of five demonstrators shot by police during a 2001 police crackdown on protests. Earlier this year De la Rua's Minister of Security Enrique Mathov, former chief of police Ruben Santos, and two others generally noted in the press as "commissioners", were indicted, but De la Rua was let go on the grounds of insufficient evidence of his responsibility for the police actions.     Partial sources: "Charges restored against Argentine ex-president," AP, Sept. 8,2009, Google News; "Argentina court reinstates charges against ex-president over 2001 riot deaths," Amelia Mathias, Sept. 9, 2009, Jurist; "Appeals court restores riot death charges against former Argentine president De la Rua," AP, Sept. 8, 2009, The Baltimore Sun.


     Canada: Lawyers Against the War has released a letter to the heads of Canada's Conservative government, attempting to maintain both the law and intention of Canada's War Crimes Act and Immigration Regulations which specifically deny war criminals and those who have violated human and international rights, entrance to Canada. There seems to be adequate evidence against former public servants Tony Blair, George W. Bush, and Richard Cheney, to charge and convict for war crimes ("Request that G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Tony Blair be barred from Canada on grounds of human & international rights violations," Sept. 10, 2009, Lawyers Against the War [archive]; "Legal duties triggered by news of visit: Bar George W. Bush from entering Canada or prosecute him for torture," Feb. 23, 2009, Lawyers Against the War [archive]).



September 10, 2009

      Russia: Marcel Theroux in his BBC video "Death of Nation" ("Death of a nation: Russia in 2006," Marcel Theroux, current [access:< >]) explores declining birthrate in Russia where the population is expected to decrease 50% by 2050. The decline would suggest that 'free trade' and capitalism have removed many people's hope for a decent life. There is consistent evidence of church supported fascism, and Cossack ethnic cleansing of the Meshkat Turks in southern areas suggests a genocide warning for the group, eased in part by the filmmakers claim (2006) that the US would accept thirty thousand into the States. It's difficult to find online verification of Meshkat Turk settlement in the States. The loss of peoples is more affected by an unchecked spread of HIV , with the new economy presenting no replacement for the people's health care system. Theroux cites World Bank statistics foreseeing 250,000 HIV deaths/year by 2020.


      Canada : U.S. war resister Rodney Watson is under order to leave Canada by September 11th, although Canada's Parliament has urged the Prime Minister to stop deporting war resisters. Watson's deportation was deferred twice in August. He has an eight month old son here in Canada. Born Kansas City, he took leave from the Army when they tried to send him back to Iraq. Canada's right wing with its own interest in wars is trying to discourage non-compliance with the military.     Partial sources: "On Tuesday September 8th: phone, fax, e-mail to stop the deportation of RODNEY WATSON," Press Release, Squires, Sept. 8, 2009, Nowar-paix listserv; "U.S. military deserter faces deportation," Janaya Fuller-Evans, Sept. 9, 2009, Burnaby Now.


      Tanzania : Survival International reports that Masai villagers in the area of the Yaeda China Valley are being burnt out and imprisoned in an attempt to clear their land for use by the Oterio Business Corporation (there are other companies involved) as a hunting preserve for the global elite. The tribe's women in particular are being targeted.     Partial sources: "Maasai evicted and imprisoned for hunting concession," Ahni posting, Aug. 24, 2009, Intercontinental Cry; "Tourism is a curse to us," Alex Renton, Sept. 6, 2009, The Observer.


      US : Through his book George W. Bush, War Criminal ? Michael Haas gives evidence and documentation for the prosecution of former U.S. President George W. Bush in 269 instances of war crimes.     Partial sources: "Evidence for prosecuting George W. Bush for war crimes," Paul J. Balles, Sept. 2009, redress;.George W. Bush, War Criminal? The Bush Administration's Liability for 269 War Crimes, Michael Haas, current, "Greenwood Publishing Group Book News."

The US Obama administration has cut thirty million dollars of non-humanitarian assistance to the coup government in Honduras, while refusing to acknowledge that the takeover of democracy is a "coup". See previous.     Partial sources: "US ends some Honduras aid, silent on military coup," Reuters, Sept. 3, 2009, Reuters Alert Net;" "US Cuts Aid To Honduras In Support Of Ex-leader," AP, Sept. 8, 2009, CBS News.

Groups concerned with International law have written U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder requesting investigation into allegations of torture committed by upper level Bush administration officials. For text, see "Open Letter to Attorney General Holder" (archive). Holder has appointed an in-house investigator John Durham, to consider allegations of interrogator and contractor involvement, while President Obama has indicated he will continue the policy of secret detentions, and has formed a new unit in the FBI to specifically interrogate foreign suspects: "the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group."     Partial sources: "Advocates around the world call for investigation and prosecution of U.S. officials responsible for torture," Sept. 8, 2009, Lawyers Against the War listserv; "Holder Appoints Prosecutor to Probe CIA Torture," "Admin: CIA to Play 'Very Important Role' in New Interrogation Unit," Headlines, Aug. 25, 2009, Democracy Now!; "CIA refuses to release further documents on detainee treatment practices ," Christian Ehret, Sept. 3, 2009, Jurist.

Father Carl Kabat (75yrs) of the original Plowshares Eight, is once again in prison awaiting trial, delayed to September 17th, for placing peace banners on a Minuteman III missile armed with a nuclear warhead, just outside Greeley Colorado. See previous. There are a 149 other missile silos scattered across Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska.     Partial sources: "As Battlefields Shift, Old Warrior for Peace Pursues the Same Enemy," Dan Frosch, Sept. 6, 2009, The New York Times; "Priest headed to court next week," Sharon Dunn, Aug. 21. 2009, Greeley Tribune.



September 5, 2009

      Canada: the Supreme Court will hear the Harper government's appeal of the Federal court order requesting the government demand return to Canada of the Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr. The government's appeal at the Federal Court level failed. With the government ordered to comply rapidly Canada's Supreme Court will consider the case November 13th. Within the government's appeal is an attempt to set Canada's foreign policy decisions and officials beyond the law. For an assessment of the case by Gail Davidson of Lawyers Against the War: "Supreme Court of Canada to hear Khadr appeal," Sept. 4, 2009, LAW [archive].



September 3, 2009

Torture is a barbaric act. I believe that no state whose regime conducts or condones torture can consider itself civilized... Navi Pillay



September 2, 2009

      Chile: Judge Victor Montiglio in Chile has ordered the mass arrest of 129 members of the Army, Air Force and DINA connected police, implicated in killings, disappearances, murders, of the Chilean left, trade Unionists and dissidents under the Pinochet regime and Operation Condor and Operation Columbo. See previous.     Partial sources: "Chile: 129 to be arrested on `dirty war' charges," Associated Press, Sept. 1, 2009, Google News; "Chile soldiers, police sought over Pinochet-era abuse," Agence France Press, Sept. 1, 2009, Google news.


      Guatemala: Felipe Cusanero was sentenced to 150 years in prison for the forced disappearance of 6 Indigenous people in Guatemala's dirty war; this first conviction gives some hope for a process of justice in a country where the political system shaped by the CIA committed an internationally recognized genocide against native peoples, the left and those who resisted. An estimated 45,000 were forcibly disappeared. A press-estimated 250 thousand were killed. See previous. ; see previous. Attacks on human rights activities continue. On August 6, 2009, the publisher Raul Figueroa-Sarti of F & G Editores, which has published the findings of the Guatemalan Truth Commission and other materials relating to genocide and crimes against humanity in Guatemala was fined the equivalent of 6000 dollars and sentenced (initially a year in prison) for a copyright infraction despite the 'wronged' party's court testimony that he had given permission. Both Figueroa-Sarti and his wife have previously been threatened in Guatemala. The Writers in Prison Committee of PEN Canada has called for "the case against the publisher to be dropped and for him to be allowed to return to the USA, where he is resident" (RAN Appeal), while PEN Canada has registered protest to the fine and sentence.     Partial sources: "Guatemala court convicts paramilitary in first enforced disappearance trial," Ximena Mannero, Sept. 2, 2009, Jurist; "guatemal makes landmark civil war conviction," Sarah Grainger, Aug. 31, 2009, Reuters; "Crackdown on Free Expression in Guatemala threatens Publisher of Books on Genocide and Human Rights," FTWC PEN American Center, Aug. 18, 2009, CNW Telbec apprec. PEN Canada; RAN Appeal - Raul Figueroa-Sarti," PEN Canada, August 18, 2009,


      U.S.: according to Physicians for Human Rights, a recent CIA Inspector General's Report (declassified) gives evidence that "Medical doctors and psychologists colluded with the CIA to keep observational records about waterboarding, which approaches unethical and unlawful human experimentation." The organization has called for accountability, criminal prosecution, loss of license. In 2005, Dr. Robert J. Lifton warned of medical /psycological participation in Guantanamo finding "a parallel atrocity producing situation" to the death camps of Nazi Germany (See Guantanamo pages, ref .).     Partial sources: "Holder Appoints Prosecutor to Probe CIA Torture," Aug. 25, 2009, Democracy Now!; "CIA Won’t Release Docs on Bush Admin Role in Torture, Secret Prisons,:" Sept. 2, 2009, Democracy Now!; "CIA Report Details Role Medical Professionals Played in Torture Program," Sept. 1, 2009, Democracy Now!.


      Canada: apparently unaware of the seriousness of challenges to the torture programs, former President George W. Bush plans to enter Canada this third time since his tenure in office ended, to speak at a lunch in Montreal, October 22, 2009, hosted by the corporate group, tinePUBLIC Inc. which organzies high cost events to make money. Torture is among other war crimes forbidden by Canada's War Crimes Act as well as the Geneva Conventions which are applicable in Canada. Canada is also planning to host Tony Blair (Oct. 6, 2009, Surrey BC, invited by the city's mayor), and Dick Cheney ( Oct. 8, 2009, Smithers BC, at the Silver Hilton Lodge, a fishing trip). Lawyers Against the War is asking Canadians to write Members of Parliament to request "Canadian Border Services Agency issue a cross-Canada directive to all entry points ordering that G.W. Bush, Tony Blair and Dick Cheney be barred from Canada and, if found in Canada, be arrested and dealt with according to the law."     Partial sources: "Ex-U.S. prez George W. Bush to speak in Montreal in October," Aug. 25, 2009, Canbadian Press apprec. LAW listserv; "Landing Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan and Lance Armstrong on your team," Nick Rockel, April 3, 2009, Globe and Mail; "Bush, Cheney and Blair plan to visit Canada in October 2009,"LAW, Sept. 2, 2009, Lawyers Against The War listserv.



August 31, 2009

      Europe: there is an increasing generalized threat to the Roma and Sinti people within the European Union.

      Hungary: six Roma were murdered, including a 5 year old child, in attacks on semi-rural Roma homes. Victims were shot as they left their burning homes. Police have arrested 4 suspects. The Roma community remains fearful and stops black jeeps in their communities since these were seen near the crime scenes. A recent article in the weekly Heti Válasz supposes a commando team responsible for the serial shootings at "Gypsies." The possibility is also considered that the murders are an atttempt at de-stabiliization by Hungary's neighbours. There is no direct mention of the increasing strength of fascist politicians in the country's recent EU elections. See also previous. Madonna's Budapest performance in her :"Sticky and Sweet" tour elicited jeers and sharp whistles when she chided anti-Romani discrimination in Eastern Europe. Nearly half a million Roma and Sinti were murdered by the Nazi's in death camps during World War II, and the group is currently under pressure throughout the European Union.     Partial sources: "Criminal minds : On the lookout for Gypsy hunters," Bálint Ablonczy, Aug. 31, 2009, Heti Válasz online; "Stoking Ethnic Fires in Central Europe," Jeremy Drucker, Aug. 31, 2009, ISN; "Roma live in fear despite arrest of suspected killers," Aug. 30, 2009, mti; "Europe: Roma Dead Less Remembered," Julio Godoy, current, IPS Europe; "Madonna jeered by audience in Bucharest after expressing sympathy for the Roma," Veronica Schmidt, Aug. 28, 2009, The Times; "Madonna explains Gypsy [sic.] comments," Aug. 28, 2009, BBC News..


      Northern Ireland: in south Belfast 3 Roma families (21 people) were evicted. Some had just returned after their exodus encouraged by racist abuse and threats. See previous     Partial sources: "Eviction of families who were targeted by racists," Dan Keenan, Aug. 27, 2009, The Irish Times; "Romas to leave emergency housing," Aug. 28, 2009, BBC News..


      Canada: curiously insensitive to threats against European Romani, a Globe and Mail (Toronto) editorial finds Amnesty International's letter to the Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration asking for reversal of visa requirements for Czech (this concerns particularly Czech Roma) as well as Mexican citizens, incorrect procedure and a risk to confidence in Canada's 'legitimate procedures'.     Sources: "No threat to true refugees ," (unsigned) editorial, Aug. 27, 2009, Globe and Mail.

Prime Minister Harper's government is attempting to appeal to Canada's Supreme Court the Federal Court's directive insisting his government request Omar Khadr's release. The Federal Court's directive and intention in a matter affecting the human life of a child then adult held under accusations and imprisonment without due process, in violation of the Geneva Conventions, offered the government a way to comply with Canadian and International law. See previous.     Partial sources: "Ottawa takes Khadr ruling fight to Supreme Court," Aug. 24, 2009, CBC News; "Ottawa takes Khadr ruling to Supreme Court," Bill Curry, Aug.25, 2009, The Globe and Mail.



August 24, 2009

      Israel / Palestine: a recent article by Jonathan Cook writing from Nazareth finds an information management policy of Israel planning direct targeting of Human Rights Watch, Breaking the Silence, B'Tselem, Peace Now, Machsom Watch, New Profile, and Physicians for Human Rights, - groups which have protested human rights violations in Israel's invasion of Gaza, or which attempt to provide Palestinians with recourse under human rights laws. Israel has actively lobbied nations such as England and Spain to remove laws allowing in those countries prosecution of Israelis for war crimes. See previous.     Partial sources: "Israel seeks ways to silence human rights groups: First goal is to stop Gaza war crimes revelations," Jonathan Cook, Aug. 5, 2009, Redress Information & Analysis [access:]; "Rights group accuses Israel soldiers of killing unarmed civilians in Gaza conflict,"Benjamin Hackman, Aug. 14, 2009, Jurist



August 21, 2009

      U.S.: David Swanson has compiled a list of 50 living U.S. war criminals, for their roles in war crimes since 2001. The crimes include responsibility for illegal wars of aggression and for torture. See "Top 50 US War Criminals," David Swanson, Aug. 18, 2009,, [access: ] (apprec. Lawyers Against the War listserv).

At an August 6th commemoration of victims in the U.S. bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, two people of conscience were arrested for symbolic action at the Pentagon entrance: Liz McAlister and George Veasey. In Colorado on that day, Fr. Carl Kabat (see previous) attempting to disarm a Minuteman III missile near Greeley, was arrested and is now in the Colorado Weld County Jail. For information see Jonah House (links page) .     Source: "Carl Kabat at N-8 missile silo, and more," Susan, August 7, 2009, Jonah House listserv.



August 15, 2009

      Honduras: for background see previous; McClatchey - truth to power reported August 8th that U.S. President Obama was backing off the U.S. commitment to a Honduran democracy, by blaming Honduran elected President Zelaya for provoking the military takeover. Canada is maintaining its training of (5) Honduran military personnel in Canada, and its over 16 million dollar yearly aid commitment despite the military coup d'etat, but will join other Organization of the American States members in urging the coup government's acceptance of a plan by Oscar Arias of Costa Rica to restore Zelaya's presidency.     Partial sources: "U.S. drops call to restore ousted Honduran leader," Tyler bridges, Aug. 8, 2009, McClatchey; "Canada upholds military aid program with Honduras despite coup," Jennifer Ditchburn, july 30, 2009, The Canadian Press apprec. nowar-paix listserv; "Canada joins OAS group seeking return of ousted Honduran president," August 7, 2009,CBC News.


      Canada: the Federal Court of Appeal has affirmed the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and dismissed an appeal by the Crown seeking to overturn the Federal Court decision of April 23, 2009 requiring the Harper government request Omar Khadr's immediate return from US detention at Guantanamo. This places Canada's Prime Minister, the RCMP Commissioner, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Director of Canada's Security Service, under court order. The ruling also affirms that Canada's Security service and U.S. pesonnel have broken the law in the "cruel and abusive treatment" of a Canadian citizen. The President of the Canadian Bar Association, Guy Joubert, has warned that Canada's global image will be damaged by further delay in accepting the court's ruling. See previous; see previous.     Partial sources: "Docket: A-208-09; Citation: 2009 FCA 246," August 14, 2009, Canada Federal Court of Appeal;"Omar Khadr must be returned to Canada says Federal Court of Appeal," August 14, 2009, Lawyers Against the War listserv; "Omar Khadr: Order to seek repatriation," August 14, 2009, Lawyers Against the War listserv; "Canada court affirms order mandating Khadr repatriation efforts ," Ingrid Burke, Aug. 14, 2009, Paper Chase ~ Jurist; "Canadian Bar Association calls on Ottawa to accept Omar Khadr ruling,"Peter O'Neil, Canwest, August 15, 2009, The Vancouver Sun.



July 29, 2009

      Honduras: the crime against the people of Honduras continues. As with President Aristide of Haiti the country's democratically elected president was ejected from the country. Putsch president Micheletti has offered Zelaya and his family a plane to fly them to any country in the world. His wife has stated that their family's wish is to stay with their larger family, the people of Honduras. The coup was led by General Romeo Vasquez, trained by the U.S. School of the Americas in 1976 and 1984. Honduran Air Force General Luis Javier Prince Suazo, also part of the coup, attended in 1996. The coup is said to be heavily staffed by SOA graduates. The National Front against the Coup d'Etat plans continuing support to the peaceful resistance. There have been several deaths and wounded; the number of detentions is essentially hidden by all press sources. Honduran President Zelaya has waited at Ocotal Nicaragua on the border with Honduras for a firmer stand by the US, against the illegal takeover. The Honduran Congress has avoided a vote which could reinstate the President; The New York Times reports that the Supreme Court of Honduras found one of Zelaya's electoral programs illegal as though that might explain ejecting the President from the country. Mainstream press is avoiding mention that Honduras is part of a progressive bloc including Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Santo Domingo, attempting to represent the interests of their countries' peoples, and currently sympathetic to oppressed nations in the Middle East (voltairenet). These often align against corporate North American interests. Each country will probably be attacked in some way forcing it to compliance with a dominant U.S. policy. The Catholic Church of Honduras has thrown its weight behind the putsch, and suggests Venezuela's President Chavez is formenting dissent. Senior Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiago claims Zelaya has no "moral or legal" authority. Church Workers supporting the people are being silenced. Two days after President Zelaya was ejected soldiers closed a Jesuit radio station. A supporter of the democracy, Father Jose Andres Tamayo, known for his environmental activism, was beaten by soldiers and forced into hiding (RT). The Cardinal's judgement is echoed by US Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley who has noted that the U.S. has an active military base in Honduras. The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) which has consistently attacked the Chavez government in Venezuela for repression of free speech, has not protested the closing of media in Honduras including the expulsion of personnel working for Venezuela's national VTV and Telesur. IAPA refers to the putsch as a "take-down" rather than a "coup". The perception management by Honduran media is furthered by the Coup-President Micheletti's ownership of a newspaper, La Tribuna, and two pro-coup papers (80% of newspaper readership), La Prensa and El Heraldo, owned by Jorge Canahuati, described by as "president of the IAPA international commission." Under North American media programming and mind controls it seems no mechanisms for direct assistance are available from NGO's, alternative, groups, resistance, to brothers and sisters when democracy is stripped from them in Central and South American countries. See previous.     Partial sources: "Undo the Coup," Amy Goodman, June 30, 2009, Truthdig. com; "Honduras Coup Resistance Marks One Month," July 28, 2009, Radio Cadena Agramonte; "Zelaya Rules out Talks in USA," July 28, 2009, Radio Cadena Agramonte; "Honduran Congress Puts Off Vote on Zelaya Return," Reuters, July 28, 2009, The New York Times; "The Obama Administration’s 'Axis of Evil' Iran/Nicaragua : Hillary Clinton’s new lie," Thierry Meyssan, July 28, 2009,; " Church sides with new Honduran regime," Jonathan Stibbs,July 28, 2009, RT - "TV-Novosti"; "Lesson" for Zelaya Not to Follow Venezuela's Path," James Suggett, July 28, 2009, ZNet; "Honduras: Anti-Chavez ' free speech' warriors linked to coup," Federico Fuentes, July 21, 2009, Green Left Weekly; "Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, Wife of Ousted Honduran President, Calls on US to Aid Her Husband’s Return Home: “We Want Justice, We Want Peace, We Demand the Return to Democracy,” Amy Goodman and Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, July 27, 2009,



July 25, 2009

      Peru: Former president Alberto Fujimori was sentenced to 7.5 years after conviction for embezzlement. Newspaper accounts give little indication whether the sentence is to run consecutively or concurrently with his other convictions of 6 years and 25 years. The former President is seventy. See previous.     Partial sources: "Ex-Peru leader guilty of corruption ," July 20, 2009, Al Jazeera English edition; "Fujimori convicted of corruption," July 20, 2009, BBC News.


      Zimbabwe: Der Stern of Germany quotes Tony Blair, Bush's closest ally in murderous unnecessary wars and genocide: "I think if you can get rid of Mugabe, get rid of him. The guy has destroyed his country. There are many people in his country who have died who should not have died, because of what he has done" (AFP). Meanwhile The Voice of America and Amnesty International together warn the world of the possible eviction in Harare of thousands of poor people and merchants. The quarter was previously destroyed under the Mugabe's government's "Operation Murambatsvina" (2005) but seems to be similarly threatened with Morgan Tsvangirai and his people empowered. Two hundred have been evicted so far. The 2005 evictions of 700,000 poor people shocked the world. A previous entry of June 19th notes Amnesty International's ongoing concern with Zimbabwe's human rights failings.     Partial sources: "Blair says Zimbabwe should 'get rid of' Mugabe: interview," AFP, July 23, 2009, Google.; "Human Rights Group: Zimbabwe Mass Evictions Pending," Joe deCapua, July 23, 2009, VOA News; "Thousands face mass evictions from homes and market stalls in Zimbabwe," source: Amnesty International, July 23, 2009, ReliefWeb.


      Canada: the Harper government's new immigration rules revealed July 23, 2009 will send back to the States any refugee claimants from Iraq, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Zimbabwe, trying to enter Canada from the States. Citizenship and Immigration will resume deportations to Burundi, Liberia, Rwanda. Civilians are at risk of death, suffering, human rights violations in each of the third world countries noted here. See below.     Partial sources: "Canada tightening border to refugess," Juliet O'Neill Canwest, July 23, 2009,; "Government lifts restriction on deportations to African hot spots," Bruce Cheadle Canadian Press, Astral Media.



July 15, 2009

      Canada: The Conservative government is coping with the flood of requests for asylum from Czechoslavakian Roma who have fled to Canada, by requiring visas from all Czechoslvakians (and Mexicans) before they can enter the country. As WWII approached the governments of US, Canada and England turned away the boatloads of European Jews fleeing the nazification of their countries. See previous. See also the difficulties of Roma in Belfast, previous.    Partial sources: "Mexicans, Czechs now need vasias," Guiseeppe Vahante, July 14, 2009, National Post online; "Canada reimposing visa controls to stop Roma asylum-seekers, Czech media say," Michael Valpy, July 7, 2009, Globe and Mail, online;


      Honduras: The governments of Canada and the US have gone on record opposing the military takeover of Honduran democracy, in a manner that has allowed a "coup government" with a militarily installed president approved by the Honduran Congress. The Honduran Congress represents wealth and business interests. Among others President Zelaya may have offended: the mining industry; Canadian companies are currently practicing open pit mining for gold in Honduras and share concessional and other advantages with the United States under a "General Mining Law" which favours their corporations. Ousted President Zelaya cancelled any new mining concessions for foreign corporations in 2006. Evo Morales the president of Bolivia has stated: "I have first-hand information that the empire, through the US Southern Command, made the coup d'etat in Honduras" (AFP). Cuban News Agency notes that the Honduran military has made work difficult for reporters from Venezuelan media crews / Telesur, while favouring Reporters without Borders and those from Inter-American Press Society.Democracy Now! reports that the illegal government has hired two Washington lobbyists with access to Hillary Clinton, to strengthen the coup government's position.     Partial sources: "Ottawa condemns coup in Honduras," Canwest News Service, June 30, 2009,; "Canada Supports the Military Coup in Honduras," Ashley Holly, July 14, 2009,; "US accused of backing Honduras coup," AFP, July 14, 2009, The Australian; Expulsion of Int´l TV Networks from Honduras Condemned in Caracas," July 14, 2009 Cuban News Agency; "US Lobbyists with Clinton Ties Hired to defend Honduran Coup Regime," Amy Goodman, July 15, 2009, Democracy Now!.


      China: The Obama administration has resumed substantial funding of the United Nations Populations Fund program in China. The Population Research Institute has found that in the past these funds have supported Chinese government planned parenthood programs of forced abortion, arrest of pregnant women, stricter birth control for minorities, and other selective means of choosing who can have children and who can't.     Source: "Obama Administration Resumes Funding of China’s Eugenics Programs ,"Jurriaan Maessen, July 9, 2009, Alex Jones'


      Belfast: across Northern Ireland 21 to 23 police officers were hurt in rioting and incidents the night of July 13th. Sinn Fein blamed the Real IRA for the extremist protestors responding to "marching day". A north Belfast priest blamed the violence on outsiders who were strangers to the area. See previous    Partial sources: "Belfast recovering after night of riots,"UPI, July 14, 2009,; Real IRA blamed for Belfast riots," July 14, 2009, BBC News; "Sinn Fein blames Real IRA for Belfast violence," Henry McDonald, July 14, 2009,


      U.S.: the suicide rate of active duty military personnel continues to increase. 115 in 2007, 128 in 2008, 88 so far this year in 2009. These would be identifiable suicides of people committed to risking their lives for pay and country. For U.S. Army suicide prevention information access: . See also : .   Partial sources: "Suicides in US Army rise in first half of 2009," AFP July 11, 2009, Taiwan News; "Army Releases June Suicide Data," News Release, July 9, 2009, U.S. Department of Defense.



July 10, 2009

     Vancouver: the Olympic Resistance Network reports that activists preparing to protest the Olympic Games have been approached, harassed, questioned, by the Olympic police force (VISU - "Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit"). The unit is part of the RCMP.     Partial sources: "[orn-announce] Olympic police harassment," June 24, 2009, the Olympic Resistance Network (ORN); "Activists Take Legal Action against Harassment by Olympic Police," - Olympic Resistance Network press conference June 24, 2009 [access:< >]; "RCMP using intimidation to silence Olympic protest, group says," June 24, 2009, CBC News

With others Kevin Annett is trying to reconcile the United Church of Canada to its responsibilities for deaths of native children in its residential schools. An action July 5th at St. Andrew's Wesley United Church was dedicated to Victoria Stewart, dead at age nine, allegedly killed by staff at the United Church residential school in Edmonton. The child's family has a " Public Notice of Liability" against United Church officers. A group of about 12 supporting the family was barred from entering the church by police. Anglican, Catholic and government residential schools are held responsible for the deaths of fifty thousand children in their care. See previous.    Partial sources: "Witnessing to Murder: The Two, and More, Faces of the United Church of Canada," Kevin Annett, July 9, 2009, listserv; " United Church officers named as accessories to murder and obstruction of justice by the family of murdered residential school student Victoria Stewart," June 30, 2009, "Hidden from History: the Canadian Genocide," ongoing,; "Destruction and death of Indigenous youth through the science of sexual abuse," Karakwine & MNN Staff, Sept. 7, 2008, Mohawk Nnation News.


     U.S.: the Defence Department's chief lawyer, Jeh Johnson told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the military would continue to hold Guantanamo detainees whether they are acquitted by the courts or not, at the military's discretion.    Widely reported: ie. "Detainees, Even if Acquitted, Might Not Go Free ," Jess Bravin, July 8, 2009, Wall Street Journal.

Amid a national silence continuing the wars people know are criminal, a very few are able to express in some way their refusal to betray humanity. Near Norfolk Virginia from June 22 to 26th, members of Norfolk Catholic Worker, Veterans for Peace, Jonah House, the Mennonites, a GI coffee house, and others protested with nonviolence a militarized system by walking "the road to no war", 50 some miles of witness starting at Camp Peary and concluding at the Norfolk Naval Station where two surrendered to arrest. Slogans included: Swords into Plowshares and Support GI Resistance. Sister Carol Gilbert and Sister Ardeth Platte were there in continuing witness.     Partial sources: "Sisters Carol Gilbert and Ardeth Platte participated in Road to No War," July 7, 2009, Jonah House;"On the Road to No War: End of 5-Day Journey, Civil Disobedience at Naval Station Norfolk, Part 1-3," video notes, June 26, 2009, MosquitoMac - YouTube.


      Peru: A Toronto Canada based company, Sulliden, has reported it settled a land disagreement by acquiring 100% ownership and will begin test drilling immediately at Shahuindo. On July 9th its stock rose 16%. Amnesty International has issed a report ""Fatal Flaws: Barriers to Maternal Health in Peru," which notes an abnormally high rate of mothers dying in childbirth. The UN finds 240 per 100, 000, compared to 9 per 100,000 in developed countries. Most victims are Indigenous and / or poor. See also involuntary sterilization.    Partial sources: "Peru's pregnant women dying at 'scandalous' rates," Stephanie Busari, July 9, 2009,; "Sulliden resumes gold drilling in Peru," July 9, 2009, Toronto Star.


      Belfast: The youth wing of Combat 18 is reported mailing letters to the Islamic, Polish and Indian community centers threatening immigrants in North Ireland, and warning them to "get out of our Queen's country" before July 12th. Slogans include "Northern Ireland is only for white British." The group is also under investigation for possession of pipe bombs. Combat 18, a neo fascist group with websites in England and Texas, is also a suspect for recent attacks which forced about a hundred Roumanian Roma to leave Belfast. The church sheltering them was subsequently attacked and of three arrested for the crime, two were law students at Belfast's Queens University, and one of these the son of a QC. The Northern Ireland police seem to have discounted any organized group as suspects. See previous    Partial sources: "Loyalists threaten ethnic minorities in North," July 9, 2009, IrelandOn-Line; "Young Racists' Bomb Threat to Immigrants," July 9, 2009, Sky News U.K.; "Church attack suspect is QC's son," Andy Martin, July 2, 2009BBC News; "Pipe bomb threat to Roma discovered," June 28, 2009, UTV Newws ~ Guardian News and Media.


     Akwesasne: on July 6, Mike Mitchell was elected as Akwesasne grand Chief, on Canada's side of the river. He is known to be a veteran protector of his people's interests, previously a chief through many years of contention.    Source: "Newly elected Akwesasne chief plunges into battle over armed border guards," Trevor Pritchard, Canadian Press ~ Google.



July 7, 2009

     Haiti:CBC News reports that the Canadian government has forgiven a debt of 2.3 million dollars owed by Haiti, and that Canada has cancelled out about 965 million dollars of debt by poor countries. Radio Jamaica reports that the World Bank and IMF have cancelled 1.2 billion dollars of debt (80% of Haiti's debt) because Haiti has 'complied with their requirements'. Much of the debt is traced to the Duvalier dictatorship. See previous.     Partial sources: "Haiti has huge chunk of debt cancelled," July 1, 2009,; " Canada cancels Haiti's $2.3M debt," July 2, 2009, CBC News; "Haiti debt relief to free up $50 mln a year - IMF," Lesley Wroughton, July 1, 2009, Reuters.


     Canada : infant mortality rates on First Nations reserves is seven times the national average and over 60% of native peoples within Canada's borders live on reserves. The tuberculosis rate was 90 times higher among Aboriginals in the years 2004 to 2006. Between 33 and 45 % of all native children are chronically ill. The suicide rate is 2.1 higher among natives from ten to nineteen. Teenage fertility is seven times the country's average. These observations of UNICEF Canada's new report on the health of native children show need for increased government commitment to break historical patterns of North American genocide. In 2007 Canada's Conservative government refused to sign the United Nations treaty declaration of Aboriginal rights. Partial sources: "Aboriginal children's health below national averages UNICEF," Amy Minsky, Canwest,; "Aboriginal Children's health: Leaving no child behind," Toronto: UNICEF Canada, 2009; "Report Summary," UNICEF Canada [access:< >]

Historical note:
North American policies of First Nations management continue to result in a lack of human rights and health. Native peoples are set against eachother and non-natives, not by tribe against tribe, but by tribalization and 'status' when millions have some native ancestry. For Indigenous people to have rights, band or tribal 'status' is often needed. By empowering chosen tribal groups and cooperative native leaders, government sets band councils against those resisting the government. Approved leaders make agreements for land rights, manage the finances, etc.. As bands / tribes are funded by government or receive reparations and corporate payments for land use, there is an economic pressure on bands / tribal groups to limit their number by restricting membership. An example in the U.S. (Source appreciation to "Expelled Black Cherokee descendants fight back," April 24, 2007, News): in 2007 the Cherokee Nation voted to strip 2800 members of their inclusion in the tribe. The expelled were "Black Cherokees" whose ancestors were slaves taken into the tribe. By vote the tribe decided to limit inclusion to descendants of families listed in the Dawes rolls of Indigenous people of the five tribes who found favour with and received grants from the occupation Dawes Commission in 1893. The people have resisted injustice in the Americas since the fourteen hundreds. In some instances recognized tribes made treaties and received financial rewards by cooperating with occupations, furthering a tribal racism that could serve both sides of a treaty that oppresses the people. See also Schweitzer on ethics.

      Montreal: on June 27th Abousfian Abdelrazik returned home to Montreal thanking the concern and support of many Canadians. His status on the UN 1267 list denies him the right to work or receive material support. The Toronto Star quotes his return as a headline:"I am glad to be a citizen of this famous nation." See previous. Partial sources: "We did it: Abousfian Abdelrazik Returns Home!" July 4, 2009, PSI listserv; "Abdelrazik 'glad to be a citizen of this famous nation'," Joanna Smith, June 28, 2009, (Toronto Star).


      Zimbabwe: immunizations were not available during or before the cholera epidemic. See previous. Although there have been no cases of polio in Zimbabwe for eight years, UNICEF Children's Fund began a program June 7th (largely funded by the U.S.) to innoculate over 2 million children against measles and polio. On June 27th, the Zimbabwean paper, The Standard carried news of being "inundated" with reports of severe illness from side effects of the immunizations.     Partial sources: " Panic After Vaccinated Children Fall Ill," Bertha Shoko, June 27, 2009, The Standard ~; "2 million Zimbabwe children get polio vaccine," June 7, 2009, afrol news.



June 30, 2009

Historical note
A fairly recent portion of the Irish genocide occurred in the mid eighteen hundreds, as documented by the mass graves of ireland [access:< >].


June 28, 2009

      (Re.) Guantanamo: Torture is a barbaric act. I believe that no state whose regime conducts or condones torture can consider itself civilized... Navi Pillay. The UN Commissioner of Human Rights has asked for the prosecution of Bush administration officials who allowed the use of torture. Democracy Now quotes her as saying - “People who order or inflict torture cannot be exonerated, and the roles of certain lawyers, as well as doctors who have attended torture sessions, should also be scrutinized.” Less volatile challenges to administation policies are proceeding. The Project to enforce the Geneva Conventions reports an emergency petition filed in Washington D.C. District Court June 23rd, requesting a Guantanamo detainee, Adnan Latif, continually referred to as "ISN-156," be allowed to use the bathroom without being shackled, pray without being shackled, and allowed a full session to speak with his lawyer; this gives some insight into current conditions maintained at Guantanamo; no lawyers are allowed in the mental health ward to speak to a client. Court order honoured the requests.     Partial sources: "Statement by the UN High Commissioner for HumanRights, Navi Pillay, on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture," June 25, 2009, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; "UN Human Rights Chief: Prosecute Bush Admin Officials who OKed Torture," Amy Goodman, June 25, 2009, Democracy Now!; PEGC Extra 2009.06.22, Gittings: "Mahmoad Abdah, et al, Petitioners v. Barack H. Obama, et al. Respondents,"Case 1:04-cv-01254-HHK Document 533 Filed 06/23/2009.

Historical note
Project to enforce the Geneva Conventions (see links)remains one of the few steadfast uncompromising American defenders of the Geneva Conventions online. PEGC has posted, emailed, followed the court proceedings, through the years of Guantanamo, and through moments when the U.S. media, law schools, and most lawyers and legislators kept silent. The cost of concern for international law is heavy and among others PEGC is owed thanks. Also ref. Guantanamo 2004-2008.

      Haiti: see previous , which suggests UN peacekeepers may have provoked violence at Fr. Jean-Juste's funeral by making an arrest and shooting a teenager. A Utube video shares footage from Radio Teleginen showing a white vehicle carrying soldiers firing rifles toward the front of the church and victim, after the arrested man was taken away. The footage reveals a drive-by shooting by soldiers rather than any measure of crowd control. [access:< >]. The resistance in Haiti maintains support for its elected President Bertrand Aristide. Since the foreign putch against him the suffering of the Haitian poor has increased. Across the border in the Dominican Republic prospects for Haitian workers is worsening. The Dominican Republic has traditionally found Haiti a source of extremely low paid labour (ie. for sugar cane); resident Haitians and those forced from Haiti by destabilisation / violence / poverty from the U.S. - French - Canadian takeover are suffering increased outrages, discrimination and threats. The Dominican Republic has closer ties to the US than Haiti has. Roger Leduc's article finds "The preconditions for a mass murder of Haitians are being set in place in the Dominican Republic." Genocide warning.     Partial sources: "Have Haitian pogroms in the Dominican Republic begun ?" Roger Leduc, June 25, 2009, Haiti Liberte ~ Upside Down World; "Video footage shows UN shooting at crowd in Haiti," June 24, 2009, Bay View.


      Venezuela: the AP reports the Chavez Government is planning to take over "privately owned warehouses in seaports." The government has already taken over the seaports and the airports. The Venezuelan Church objects to government expropriations of companies in several regions. In Rome Venezuelan Archbishop Ubaldo Santana has said that Chavez policies cause "violence, insecurity and hatred” - the Church is overtly taking sides. See previous.    Source: "Venezuelan bishops warn Chavez is jeopardizing democratic society," June 9, 2009, Catholic News Agency; "Venezuela to expropriate seaport warehouses," Associated Press, June 11, 2009, The Jerusalem Post; "Venezuelan Bishops tell Pope: Chavez unable to break Catholic Church unity," Patrick J. O'Donoghue, June 26, 2009,


      Pakistan: in a June 25th interview on Democracy Now! political opposition leader Imran Khan assessed the current hopelessness of the US policy controlling Pakistan, with the facts of a humanitarian disaster in Swat : "To go after 5,000 Taliban, they have displaced three-and-a-half million people. To use artillery, helicopter gunships, F-16s on civilian population, they’ve caused this massive human catastrophe." Leader of the "Movement for Justice," Khan is called pro-Taliban for his objections to military displacement of millions. He has noted “Hatred of America is much more than of the Taliban" (Times). The country is being forced into a humanitarian disaster.     Partial sources: "Pakistani Opposition Politician Imran Khan on US Drone Attacks, the “Massive Human Catastrophe” in the Swat Valley and the Escalation of War in Afghanistan," Amy Goodman and Imran Khan, June 25, 2009, Democracy Now!; "Imran Khan warns of Pakistan’s ‘suicide’," Christina Lamb, June 14, 2009, The Sunday Times ~ timesonline.





June 22, 2009

      Haiti: Senate runoff elections June 21 received extremely low voter turnout with a majority of Haitian voters refusing the pretext of a false democracy installed by the US, France, Canada, and insisted on by UN troops. See previous. The runoff election's failure will be a disappointment to the Préval government and UN Ambassador Bill Clinton. Both will be survived by the memory of Fr. Gerard Jean-Juste, caretaker of the very poor and of shipwrecked souls, of Haiti's freedom, exiled to the States, brought home to Haiti in death. Bill Quigley's appeal for help and account of Fr. Jean-Juste's false arrest at St. Pierre's, July 21, 2005, is still in our archives. Fr. Jean-Juste's funeral in Haiti found so many devoted paying respects, expressing sorrow, but as the large crowd of mourners moved down the street bearing his coffin UN soldiers chose to make an arrest, the crowd resisted, the UN fired "warning shots" and left the body of a teeneager dead in the street. Fr. Jean-Juste was a selfless strong supporter of President Aristide and the poor in Haiti and Miami. He supported the Church with his life. The Church denied him support.     Partial sources:" Mourners at Father Gerard Jean-Juste’s funeral accuse Catholic church, Haitian leaders of complicity in his death," Marguerite "Ezili Dantò" Laurent, June 18, 2009, Bay View; "The blood pours: UN soldiers shoot at Haitian mourners outside church funeral of Father Jean Juste in Haiti," Marguerite “Ezili Dantò” Laurent, June 19, 2009, Bay View; "Haiti protester shot during funeral," June 19, 2009, BBC News; "Haiti: Many stay away from polls in Sentate run-offs, ignoring efforts to improve turnout," AP, June 22, 2009, Taiwan News.

A Gerald and Maas poster from the eighties...      




June 21, 2009

      Belfast: Police have arrested two minors in Belfast for hate attacks on the Roma. The BBC story avoids mention of C-18, a British Loyalist group broadcasting in Northern Ireland: "Romanian gypsies beware beware. Loyalist C-18 are coming to beat you like a baiting bear." The primary website for C-18 works out of Texas. C-18 UK works out of Yorkshire. C-18 is specifically anti-Roma and enduringly anti-immigration. Once a branch of the British National Party which showed increased strength in recent European Parliamentary elections, the anti-immigrant actions in Belfast are increasingly part of a neo-fascist agenda in the traditionally racist countries. Neo-fascists are gaining strength partly because their positions reflect practices and attitudes of very powerful governments. Detainee treatment in the U.S. after 9-11 proved a disgrace to the Bill of Rights. Currently in England, Django at reports riots, hunger strikes and severe beatings by guards amid other severe abuses of whole families of detainees this month in the English immigration prisons at Brook House / Gatwick Airport and Yari's Wood. In Norway Carl Hagen's far right-wing populist Progress Party is in ascendancy, polling a third of the popular vote. In Russia, over fifty thousand skinheads, "britogolovy" are neo Nazi anti non-Russian and kill with chains, beatings knife attacks. While neo-Nazi attacks in Belfast appear to unite an interfaith community in oppositon, the Belfast Telegraph reports graffiti backing Loyalist C-18 scrawled on the grave markers of the IRA dead, in particular a monument to those who died for anti-fascism in the Spanish Civil War.

Historical note: For those who remember martyrs of the labour movement in the United States there's a strong link between an organizer of C-18 and one of the groups participating in the murder of 5 union organizers in Greensboro North Carolina in 1979 (the Greensboro Massacre). Attacking were men affiliated with the KKK (considered heavily FBI infiltrated by the Sixties) and the US National Socialist Party (Nazis), and there was no justice for the crime. The leader of the the North Carolina chapter of the NSP was Harold Covington who in 1991 was in England setting up Combat-18 (a US Army vet, previously Covington became a member of Southern Rhodesia's white army and was deported by Zimbabwe etc.). The spread of neo-fascism throughout Russia and former Soviet countries now open to U.S. and Canadian investment, may be a covert signature providing investors with a kind of "insurance" policy for the region.
Partial sources: "Attacks against Roma in Northern Ireland continuing," June 19, 2009,; "Romanian gypsies beware beware. Loyalist C18 are coming to beat you like a baiting bear," June 21, 2009, UTV News; Anti-Fascist Action Ireland "C18," Encyclopedia, access: June 21, 2009,; "Combat 18," access June 21, 2009, Metapedia; "Russia's far-right on rise," Feb. 1, 2005," "Hunger strike and rioting in immigration prisons," Django, June 20, 2009,; "Norway's dark secret," Andres Osborn, Nov. 1, 2002, The Guardian:"From Greensboro to Washington," June 14, 2009, slackbastard (apprec.); "The ties that bind page 2, 1991," Fall 2001, Intelligence Report; "IRA graves daubed with fascist graffiti," Margaret Canning, June 19, 2009, Belfast Telepgraph online; "Teens charged in racist attacks," June 21, 2009, BBC News online; "Harold Covington," access June 21, 2009, wikipedia.
Editor's note: pointing out fascist behaviour in other places I should add a short autocritique, Fascism in Ottawa: here fascism is advanced by Conservative government policies. Canada participates in an aggressive genocidal war against a religious group in Afghanistan, and supported Israel's illegal aggressions against Lebanon and Gaza; with government complicity child citizen Omar Khadr was and remains subject to torture by the US military at Guantanamo; Canadians Maher Arar and Abousfian Abdelrazik among other immigrants were jailed and tortured by or with complicity of the CIA and CSIS; without charges or trials five Muslims were jailed in isolation for about four years under Canadian Security Certificates; two outspoken native grandmothers not far from their homes were beaten by Canadian border guards; thousands of First Nations children were murdered at Residential Schools and no one is held accountable. Aside from Conservative government policies, in Ottawa locally fascism remains more of a cultural event; an Anglophone literary scene rejects outsiders without better government connections and has avoided issues of social justice.


      Peru: Stewart Trew of The Council for Canadians notes that fifty percent of the resources stripped from Peru are stripped by Canadian companies. See previous. And previous.    Partial source: "Canada ratifies Peru free trade agreement, stays silent on Amazon massacre," Dawn Paley, June 18, 2009, / Free Press.



June 19, 2009

      Zimbabwe: An update on the continuing attempt to take over an African country. - ed.. The head of London's Amnesty International which has an interest in Africa, found human rights still in default during her recent trip to this former colony. Irene Khan asked that donors not cut back on humanitarian support since the people of Zimbabwe are in difficulty. reports that those white farmers remaining in Zimbabwe (approximately 400) are asking the financially broken country for fifteen billion dollars compensation, to leave. This would leave nothing for the people of the country and nothing for reparations to other farmers forced out by Zimbabwe's war of independence veterans and years of hostile European controls on Zimbabwe's agricultural markets. Zimbabwe is recovering from an epidemic of over a 100,000 cases of cholera. The Red Cross assessed 3.4 million dollars necessary to rebuild the country's water system to avoid another cholera epidemic. ActionAid has asked Great Britain for assistance in distributing ready food supplies and agricultural aid, since there is a shortage of food. Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai is trying to raise 10 billion dollars in Britain (Zimbabwe's currency is now the U.S. dollar) for the 'economy.' In various ways Britain, the U.S. , Germany, Sweden, have stated reluctance to adequately help this once liberated nation, until Zimbabwe shows a more... European democracy and deeper commitment to... human rights. To speak in Zimbabwe's defence, it's army stays in its own country. See previous. Concerning military attempts, consider Sudan.    Partial sources: "Special report: Zimbabwe's white farmers demand $15bn," unnamed special correspondent, June 18, 2009,; "New humanitarian disaster brewing in Zimbabwe," June 19, 2009,; "Rights still violated in Zimbabwe - Amnesty," Bill Corcoran, June 19, 2009,; "Britain says too early to lift Zimbabwe sanctions," AFP June 19, 2009,; "Zimbabwe cholera 'to top 100,000'," May 26, 2009, BBC News.



June 17, 2009

      Canada: according to the BBC swine flu is affecting Indigenous people more than others. In Manitoba 16 of 24 intensive care patients for swine flu "are from native communities." Canada's minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq is Inuit. Agence France Presse quotes the World Health Organization assistant director-general speaking of Inuit communities: "a disproportionate number of serious cases is occurring." As an imbalance of the nearly 3000 cases of swine flu in Canada occurs to the north media note that Inuit seem more susceptible to pandemics. WHO has declared this H1 epidemic a pandemic. For health information: Health Canada [ access:< >].     Partial sources: "Flu hits Canada's native peoples," June 12, 2009, BBC News; "Canada swine flu cases approach 3,000," AFP June 11, 2009, Yahoo! News Canada; "WHO declares first 21st century flu pandemic," NUPGE, June 12, 2009, national union.


      Venezuela: an article by Nil Nikandrovin reveals cultural warfare in Venezuela between the CIA represented by writers for the wealthy, globalists, overt CIA agents, and the people represented by President Chavez. The article notes that for the past several years opposition to the government wears white at demonstrations, and is making a general effort to declare a "white revolution." A prominent student opposition leader receives a half million dollars from the Milton Friedman Foundation. Mario Vargas Llosa is brought in to publicly abuse Chavez (who has steadily nationalized foreign corporate assets) etc.. Groomed to international stature Llosa continues to serve the elite.     Partial sources: "CIA against Chavez: deepened shadows of “white revolution," Nil Nikandrov, June 14, 2009,; "Venezuela Decrees Nationalization of Last Foreign Controlled Oil Fields," Gregory Wilpert,Feb. 27, 2007,


      Libya: the World Health Organization notes an outbreak of bubonic plague near Tibruq Libya close to Egypt, in an area plague-free for 25 years. If recognized early the "black death" can be treated with antibiotics. Bubonic plague is of military interest due to its horrific aspects as a weapon of psychological and biological warfare to the extent that military forces are at points innoculated [current status not known]. On June 11th the UPI reported 3 cases in Sante Fe County New Mexico.     Partial sources: "Bubonic plague reported in Libya ," June 17, 2009, BBC News; "Libya records 13 cases of bubonic plague," AFP, June 17, 2009, Google News; N.M. county facing bubonic plague cases," June 11, 2009,


      US: two notes on military affairs, 1. Steve Watson on reports the new US Department of Defence training manual includes "protest" as an act of terrorism. In a yearly test employees must accede to this in order to pass on to the next test question. 2. Maine Veterans for Peace notes the Veterans Administration is expanding coverage to 270 thousand vets without service disabilities, who make more money than previous eligibility requirements allow. Vets with service connected disability have no income limit to qualify for care. For online info: access:< >.     Source: "DoD Training Manual Describes Protest As 'Low-Level Terrorism'," Steve Watson, June 15, 2009,; "VA Reopening Health Care Enrollment to Thousands of Veterans," Rawlings, June 17, 2009, MVFP listserv.


      Belfast: about twenty Roma families sought refuge in a church after attacks by neo-nazis for the past two nights. Residents of the working class mixed Catholic and Protestant neighbourhood apparently stood up for the families. So havelocal politicians. Irish resistance groups are not accused. An AP report cites "Protestant gangs." Attacks on Roma seem to reflect a trans-NATO agenda against Romani peoples, carried out by neo-nazi enforcers throughout Europe. See previous.     Partial sources: "Romanian families flee their homes in Belfast after attacks," video, ITN News; "NI politicians condemn attacks on Romanians," Peter Morrison and Jill Lawless,AP, June 17, 2009, Google News; "Community condemns 'racist thugs'," June 17, 2009, BBC News.



June 15, 2009

      Ottawa: on Friday, prepared to return to Canada from Sudan, with a plane ticked paid for by several hundred Canadian supporters of human rights, Abousfian Abdelrazik found that his passport was withheld once again by government officials. Canada's Federal Court has ordered the Harper government to repatriate him. Gerald and Maas protests the government's continuing abuse of Abousfian Abdelrazik's rights. See previous. Also see previous. And previous.    Partial sources: "No passport, Canadian stays grounded in Sudan ," News Services. June 13, 2009,; "Ottawa denies passport to man stuck in Sudan," Joanna Smith, June 13, 2009, Toronto Star.

      Southern Ontario shelters are reported filled with Roma seeking refuge in Canada from persecutions in the Czech Republic (among other European countries). Minister of Immigration Jason Kenney is slow to respond to increasing evidence of crimes against the Roma as a people. Researchers sent to the Czech Republic in March haven't shared their findings with the public. An index of the Czech Republic's fascism can be found in the Prague Declaration of 2008 signed by Vaclav Havel and others dedicated to attacking another victim group of the Nazi's, communists. Item 17 of the "Declaration" suggests adjustment and overhaul of European history textbooks so that children could learn and be warned about Communism and its crimes in the same way as they have been taught to assess the Nazi crimes. See previous, and particularly, previous. Before he began advocating a re-write of European history Havel was noted in the West as a champion of freedom of expression. As Dovid Katz points out in the Irish Times, European governments tend to blame occupation forces for crimes endemic to local nazis... noting the Lithuanian witch-hunt of Holocaust survivors Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky and Dr. Rachel Margolis (both at 87) - their "crime" was escaping and joining resistance partisans against the Nazis. The Harper government may be finding it difficult to admit persecution of the Roma and maintain the backing of NATO's conservatives.     Partial sources: "Czech Roma seek safe haven," Lesley Ciarula [sic]Taylor, June 12, 2009, Toronto Star; "Prague Declaration on European Conscience and Communism," June 3, 2008, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic [access:< >]; "'Genocide industry' has hidden agenda," Dovid Katz, May 30, 2009,



June 11, 2009

      Hungary: three Jobbick party members were elected to the European Parliament - over 10% of Hungary's 22 seats, joining Austria's 18% on the far right, England's neo-fascist party's (BNP) two seats, in the Netherlands 17% to the anti-Islamic party, etc.. Krisztina Morvai (below) won election. The JTA refers to her as "a former Fulbright scholar from the University of Wisconsin." Wikipedia notes she took a Masters of Law at King's College London. She was a member of the UN Women's anti-discrimination Committee with special concern for Palestinian women. She has taken Israel to Hungary's Supreme court for war crimes in Gaza (according to Mathaba these crimes include "Inciting war," "Genocide," "Apartheid," "Crime against the civilian population," "Unlawful military operations" and "the use of banned weapons"). An estimated 80,000 Jewish people prefer to live in Budapest rather than Israel. The Jobbick Party's tactics of encouraging cooperation with memories of WWII, its flashes of anti-semitism, its lack of respect for Hungary's Jews (among others) while attacking the very real war crimes of Israel, subverts international law for political gain, shames Hungary, and damages the just cause of Palestine.     Partial sources: "Krisztina Morvai Accuses Israel Of War Crimes," Jan. 29, 2009,, "Outrage over obscene anti-Semitic Internet post by Morvcai," Hungary Around the Clock, June 5, 2009,; "Krisztina Morvai,"accessed June 9, 2009, Wikipedia; "Intel agents warn extremism rising,"Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, June 9, 2009, WorldNetDaily;"Hungarian Jews reeling from far-right party's gains," Thomas Orszag-Land, June 8, 2009, JTA; "Initial European Parliament results by country," AP, June 8, 2009, Taiwan News.


      Peru: Alberto Pizango, threatened with incarceration by Peru's President Garcia, sought refuge in Nicaragua's embassy and has been granted asylum in that country. Amnesty International U.K. has asked assurances from Peruvian authorities that detainees will receive humane treatment and appropriate medical care. Although the government of Peru suspended two of the decrees which betrayed Indigenous lands to corporate powers, the struggle continues. See below.     Partial sources: "Nicaragua otorga asilo político a Alberto Pizango," March 9, 2009, La; "Peru: Fear for safety of demonstrators in custody," June 10, 2009, Amnesty International UK; "Peru Congress suspends decrees that upset Indians," Franklin Briceno AP, June 10, 2009, SFGate.



June 7, 2009.

      Peru: The Indigenous Movement is gaining power in the North. As of June 6th government sources claim 22 police killed and 30 Indians (3 of these, children); some of the natives arrested remain entirely unaccounted for. Police ("La Diroes ~ the Directorate of Special Operations") stand accused of burning the bodies of native peoples and throwing them in the Marañón river; human rights defender intervention has been requested; when five police officers were reported killed and as many as twenty Indians in standoffs in the Cruz del Diablo region, native peoples said police fired into protesters. Police said natives fired first. The natives said they had only spears. "There are 12 dead [native people] ... from bullets shot from helicopters," according to native leader Alberto Pizango (Reuters). Indigenous peoples hospitalized at the Santiago Apostal Hospital in Amazonas are reported to have been arrested and taken away by national police. The Indigenous peoples are trying to protect the lands from further destruction by foreign companies. Rights of the earth are inter-reliant with their peoples' survival. Doe Run Peru ceased its zinc smelting operation on June 3rd, delaying extensive cleanup operations in La Oroya, now one of the most contaminated areas on the planet. In the US, Doe Run smelts lead in Herculaneum Missouri where there are regular complaints of toxic spills, emissions, illegal burying of hazardous wastes, pollution of water, lead poisoning to over half Missouri children living within 1/4 mile. As positions entrench in Peru's Amazonas region, on May 31, 2009, prisoners at "the San Humberto de Bagua Grande prison in Utcubamba" (NW Peru) overpowered their guards which allowed as many as 200 ("at least 44") to escape to the jungle and river. No injuries were reported. In the Ayacucho region, Sendero Luminoso brought down a Peruvian army helicopter killing seven. See also previous.    Partial sources: "At least 7 soldiers killed in guerilla attack in Peru," Xinhua, June 3, 2009, [access:< >]; "Peru: Concerns spread about arrested natives," Isabel Guerra, June 6, 2009, Living in Peru; "Peru says 5 police killed in Amazon protest," Associated Press, June 5, 2009, Google news; "Doe Run Peru shut smelter, seeks to delay cleanup," Carla Salazar (AP), June 3, 2009, Forbes; Update 1 ~ At least 20 dead in Peru clash over Amazon resources," Terry Wade and Marco Aquino, June 5, 2009, Thomson Reuters; "44 inmates escape from Peru's prison," Xinhua, May 31, 2009, China Daily; "Dozens escape in Peru jailbreak," May 31, 2009, BBC; "Peru declares curfew, 9 more police killed by Amazon Indians protesting gas, oil exploration," Carla Salazar AP, June 7, 2009, Newsday; "Denuncian que la policía estaría quemando cadáveres de amazónicos," June 5, 2009, La Republica, apprec. Interncontinental Cry; "Doe Run is “Out of the Closet,” Tom Kruzen, Sept. 2005, Ozark Sierran Online.

      Kahnesetake: Mohawk protest remains non-violent in resistance to Canada's attempt to arm its border guards. The Canadian government is considering moving this border station which is within a native community. The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians Grand Chief Randall Phillips has taken a position supporting the people of Akwesasne. The border may be kept closed. See previous.     Partial sources: "Akwesasne Mohawk Territory Border Crossing,"June 5, 2009, CNW Group; "Mohawks continue struggle at border," Randi Rourke, June 5, 2009, Indian Country Today.

      Canada: a Federal Court judge has ruled the government must allow Abousfian Abdelrazik's repatriation to Canada. Abdelrazik was denied a passport to return after groups and people concerned with human rights bought him the ticket required for return. Both RCMP and CSIS acknowledge the victim has no links to terrorism, yet he was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Sudan because the US added his name to a UN suspects list. The Canadian court's ruling suggests the government has acted in bad faith and has violated Charter Rights of a citizen. The Harper government is considering an appeal although it would further damage Abousfian Abdelrazik and the basic rights of Canadian citizens which have had to be upheld by Canada's courts. The courts have repeatedly had to protect the rights of Canadian citizens from violations of law by a government threatening the people with fascism. Also see previous     Partial sources: "Canada decides on Sudan 'suspect,' " June 4, 2009, BBC; "Court orders Ottawa to let Abdelrazik return to Canada," June 4, 2009, CBC News: "Feds must bring Abdelrazik home, federal court rules," Paul Koring, June 4, 2009,; "Canada court orders terror suspect repatriated," Charmaine Noronha, June 4, 2009, AP ~ Rogers Yahoo! News.

      Czech Republic: the Harper government's deliberations on whether to let fleeing Roma stay in Canada begins to suggest a policy not entirely unfamiliar to students of history. According to Valiante in the National Post, a Canadian ministry of Immigration spokesperson can't believe the Czech Republic "is an island of persecution". See also Hungary, below. Meanwhile police in the Czech town of Zdiby are not acting at the second recent fire bombing of a Roma family of ten. As a result of threats and actions against Roma, head editor of Czecholslavakia's radio station for Roma peoples has requested asylum in Canada for herself and family. According to AFP her son was attacked by skinheads, her husband blackmailed. Canada has approved 34 out of 600 Romany requests so far this year. Also see previous.     Partial sources: "Czech Gypsy editor seeks Canada asylum," June 3, 2009,; "Czech Radio's Roma programme chief flees to Canada," Agence France Presse, June 3, 2009, Google news; "Tensions against Roma on rise," Wency Leung and Martina Cermakova, June 3, 2009, The Prague Post; "Southern Ontario shelters swamped by Roma refugee claimants," Giuseppe Valiante, June 5, 2009, National Post.

      Hungary: Stefan Bos in BosNewsLife reveals the far right party Jobbick, working with the "Hungarian Guard"("Magyar Gárda") with its flags from the Nazi regime of WWII. The "Magya Gárda" are blamed for seven recent murders of Roma, specifically of a father and son shot trying to leave their burning home (Bos). Not confining its hatred to Roma, the Jobbick candidate Christina Morvay is quoted by The Guardian as wooing voters with statements such as, "So-called proud Hungarian Jews should go back to playing with their tiny little circumcised tails." As European Parliamentary elections show a move to the right, neo-fascist parties are increasing their representation throughout Europe. In Hungary the Jobbick party has confused Israel's crimes against Palestine with Hungary's historical uses for anti-semitism. Haaretz quotes a Hungarian police trade union newsletter: "Given our current situation, anti-Semitism is not just our right, but it is the duty of every Hungarian homeland lover, and we must prepare for armed battle against the Jews." During WWII antisemitism was used to recruit Hungarian support for Germany and the Nazi occupation.     Source: "Hungary's 'anti-Roma, anti-Jewish' Party Marching to Europe (Special Feature)," Stefan J. Bos, June 6, 2009, BosNewsLife; "Rightwingers set to wipe out leaders of Hungarian revolution," Ian Traynor, June 7, 2009, ; "'Proud Hungarians must prepare for war against the Jews'," Yehuda Lahav, June 6, 2009,



June 3, 2009

      Chile: "Agustin's Newspaper,""El diario de Agustin," a documentary film by Ignacio Aguero and Fernando Villagran, is recently released as a book by the University of Chile Institute of Communication and Image:Agustín’s Newspaper; Five Case Studies on El Mercurio and Human Rights (1973-1990). Daniela Estrada writes about it in IPS. The book features the work of five journalism students exploring correlations between crimes against humanity under Pinochet's regime, and the complicity and active promotion of crimes by the country's leading conservative newspaper, El Mercurio, owned and run by the family Agustin. None of the reporters expects to find work in Chile. It's likely that the book documents CIA / DIA direct involvement in the crimes of Chile. They may have difficulty finding work in any country where employment is the price of truth. See previous.     Sources: "Chile: Study Shows How Leading Paper Colluded with Dictatorship," Daniela Estrada, May 26, 2009 IPS - Inter Press Service; the documentary is currently available in Spanish on uTube.


      Colombia: attacks on academics continue; prodded by the "Black Eagles" the government increasingly associates academics with leftist guerillas and revolutionaries. Labelling intellectuals as adherents to FARC renders them legitimate targets for the military. Most recently Dr. Miguel Ángel Beltrán a sociologist was arrested for "rebellion". Last summer Liliany Patricia Obando Villota, the co-author (with him) of an article was arrested for rebellion and remains in prison. Such arrests times a hundred help create a country in the service of US corporate corruption. In North America most academics are silenced by large salaries and a corporate media. But not all.     Partial sources: "Colombia's Fascist Attack on Acadmic Freedom," James J. Brittain, June 1, 2009, Upside Down World.


      Bosnia: the country is properly taken to the European Court of Human Rights, by two of its citizens, Dervo Sejdic, a Roma and Jakob Finci, a Jew, for denying minorities the right to be elected to the presidency or to positions as lawmakers. Currently the Bosnian Constitution favours Muslim Bosniaks, Catholic Croats and Christian Serbs, and was written in Dayton Ohio and signed in Paris. Jakob Finci, head of Sarajevo's Jewish community, a diplomat, is represented by Sheri P. Rosenberg, director of Holocaust and Human Rights Studies at the Benjamin Cardozo School Law School in NYC. The original case was brought by Dervo Sejdic of the BiH Council of Roma but was passed to a higher court within the European Court of Human Rights and is now joined by Finci's case, to be heard today, June 3rd. The Roma are the largest minority of Bosnia and Herzegovina with an estimated 30 thousand to 60 thousand people. Those bringing the case deserve international support. Source: "Jew and Roma accuse Bosnia of discrimination," Associated Press, June 2, 2009, Taiwan News; "Bosnian Jew seeks to change presidential law," Feb. 25, 2007, European Jewish Press; "International Roma Day: BiH Roma Community Still Marginalised," FENA, April 8, 2008, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe website; "Sheri Rosenberg and the Human Rights and Genocide Clinic Represent Plaintiff in Landmark Case at Europe's Highest Court," June 1, 2009, Yeshiva University News.



June 2, 2009

      Akwesasne: the border crossing at Seaway International Bridge is currently problematic (travelers may want to use other crossings). U.S. police have opened the bridge at one end so the people of Akwesasne can go to Cornwall to buy groceries. The Canadian Border Services Agency walked off the job Sunday night. Difficulty: the Conservative Government decided to arm Canada's border police with Beretas (side arms). In Akwewsasne the border station is mid community. The Akwesasne Mohawk Council refused to allow the CBSA gunsand Mohawk have protested, some wearing scarves over their faces which makes Border agents nervous. From the perspective of Mohawk Nation News the Mohawk people are placed in a pinch, blocked without freedom of movement and benefit of international law. Some wonder why the border crossing can't be moved outside the community. Simply they don't want armed border guards among them. The Canadian Border Services Agency is increasingly faulted for the Harper administration policies.     Partial sources: "Police call off blockade of Mohawks at Cornwall," June 2, 2009, CBC News; "Mohawks stand against new border policies," Randi Rourke and Tom Wanamaker, June 1, 2009, Indian country today; "Ottawa won't back down on border guards carrying guns despite aboriginal protest," The Canadian Press June 2, 2009, Google News; "MNN Akwesasne Mohawks held hostage - bridges blocked - guards walk off," June 1, 2009, Mohawk Nation News email; "MNN There will be no guns !" May 27, 2009, Mohawk Nation News.


      U.S.: on Fox News May 29th, General David Petraeus in charge of US Central Command has suggested the US Command is aware it has violated the Geneva Conventions: "When we have taken steps that have violated the Geneva Convention, we rightly have been criticized..." His support of the US judicial system and practices of the Army Field Manual both protects military personnel and places them within reach of U.S. and military law for offenses which could involve the death penalty. As Commander-in-Chief of US forces former President Bush among others would be responsible for war crimes under the Geneva Conventions.. See below.     Partial sources: "General Petraeus on the closure of Guantanamo," May 29, 2009, rawstory,; "US violated Geneva Conventions, Bush Iraq commander says," John Byrne, Raw Story, May 29, 2009, Alex Jones; "Petraeus Admits US Violated Geneva Conventions,"Headlines, June 1, 2009, Democracy now!; Cheney: Closing Gitmo would Require Killing Detainees," Jason Ditz, June 1, 2009,

      On May 27th a Federal Court judge assigned sentences of from fifteen to sixty five years to five officials of The Holy Land Foundation for supporting Hamas in Palestine, an organization deemed "terrorist". The good samaritans are Mohammad El-Mezain, Shurki Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi, Abdulrahman Odeh and Mufid Abdulqader. The group fine of 12.4 million dollars stands. While alleged crimes included the usual charges of "money-laundering" and IRS violations, the charges were clearly intended to close and in effect closed the US's most substantial humanitarian aid organization providing medical and infra-structure relief to the people of Palestine. Proveably the foundation's money went entirely to charity and within a framework of religious tithing. Charges and verdict suggest a policy of attacking religious freedom (please note the case of political prisoner Dr. Rafil Dhafir). With a shift of power toward just representation of Islamic people before a world court, Bush Justice Department intentions of closing Muslim humanitarian relief agencies could be questioned under the Convention against Genocide.     Partial sources: "Federal judge sentences Islamic charity officials accused of funding terrorism,"Christian Ehret, May 28, 2009, Jurist; "Despite No Links to Violence, Founders of Muslim Charity Sentenced to Lengthy Terms for Donations to Needy Palestinians in Occupied Territories,"Amy Goodman et al, May 29, 2009, Democracy Now !.



May 27, 2009

      Toronto: information on the visits of George Bush, Michael Chertoff, John Bolton to Toronto is available from the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War, (416) 795-5863. See also War Criminals Not Welcome Here at . Bush is expected at the Toronto Convention Centre, May 29th to speak with Bill Clinton who presided over the bombing of Yugoslavia. A Canadian professor of international law known for exceptional integrity, Michael Mandel notes the conviction of Désiré Munyaneza in Quebec, while considering Bush's crimes. Mandel has pointed out that Canadians have the right to request a justice of peace arrest Bush however it isn't likely (newsfix).     Partial Sources: "Demonstrations against G.W. Bush coming to Canada on May 29, 2009," May 25, 2009, LAW listserv; "[Toronto] War Criminals Not Welcome Here: Bush, Clinton, Bolton, Chertoff," anon, May 17, 2009, mostly water; "Bush deserves jail, says York professor," Stephen Humphrey, May 23, 2009, newsfix.

In defence of Canada's War Crimes Act, the Geneva Conventions and international treaties and laws against aggression, against genocide and against torture, we protest the entry into Canada of former US President George W. Bush and other Bush Administration officials guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The invitations for events of May 29th through May 31 mock Canadian law and all the people and cover an elitist government's impunity in disregarding international laws. Gerald and Maas, editions / atelier, Ottawa     May 25 posting to Nowar-Paix

      Ottawa: an all day protest against what organizers call "Canada's largest arms bazaar" is scheduled for Lansdowne Park. People are invited to drop by the Bank Street entrance from 7:30 to 6:30 pm. At 7:00 pm across the bridge at 15 Aylmer Ave, speakers from a number of religious denominations and faiths as well as musicians and poets will hold a rally and afterward a candlelight procession back across the bridge. The Arms Bazaar is CANSEC - Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries, comprised of about 700 weapons makers. In 1989 the City Council of Ottawa banned arms shows, but weapons makers seem not to be affected. For more information see "" ~ Coalition against the Arms Trade .    Sources: C.O.A.T.; also access:< >; "[COAT] Exports of CANSEC (May27) warshow Exhibitors," May 25, 2009, , and others.



May 23, 2009

      Peru: the national energy company has shut its oil pipeline as Indigenous pressure increases with over a month of blockades on roads and rivers. The protest has the backing of tribes throughout the Amazon region, with estimates of 30,000 people of sixty tribes protesting Peru's free trade agreement with the US and government concessions to Euro-colonial powers. As a result of President Garcia's policies to encourage foreign investment the Amazonian region is in a declared emergency. To counter Indian demands President Garcia has announced that the oil and mineral resources of Peru, its lands and its riches, belong to all the Peruvian people not simply those who live in resource rich areas. The Indigenous groups are making some effort to see that Peru abides by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Although Canada and the US rejected the Declaration their companies are operating within Peru and drawing profit from its resources. These opposing interests offer some explanation for Fujimori's criminal campaigns of involuntary sterilization of so many rural (Indian) Peruvians in the 1990's as supported by the USAID and UN. See also previous     Partial sources: "Peru oil pipeline halted on protests in Amazon" Dana Ford, May 18, 2009, Reuters ~AlertNet; "Peru may take military action against Indians protesting Amazon energy development," May 19, 2009,; "Peru's Garcia tussles with tribes over land rights," Terry Wade, May 21, 2009, Reuters; "Peruvian Amazon Indian Group to Resume Talks with Government," may 23, 2009, Latin American Herald Tribune.


      Haiti: the Senate elections in Haiti on April 19th were ignored by the Haitian people. Only 10 to 11 % appeared at the polls. Aristide's majority party Fanmi Lavalas boycotted the elections when its slate was excluded from the ballot. Bush appointed U.S. Ambassador Janet Sanderson called for the boycott organizers to be investigated, resulting in the arrest of over 40. The people have requested her dismissal and the return of their legally elected President Aristide. From a United Nations increasingly out of touch with the people Ban Ki-moon will name Bill Clinton as special UN envoy to Haiti (Haiti is considered a good investment due to low wages...). Canada which has supported the illegal takeover of Haiti maintains its course with Canadian Ambassador Gilles Rivard finding the elections legitimate. The extreme poverty of so many Hatians is seen by President Aristide as part of a "Black Holocaust."     Partial sources: "Lavalas flexes its muscles in Haiti," Kevin Pina, April 29, 2009, ; "Bill Clinton to be named UN Haiti envoy-officials," Louis Charbonneau, May 18, 2009, Reuters ~AlertNet; "Canada’s Ambassador to Haiti: The elections were legitimate,"CHAN, May 2, 2009, Canada Haiti Action.


      Sri Lanka: armed groups tied to the government's army are reported entering the refugee camps of displaced Tamil people and taking children as young as 12. Investigation and verification is difficult because the media is denied access to the camps. See previous.    "Paramilitaries 'abducting Tamil children from Sri Lanka camps'," Robert Bosleigh, May 22, 2009, The Times UK.


      Czechoslavakia: the government is protesting a political advertisement which the BBC reports suggested application of "the final solution" to the Romani community. The ad has been withdrawn. During WWII Czechoslavakia's Roma minorities barely survived the virulence of Czech cooperation with the Nazis. The Daily Mail (UK) finds the Czech National Party (NS) television advertisement "tasteless" and quotes the ad voiceover which states: "We call for final solution to the gypsy issue." The Czech right wing party is attempting to incite genocide. The Daily Mail traces responsibility to NS party leader, Petra Edelmannová. European government responses to current hate crimes against Romani are unconvincing. A US government human rights agency, The Helsinki Commission has condemned the bulldozing of Roma dwellings in Sulukule, a district of Istanbul Turkey. See previous. Partial sources: "Czech far-right party linked to BNP runs Euro election TV ads demanding 'Final Solution' to gypsy problem,"Allan Hall, May 22, 2009, MailOnline ~ The Daily Mail; "Czechs shocked by anti-Roma TV ad," May 21, 2009, BBC N ews; "US slams eviction of old Roma settlement," May 22, 2009, Turkey.


        Montreal: under Canada's Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, 2000, an historic decision by Quebec Superior Court found Désiré Munyaneza guilty of committing in Rwanda acts of genocide, crime against humanity and war crime. He came to Canada in 1997 and was refused refugee status. Canadian jurisdiction for these crimes applies to any person in Canada wherever the alleged crime was committed ("Offences outside Canada," #8 "Jurisdiction").     Partial sources: "Quebec court convicts Munyaneza of war crimes in Rwanda," May 22, 2009, CBC News; "Failed Rwandan refugee claimant Desire Munyaneza has become Canada's first convicted war criminal," Andrew Chung. may 22, 2009, The Toronto Star; "R. C. Munyaneza, 2009 QCCS 2201," Superior Court Criminal Division, May 22, 2009 [access:< ].



May 18, 2009

      Georgia: the stay of execution for Troy Davis has expired. Tomorrow May 19th is an international day of protest against his sentence and possible execution. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused a new trial although the court received clear evidence of his possible innocence. This mode of operation is unknown to a free judiciary. One judge from the three dissented, and stood for justice. It is likely Troy Davis is innocent. Background: "Troy Davis about to be killed by the State of Georgia," Amnesty U.S. [access:< >]; "Troy Davis : Avant l'Execution," an interview with Davis' sister, Martina Correia, by Picciau /Raffin, LeMonde [access:< >]; see previous.     Partial sources:"May 19th Global Day of Action for Troy Davis," May 11, 2009, Bay View.



May 16, 2009

      Peru: Lawyers for Former President Alberto Fujimori have appealed his conviction and its additional 25 year prison sentence. Other cases against him are underway. The decision to prosecute Fujimori for the sterilization of as many as 300,000 Indian women, when many of the acts are understood to be involuntary sterilization, rests with Peru's district attorney. Evidence of the sterilizations was suppressed in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report of 2003: former President Fujimori's population control project was heavily funded by the USAID and the UN as well. For more information.... Also see previous. See also the Convention against Genocide.


      North America: ongoing genocide warning for all first peoples in the Americas. (recommended) notes that of 800,000 estimated first nations people in the US, 42% of the women are sterilized and 10% of the men, according to Lee Brightman, United Native Americans President; according to the American Friends Service Committee 25-40 percent were involuntarily sterilized. In the U.S. Andrea Smith has written of "rampant sexual abuse"of native children in American residential schools through the 1980's. This has encouraged the disintegration of the community's social fabric, a high rate of sexual assault and suicide. In the US abuse of native children remains a hidden issue while in Canada The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada verified responsibility of "the Roman Catholic Church, the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the federal government in the deaths of more than 50,000 Native children in the Canadian residential school system" (Amnesty US). In British Columbia there is an extremely high "suicide" rate for people who have come forward to speak of their sexual abuse. (Amnesty US). Native survivors continue the struggle to find acknowledgement and justice for the families and memories of thousands of children who died or were killed in Canadian Residential schools. Hidden burial sites are identified but there is a refusal to investitgate demands by Kevin Annett, The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared and other groups who want these sites investigated, the remains returned, and the guilty held accountable. See Hidden from History [access:< www >] and the movie "Unrepentent: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide (2007)."     Partial sources:"Soul wound: The Legacy of Native American Schools," Andrea Smith, 2002, Amnesty Magazine US; and above.


      Ottawa: A Federal Court judge has ruled that the Canada Border Services Agency must ask the court before checking that Mr. Harkat is following the conditions set for his bail. See below. Mrs. Harkat has publicly protested the continuing trauma to their lives and personal privacy. The Toronto Star confirms that the Canadian Border Services Agency expropriated seven years of the Harkat's legal defence archives.     Source: "Police seize secret papers in raid on terror suspect," Isabel Teotonio, May 14, 2009,; "Wife of terror suspect Harkat calls raid 'humiliating',"CTV.A news staff, May 14, 2009, CTV News; "Judge sets limits on searches of suspect's home," Jim Bronskill, May 15, 2009, The Canadian Press apprec. Ailes Nowar-paix listserv.



May 14, 2009

      Ottawa: The Ottawa Citizen has noted that the Harkats' home was searched by Canadian Border Services Tuesday morning. See previous. No reason for the search was offered by authorities. Mr. Harkat's lawyer will ask the court to return the Harkats' possessions which include Mrs. Harkat's computer containing correspondence with their lawyers.     Partial sources: "Police, border agents search Harkat home," May 13, 2009, The Ottawa Citizen ~ ottawacitizen.coml "Harkat asks court to return items seized in raid," Joannne Chianello, May 13, 2009, The Ottawa Citizen.


      Sri Lanka: for the second day in a row the government military forces have shelled a hospital in no man's land serving Tamil civilians and killing civilians already wounded. NATO governments and the UN which has condemned the 'bloodbath,' haven't stopped the slaughter by government troops. Tamil demonstrations in Canada are being dealt with as a political problem rather than symptom of a humanitarian disaster. See previous.     Partial sources: "Tamil war zone hospital hit again," May 13, 2009, BBC News; "Shelling kills dozens at Sri Lankan hospital," Gethin Chamberlain, May 12, 2009,; "Sri Lanka accused of 'war crime' over shelled hospital," David Blair, May 12, 2009,; "Protests force federal politicians to acknowledge Tamil cause," Josh Wingrove, Tenille Bonoguore and Bill Curry, May 11, 2009, Globe and Mail.



May 13, 2009

      Ottawa: the Conservative government is gradually placing itself in opposition to the law as understood by Canadian courts.

According to a press release posted on the local antiwar listserv (this hasn't appeared in the media), on the morning of May 12th, ten CBSA (Canadian Border Security Agency) agents entered the home of Mohamed Harkat and his wife Sophie, and searched for nearly five hours. With them were Ottawa police and three dogs. CBSA appropriated Mrs. Harkat's computer, family photographs, address books, their legal archives of seven years and other documents necessary for Mr. Harkat's legal defence in hearings June 1. Mohamed Harkat has not been charged with or convicted of any crime. He was placed under house arrest after the Supreme Court of Canada found his years of incarceration under a Canadian Security Certificate illegal ( A summary of what Mr. Harkat was subjected to under the Canadian Security Certificate imprisonment).     Source: "Unjustified search at the home of Security Certificate detainee...", Press release Justice for Mohamed Harkat, May 12, 2009, Nowar-paix listserv.

The Harper government, under orders from Federal Court to request Omar Khadr's return from the United States (see previous), has chosen to appeal the Court's ruling. Canada has signed the "The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child," and under international law is obliged to honour its conditions. The court ruling suggests that both the Prime Minister and CSIS in its complicity with the torture of Khadr, may have acted outside the Geneva Conventions, as well as Canada's Charter of Rights. The Guantanamo military commission has rescheduled Khadr's trial for June 1. In Saskatchewan 61 trial lawyers in the Province and 18 of the law Faculty at University of Saskatchewan have asked the Conservatives to obey the Federal court's ruling.     Partial sources: "Government appeals Khadr court ruling," May 8, 2009, CBC News; "Omar Khadr's hearing now scheduled for June 1," The Canadian Press, April 28, 2009, CTV News; "Ottawa appeals court order to seek return of Khadr,"The Canadian Press, May 8, 2009, CTV News; "Saskatchewan lawyers say Tory treatment of Omar Khadr denies basic rights," Bob Weber Canadian Press, May 7, 2009, The, apprec. LAW.



May 8, 2009

      Israel Palestine: Of 225,000 Palestinians estimated as residents of East Jerusalem, the homes of a quarter of these are declared illegal and risk destruction by Israel. For example: the City of Jerusalem plans to extend the city of David Park, demolishing 88 Palestinian houses.     Partial source: "60,000 Palestinians at Risk in Jerusalem, UN Warns," David Cronin, May 1, 2009, Inter Press Service.

A video shows the arrest of Ezra Nawi, protesting the destruction of Bedouin homes in south Hebron: "Help Israeli Human rights Activist Ezra Nawi," [access: < >].     Source: Apprec. "Israeli activist to be jailed for caring - unless the world protests," Neve Gordon, 8 May 2009, Redress Information & Analysis.


      Maine: The Governor of Maine has signed a bill to legalize gay marriage, following Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, and Massachusetts. New Hampshire where the State Senate and House have already approved, is likely to legalize as well. D.C. and New York State have moved to recognize gay marriages. Despite passage of the bill by Maine's House and Senate the Maine Catholic Diocese joins groups attempting to reverse the bill by referendum. The Church's keen interest in sexuality, and success of gay rights activists in difficult territory, are both jarring within a context of the most recent US massacre of civilians in Afghanistan.     Partial sources: "Maine Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage; New Hampshire to follow," Amy Goodman, May 7, 2009, Democracy Now!; "US Admits Civilians Died in Afghan Air Raids," Carlotta Gall, May 7, 2009, The New York Times; "2 More Marriage Victories: D.C. Recognizes Unions; Maine House Votes Big 'Yea,'" Steve Weinstein, May 5, 2009, Edge (Boston).


      Colombia: historical note: "Chiquita -- Did You Know?" [access: < >] .



May 2, 2009

      Sri Lanka: Once a buffer zone between Tamil forces and the government military, a "safe zone" harbouring as many as 150,000 civilians, was bombed by the Sri Lanka military, according to the Sri Lanka government, forced to disclosure by leaked news footage of the bombing. The government military is standing on the principle of proportionate retaliation which does not seem to apply. To the South China is building a billion dollar refueling port in arrangment with the Sri Lanka government. See previous.     Partial sources: "Sri Lanka admits bombing safe haven," Damien Pearse and Mark Tran, April 30, 2009,; "Chinese billions in Sri Lanka fund battle against Tamil Tigers,"Jeremy Page, May 2, 2009, The Times U.K..


      Czechoslavakia: due to continuing ethnic violence against Roma in Czechoslavakia, the Roma Community Centre - Toronto has asked Canada to grant Roma asylum until the racist violence stops.    Partial sources: "Asylum in Canada is necessary until the EU can guarantee safety," Roma Community Centre - Toronto, April 27, 2009, apprec. "Emergency Rally this Sunday against Racist Attacks," OCAP May 1, 2009; see access:<>.



April 27, 2009

      Sri Lanka: genocide warning continued ; previous; according to Radio Netherlands the Sri Lanka government is not permitting entry of United Nations emergency humanitarian aid in its north-east where over a hundred thousand civilians are currently at risk. The government has rejected calls for a cease fire. The UN estimates the Sri Lanka military has killed 6500 civilians in three months. Tamilnet coverage claims the UN is encouraging a genocide of Tamil civilians by letting the oppression of the Tamil people develop into the current massacres. Tamilnet claims 160,000 civilians at risk, predicts 10,000 additional casualties if Sri Lanka forces continue their attacks, and is desperately appealing for help from the world community, United Nations, Security Council, major powers to pressure the Sri Lanka government to cease fire.

Partial sources: "Sri Lanka blocks UN humanitarian assistance," April 27, 2009,; "EU appeals for cease-fire in Sri Lanka,"April 27, 2009, The Hindu; "UN abetted genocide aiming to seal liberation: NGO official in safe zone," April 26, 2009, Tamilnet; "Inaction may cause 10,000 casualties: SOS appeal to powers," April 26, 2009, Tamilnet, apprec. Nowar-paix (Mannion) .



April 25, 2009

      Canada: Robert Fowler and Louis Guay, Canadian citizens on a U.N mission who were kidnapped in Niger (after visiting a Canadian gold mine), have been released. Prime Minister Harper has informally thanked Mali and Burkino Faso for assistance, but all three governments deny participating in prisoner exchanges. The Globe and Mail suggests the releasing party is an Algerian Sunni group (AQIM), linked with al-Quaeda and specializing in kidnapping Europeans for ransom. According to information available from Adnkronos International, the Canadians would owe their survival and release to Mokhtar Belmokhtar, an Algerian religious insurgent leader who has returned to action in the Sahara. See previous.     Partial sources: "PM speaks with freed Canadian dipliomats," Bill Curry, April 23, 2009,; "A brazen kidnapping by North African terrorists," Josh Wingrove, April 23, 2009,; "Algeria: Al-Qaeda leader 'resumes' terrorist activity," April 21, 2009, AKI.

Attempting to bring Canada's government within the law, a Canadian Federal court has ordered the Prime Minister to seek the return of Canadian citizen, Omar Khadr, from Guantanamo. See previous efforts by members of Parliament. Instead of complying, the Prime Minister has said his government may appeal. Meanwhile in the US, Navy Lawyer William Kuebler who has represented Khadr for the US military at Guantanamo prison camp, continues to be barred from the case. Instead of assuring the rights of citizens or the rights of prisoners, both governments are using the lives of unconvicted suspects for propaganda purposes, essentially to frighten Muslim minorities.     Partial sources: "PM must press U.S. for Khadr's return from Guantanamo, court rules," April 23, 2009, CBC News; "Khadr denied lawyer," Steven Edwards (Canwest), Feb. 25, 2009, Calgard Herald.


      Norway: lawyers have filed complaint against Israeli officials, Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livini, and others, for war crimes against civilians in the attack on Gaza. A leading prosecutor is investigating the complaint.     Partial sources: "Norway considering war crimes charges against Israel leaders," Jay Carmela, april 22, 2009, Jurist.


      Spain: while the Attorney General in Spain questions the wisdom of prosecuting, Judge Baltasar Garzon has decided the investigation of top Bush administration officials for their role in the torture of prisoners - should continue. The U.S. has still not indicated that it will prosecute torture under U.S. law. At the United Nations the Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur points out that the US signed the Convention against Torture, and is legally bound to prosecute. Torture is a crime of military repressive governments that heads of offending countries do not have the power under law to condone or forgive. - ed. See previous.     Partial sources:"Spain: Judge continue [sic] U.S. official query," april 17, 2009,; "UN torture expert criticizes US decision not to prosecute CIA operative," Veronika Oleksyn, AP, april 18, 2009, Newsday.


      Chile: Three more military officers are charged for their role in the "Caravan of Death" murders of dissidents. Five military officers were already convicted by Chile's Supreme Court and are serving prison sentences of from 4 to 6 years. The 'Caravan of Death' was one way Pinochet silenced his opposition. I think the sentences strangely mild for the military murders of innocent civilians; Kissinger / CIA support for Pinochet's coup may still affect Chile's sovereignty. -ed. Source: "Chile judge indicts three Pinochet-era officers for 'Caravan of Death' killings," Ximena Marinero, april 22, 2009, Jurist


      Zimbabwe: the cholera epidemic that pressured President Mugabe of Zimbabwe to form a coalition government witha U.S. backed opponent, has fallen out of the news but continues throughout portions of Africa. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports affected countries are "Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe..." 4,218 of the 4,686, reported casualties have occurred in Zimbabwe. On April 22nd Zimbabwe's Minister of Finance left for Washington's World Bank IMF meeting to assure support for Zimbabwe's reconstruction. See Previous.     Partial sources:"Cholera infection continues to slow in southern Africa, UN says,"April 22, 2009, UN News Centre, ~ Yahoo news; "Delegation aims to loosen the screws on Zimbabwe," Hopewell Radebe, April 23, 2009, Business Day online.



April 20, 2009

      Georgia, US: Amnesty USA reports that the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals refused Troy Davis a new trial.He has thirty days to appeal to the US Supreme court. 7 of 9 witnesses against him have recanted; another person confessed to the crime (killing a police person). Yet Troy Davis awaits execution in Georgia. To learn more about the case or join Amnesty's campaign: . See previous.     Partial source: "Update: Bad News for Troy Davis," Death Penalty Campaign Team, April 18, 2009, Amnesty International USA


      Nigeria: in an out-of-court settlement, Pfizer, the drug company, has agreed to pay fifty million pounds to the families of children who died or were damaged in one of its drug experiments in Nigeria. With the cooperation of the Nigerian government Pfizer was alleged to have tested its drug Trovan on critically ill children during a meningitis epidemic. Under guise of humanitarian aid the children were selected from the wards of a poverty area hospital. See previous.     Partial source: " Pfizer to pay £50m after deaths of Nigerian children in drug trial experiment; Out of court settlement in the case that inspired 'The Constant Gardener'," Daniel Howden. April 6, 2009, The Independent UK, apprec..


      Ottawa & Sri Lanka: Leaders of the Tamil community across Canada intervened Saturday to stop the hunger strikes by Tamil community members at the doors of Parliament. The community was assured Canadiam MP's would raise the issue Monday. We've noted a genocide warning for the Tamil community in Sri Lanka, most recently on April 4th, previously on February 4th. The Observer (English) carries reports that 1500 injured civilians are being treated by the Red Cross after the Sri Lankan Army's latest attack on the surrounded Tamil rebel forces. The no fire zone was not honoured. The Sri Lankan army is not allowing civilian refugees to escape. Pressured to keep silent, medical personnel describe shells landing amid crowded civilian tents. The Sri Lankan army is not avoiding endangering civilians in civilian areas and refugee camps.     Partial source: "Tamil civilians slaughtered as army shells 'no-fire zone,' Gethin Chamberlain, April 19, 2009, The Observer; "Tamil Community Leader to Intervene Temporarily Suspend the Hunger Strike on Parlisment Hill Until Further Notice," Press Release, April 18, 2009, Coalition to Stop the War in Sri Lanka..

      Ottawa: University of Ottawa Physics Professor Denis G. Rancourt was fired on March 31, 2009. A respected member of a larger community concerned with education Prof. Rancourt attempted to broaden the understanding of students by offering a course which asked political, moral and ethical questions. A tenured full professor, veteran of 23 years teaching, his dismissal was difficult for the University to accomplish, bypassing protocol assuring Faculty members procedural rights. Previous University efforts to suppress Professor Rancourt's freedom of speech and academic freedom included cancellations of his course and banning him from campus. The reason for his dismissal was given as related to his manner of grading. Professor Rancourt's somewhat singular moral voice at a University where few professors publicly address issues beyond their salaried interests, should have gathered more light from the shadows of the University. His firing provides another distinct warning of Ottawa's drift toward fascism under Conservative government. There is a petition online at -"" (recommended) - to reinstate this carefully mild proponent of freedom of thought.     Partial source: "Statement by Denis Rancourt Regarding His Dismissal by the University of Ottawa," Denis G. Rancourt, April 10, 2009, [access:< >]

Editor's note
Appointed to Ottawa University's Board of Ethics as a community representative when we came to Canada in 1995, I found myself so at odds with corporate expansion into academia that I had to withdraw or hire legal representation to protect my understanding of people's interests. Professor Rancourt's dismissal may be part of an intellectual management program which is silencing voices that maintain an objective view of current war crimes. Corporate, military and neighbourly foreign interests seem to overwhelm the politicians. The establishment's legal authorities are reluctant to apply international law to Canadian policy. Professor Rancourt's dismissal follows the beatings of Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies by a Canadian enforcer team, when the native grandmothers crossed the border into Ontario. As far as I know, PEN Canada which draws government funding provided the two writers no recourse or assistance; 2. the Crown has so far provided neither with legal rights, recourse, or redress. The grandmothers are writers and editors of Mohawk Nation News and Night's Lantern carries Kahentinetha Horn's early essay The North American Indian Holocaust. Night's Lantern noted Kevin Annett's protest of crimes against First Nations people in Canada when he was under threat for his work and without legal protection which we hoped international exposure on these pages might provide. The intellectual management program which pushes Canada to the right by silencing the left and free thinking, toward fascism by shutting down necessary dissent, is also gradually removing the society's defences against genocide. This was a pattern in the assassinations of moderate leftist leaders in the States throughout the Sixties, moving the U.S. to wars of aggression, to torture, to mechanisms of martial law, to the real threat of applied fascism. Because Canada has not resisted adequately, because the Canadian Bar has refused to pressure government into obeying International law - because the fabric of Canadian law hasn't held against war crimes by an ally, the integrity of Canada's defences against persecution of all vulnerable minorities should be reviewed. Why are the country's early lines of defence against genocide being silenced ? - JBG

      Geneva: The Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith claims Canada will join the United States and Australia in passing up the UN's Conference on Racism, beginning April 20th in Geneva. The US and Israel left the previous meeting (2001 in South Africa) protesting the equation of Zionism with racism.     Partial source: "US, Australia to Shun UN Racism Conference," VOA News, April 19, 2009, .



April 17, 2009

      Spain: Douglas Feith, former US Undersecretary of Defense and one of the Bush advisors considered germane to a US decision to use torture in its "War on Terror" has said the Spanish government is trying to "intimidate" US officials, and that the Obama administration should apply some pressure... Yesterday the Obama government released the Department of Justice memos which give specific instructions on how much to torture. The President assures CIA personnel of their immunity to / protection from prosecution. It is not likely to be an assurance that survives international law, and it offers no assurance to US Department of Defense employees and civilians in the chain of command counselling what could be recognized by a jury as torture. According to information released by Scott Horton, the Prosecutors in Spain are proceeding with plans to press charges against the six legal advisers to President Bush, previously noted. The Spanish Attorney General has attempted to advise the judge in charge of the case, to drop the charges. The effects of political pressures are one reason crimes against humanity such as torture are usually not subject to a statute of limitations. The Agence France Press report suggests that the move by Spain's Attorney General isn't the result of pressure, but that the Attorney General thinks it would be proper for the complaint to charge "the actual authors of the crime."

Partial sources: "Top Bush advisor denounces Spanish torture probe," AFP, March 30, 2009, therawstory;"Memos reveal harsh CIA interrogation methods," Greg Miller and Josh Meyer, April 16, 2009, Los Angeles Times [access:< >]; "Spain wants torture charges against Bush Six dropped," Martin Sieff, April 16, 2009,; "Spanish prosecutors oppose Guantanamo torture probe," AFP, April 16, 2009, Google News; "The Bush Six to Be Indicted," Scott Horton, April 13, 2009, The Daily Beast apprec. LAW; "Jarama Valley," Woody Guthrie [access:< >]



April 16, 2008

      Canada: on March 25th Federal court granted war resister Kimberly Rivera a stay of deportation. On March 30th once again Parliament has asked the Conservative government of Prime Minister Harper to stop sending war resisters back to the States. The Bloc Quebecois, New Democratic Party and the Liberals managed a slim majority to pass the request. While a majority of Canadians understands the soldiers' duty to resist unlawful orders, the Conservative government continues to signal noncompliance with basic tenets of international law.     Partical sources: "Canada's Parliament Votes Again to Let Resisters Stay ('I'll have a draught dodger! - Resisters in Canada overview')," Mike Ferner, April 1/2009 / April 8, 2009, Courage to Resist, apprec. VFP Maine listserv; see war resister support campaign, access: .




April 8, 2009.

      Peru: a three judge panel sentenced Alberto Fujimori to an additional 25 years in prison for his role in the murders of civilians. He was already under sentence of six years for illegal acts against the family of his former intelligence chief. What The New York Times refers to as"Rights Abuses" in a headline were responsibility for group murders of unarmed civilians by the Colina death squad . The chief justice Cesar San Martín said “The charges have been proved beyond all reasonable doubt,” as quoted in the N.Y. Times; the article is restrained underscoring Fujimori's plans to appeal and the publicity afforded his daughter by the international media. When Chile tried to bring General Pinochet to account, his trips to the courtroom were followed by legal or medical 'escapes'. In Peru of the Americas, the court has provided the world's people a moment of justice. Fujimori's defence relied on his claims to have saved Peru from a depression and from leftist rebels. As though prosperity for the few could justify his crimes against humanity, crimes which went beyond the scope of this trial. His regime also attacked , imprisoned, murdered, trial lawyers and legal defenders assuming cases of Sendero suspects: see Night's Lantern on Abimael Guzman. Further indictment is expected in Fujimori's genocidal programs sterilizing First Peoples. See previous. By successfully holding former President Fujimori accountable Peru calls to account the legal systems of countries that pretend to justice.   Partial sources: "Peru's Ex-President Convicted of Rights Abuses," Simon Romero, April 7, 2009, The New York Times; "Fujimori gets 25 years in Peru death squad case," Frank Bajak, April 7, 2009, AP ~ Google.

      Canada: April 15, 2009 is Fifth National Aboriginal Holocaust Memorial Day;Kevin Annett and Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared call for Ending the Whitewash of Genocide in Canada. For the entire press release see Hidden from History [access:<" >].


April 5, 2009

      Canada: Abousfian Abdelrazik remains at the Canadian Embassy in Sudan. With ticket in hand and about to fly home he was refused a passport renewal by Canada's Foreign Minister Cannon, countermanding the promise by Canada's Passport security branch. The Foreign Minister announced he considers Abdelrazik a threat to national security. Arrested in Sudan 2003 at the request of CSIS, Abdelrazik has said he was tortured during confinement and interrogated by CSIS and CIA agents. He was released when no link to terrorism was found. The RCMP as well have found no link to terrorism. He is a Canadian citizen. The policy violates his Charter rights. Pictures published in the Canadian press show that Abdelrazik's colouring is dark and the issue of racism has been raised. In addition, the victim is an embarrassment to CSIS which requested his detention in 2003; CSIS is currently unncomfortable in Canada due to its public ambivalence over use of information obtained by torture.

Partial sources: "Montrealer stranded in Sudan must get off terror list to fly back: Cannon," March 27, 2009, CBC News; "Racism accusations fly over man in Sudan denied emergency passport," April 3, 2009, CBC News; "Lawyer says Canadian refused passport in Sudan," The Canadian Press, April 3, 2009,; "CSIS disowns the plain truth," April 3, 2009, Globe and Mail; "Canada denies passport to blacklisted citizen," Paul Koring, April 3, 2009,


      Kosovo: discrimination against the Roma after the US/NATO's bombing and destruction of Yugoslavia in 1999, became a policy of ethnic cleansing under the UN. According to a dissident report of 2002, over 300,000 people of ethnic minorities were forced out of Kosovo. Over 75% of the Roma population left. The US State Department Human Rights Report Kosovo 2008, notes some improvement in that UN Mission in Kosovo forces (UNMIK) didn't kill any demonstrators in 2008, but shows human rights failures with minority communities. Roma who remained in Kosovo lacked a sustaining fabric of human rights. With specific concern for families originating in the Fabrika area, The Kosovo Medical Emergency Group team wrote a "Chronology" [for the entire, access: < of Evidence.pdf >] of their experience which I summarize here very briefly: {... after installation of NATO's troops in Kosovo , on June 16, 1999, the Kosovo Liberation Army entered Fabricka, Kosovo's largest Romani community of about 8000. The people (Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian) fled with the Serbs. By September there were no Roma left. By Spring their houses were destroyed. French KFOR (NATO-led Kosovo Forces) allegedly covered Albanian looting of the village. About 800 Roma took refuge in a Serbian schoolhouse across the Ibar river. These were moved by UNHCR (The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees) to a tent city near Zhitkovc, beside a lead mine and its slag. Two other camps were constructed in areas known to be contaminated by lead slag. Subsequently, blood tests showed extraordinary levels of lead poisoning among Roma children. The Roma weren't relocated. UNHCR cut off the camps' food supplies on finding Roma were selling food to buy shoes. In 2002 there were reports camp Roma were feeding themselves from the city's garbage dumps. In 2004 WHO testing of camp children found life-threatening lead levels in their blood. UNHCR considered evacuation but refused. Other Roma returning from Serbia settled at the camps. All camp children were reported to be suffering from neurological problems. In 2004, UNHCR said it wasn't lead but depleted uranium from NATO bombs that was causing the problems. This was not substantiated. Unsuccessful efforts were made by Roma and human rights groups to seek redress for the Kosovo Roma. The UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) was taken to the European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg which declared only countries could be sued. In 2005 under WHO, Harvard's Dr. Rohko Kim found extremely high levels of lead poisoning in the Roma camps. He recommended evacuation. UNMIK (the UN Mission in Kosvov) refused. Investigation by the German press showed high levels of lead poisoning. UNMIK cemented over the land area of one camp despite problems from wind-blown lead dust, and then the US Center for Disease control declared the area "lead-free" while asking to close down one of the other toxic camps. These camps under UNMIK's authority seem to test the surviveability of a people in a thoroughly contaminated environment. Despite continuing medical reports (2007) of lead poisoning the camps were not evacuated. UNMIK stopped supplying food in 2007. WHO refused to release blood test results. Through 2007 and 2008 conditions in the camps degraded. Under the Kosovo Albanian government the degredation continued. On January 29, 2009, Dr. Dorit Nitzan of the WHO Lead Task Force for the region declared the camps unfit for habitation due to lead toxicity, and asked they be closed ...} A statement by camp leaders says that January 31, 2009, WHO demanded immediate evacuation. This was previously recommended by WHO and the International Red Cross in December 2004, and previously by Dr. Bernard Kouchner's UN medical advisor, Dr. Andrej Andrejew in 2000. The treatment of Roma in Kosovo, as part of a NATO country policy throughout Europe, suggests a discriminatory program of negligence in areas under the aegis of the United Nations. Genocide warning.

Partial sources: "Dossier of Evidence: Supporting the Call to Take Decisive Action to Implement Immediatelyan Emergency Evacuation and the Highest Level of Medical Treatmentfor all Roma, Ashkali and Kosovan-Egyptian Familiesin the Displaced Persons Camps of North Kosovo," society for threatened peoples / the Kosovo Medical emergency Group, current April 4, 2009, [access:< of Evidence.pdf > ; website" "Toxic Waste Poisons Children of Kosovo" [ access:< >]; "The Roma and 'Humanitarian' Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo," Sani Rifati, Oct. 13, 2002, Dissident Voice; "2008 Human Rights report: Kosovo," Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Feb. 25, 2009, U.S. Department of State.



April 4, 2009

      Sri Lanka: an ethical writer, Arundhati Roy has reported the media blackout in the Indian and international press concerning the Sri Lanka government's crimes against the Tamils [Night's Lantern noted a genocide warning for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka on February 4th] ; the Sri Lanka government has attempted to register all Tamils as potential terrorists and has pursued destruction of civilians and civilian infra-structure militarily. She writes of 200,000 civilians trapped and "several thousand" killed. Her article confirms a genocide warning. The Sri Lanka Government has attacked Arundhati Roy in The Times of India, objecting to her pointing out a genocide and "openly racist war". The Sri Lankan High Commissioner's argument points to "terrorism" by Tamil forces as though the term and the international "war on terror" might excuse government crimes against humanity. In England The Guardian reports Sri Lanka's army about to finish its war by eliminating remaining Tamil resistance. There are large numbers of civilians between the army and Tamil forces, and continuing reports of unhindered human rights violations throughout the country. The Harper government announced April 10, 2006, that it added the Liberation Tigers of Tamil EElam to Canada's list of 'terrorist' organizations. The group was already on the UN 'terrorist' list.

Partial sources: "Killings and Concentration Camps: A Colossal Humanitarian Tragedy is Underway in Sri Lanka and No One is Saying a Word," Arundhati Roy, April 1, 2009, AlterNet; "Traumatised Tamils live in fear of new crackdown in Sri Lanka," Annie Kelly, April 5, 2009, / The Observer; "Lanka charges Arundhati Roy with making false assertions ," April 1, 2009, The Times of India; "Sri Lanka charges Arundhati Roy in its customary style," April 4, 2009, "Canada adds Tamil Tigers to list of terrorist groups," April 10, 2006, CBC News.


      Spain: Spanish court documents claim that the torture by U.S. interrogating personnel could not have occurred without the legal structure and advice provided by six accused Bush administration officials: Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, Douglas Feith, William Haynes, John Yoo, Jay Bybee. Cases for torture should be opened in the United States, and the failure of US justice is forcing the issue into European courts. Successful prosecution of lawyers, as these men are, would ease subsequent application of law to those who effected torture within in the US chain of command.

Partial sources: "Spanish judge to hear torture case against six Bush officials," Julian Borger and Dale Fuchs, March 29, 2009, / The Observer; "Bush Torture Lawyers Targeted in Criminal Probe," Scot Horton, March 28, 2009, Harper's Magazine; appreciations Lawyers Against the War.



April 2, 2009

      Canada: George Galloway was banned from Canada by the Conservative Harper government application of Canada's anti-terrorist laws. On March 30th, a Federal court judge upheld the Immigration Minister's decision. Galloway was able to address the Toronto Church audience Monday night by digital hookup. He forcefully, honestly, explained the need for humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. Right wing corporate policy would object to his speech. So would those who deny Muslim peoples their humanity. Canadian official policy is purveying fascism. This information management by the State increases. Others are taken out less politely.

Historical note:
Two Mohawk grandmothers, Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies, writers and editors of Mohawk Nation News, were ordered from their vehicle and beaten by a Canada Border Services unit at the U.S. border June 14, 2008. See "The North American Indian Holocaust," by Kahentinetha Horn. After arrest and removal by border forces, Kahentinetha Horn suffered a heart attack from police abuse in custody and was hospitalized. No charges were made against her. When the two elders took this abuse to Canadian court, instead of justice they received an order to pay police expenses for court appearance. There remains an illegal default of the law's application which Canada's human rights groups and legal groups do not confront. They are either frightened their members will be beat up by law enforcement as well, or afraid that other Canadians will consider them "Indians" and deny them basic rights. Or they believe it's legal to deny First Peoples the most basic human rights. An instance of government terrorism is a crime against all people. PEN Canada, which champions rights of writers the US, Canadian and UK governments approve of around the world, refuses to address this issue of elder women native writers beaten at the Canadian border, despite my requests. Believing this to be discriminatory I've had to stop paying PEN Canada dues, which further excludes me from my profession. I fault the lack of wisdom of PEN's well rewarded celebrity writers for allowing fascism. The Harper government has given an overt signal to the right wing in Canada, that First Peoples may be treated extra-judicially. The Canadian government has refused to sign the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. So the Harper "apology" for Canada's residential school programs admitted a knowledge of right and wrong, which under United Nations law it ignores. Attempts at evading human rights for First Peoples furthers a policy of discrimination recognized as criminal and morally deficient. So we find in Canada as the snow melts a fascism instructed by the lessons of the Third Reich, of information management, of the big lies, of torture as applied to Omar Khadr, of secret police unprosecuted because they work for CIA or CSIS, all supported by a growing insidious fascism of provincialism in the arts, of an anglo gang literature enforced on a multi-ethnic country. The neo-conservative ethic seeks to unite Canadians by opposition to "enemies" within: its "war on terrorism" persecutes Islamic people in Canada and bans Galloway for supplying humanitarian aid to a victim Muslim people. It persecutes the earlier caretakers of the land, with an economic policy that lets mining and petro interests destroy what belongs to humanity. Neo-conservative policy parallels Israel's policy toward original peoples in Palestine in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian peoples. Canadians haven't yet realized that under fascism, we are all Palestinians. - JBG.

March 28, 2009

      Zimbabwe: Mining company Mwana Africa, said to be African owned and working the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well, is placing six million dollars to restart its Freda Rebecca gold mine. This is a result of the Mugabe - Tsvangirai power sharing deal which adopted the US dollar as Zimbabwe's currency. About 4000 Zimbabweans have died so far as the cholera epidemic slows. According to the Times online, the UK's Rio Tinto (gold mining), Anglo American (gold mining), Barclays, also weathered Zimbabwe's economic destruction. Some European farmers remain with their farms without much choice under threat of takeover. Roy Bennett appointed to cabinet in Tsvangirai's administration and accused of terrorism was freed by Zimbabwe's Supreme court on five thousand dollar bail. For background, previous and previous.    Partial sources: "Mwana Africa ready to reopen Freda Rebecca goldmine in Zimbabwe" David Robertson, March 26, 2009, Times online: "Zimbabwe cabinet nominee is freed," March 12, 2009, BBC News; "Zimbabwe cholera 'past its peak'," March 24, 2009, BBC News; "The last stand of Zimbabwe's white farmers," Geoffrey York, March 20, 2009, Globe and Mail.


      Peru: the Peruvian prosecutor of the case against Alberto Fujimori says he has proven the former president's guilt in the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta massacres of civilians. A 30 year sentence is asked. The evidence is persuasive so Fujimori's supporters are applying pressure, such as the promise of a pardon by his daughter if she is elected president. The elite show no sign of contrition. See previous.    Partial sources: "Q&A: "Fujimori Gave the Order : Ángel Páez interviews Peruvian prosecutor Avelino Guillen," march 25, 2009. IPS.


      Canada: the barring from Canada of British MP George Galloway will be challenged at a public hearing in Toronto, the Federal Courthouse, March 29th (Sunday morning), 11:00 am. The government's refusal is also questioned by a strong movement for freedom of expression bypassing the country's writers' organizations. Canada's Jewish Defence League has taken credit for Galloway's exclusion.The Border Services Agency considers Galloway a security threat. He has recently taken humanitarian supplies to Gaza. Humanitarian aid to victims of war crimes is forbidden if their group is on the list. The policy follows a U.S. policy of attacking medical personnel and charities for attempting medical relief, relief to children, or lifesaving humanitarian aid, to embargoed countries. Please note the case of Rafil Dhafir, a doctor sentenced to twenty-two years in a U.S. prison. Canada's Conservative government is supporting U.S. FBI policies which are extremist, and damaging to both countries. The FBI has escalated its persecution of Islamic groups, breaking formal relations with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) late last year. The Council is concerned with civil liberties and the rights of Muslim Americans. The FBI has allegedly threatened members of mosques to become informants; if asked and uncooperative a mosque member is labeled a "terrorist". In Canada the Conservative government has recently denied a Canadian Arab human rights organization settlement-funding. See previous.
      While the governments of both the U.S. and Canada add to the "war on terrorism" by attacking Islamic human rights organizations, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations by a vote of 27 to 11 with 13 abstentions found it necessary to approve world wide passage of laws in order to protect religions from persecution. Although the protections are inherent in the Canadian Charter of Rights and the U.S. Bill of Rights they have been ignored under neo-conservative governments. All European countries as well as Canada voted against the resolution. A Canadian diplomat is quoted as saying "It is individuals who have rights and not religions." The US did not vote since it is currently left out of the Human Rights Council for reasons open to interpretation.
      Internationally Israel's invasion of Gaza has met with sadness and dismay not entirely contained by the media. Human Rights Watch claims Israel used white phosphorous not simply for smokescreen but as a weapon against civilians. The ordnance was manufactured by Thiokol Aerospace of the US in 1989. Other war crimes "alleged"are: wanton killing, targeting civilians, targeting humanitarian aid, targeting civilian shelters, targeting ambulances, targeting paramedics, preventing treatment of the wounded. Both the U.S. and Israel found UN Special Prosecutor Falk's report (Falk is a Princeton University Professor) to the UN Human Rights Council, unfair despite its mildness. Radhika Coomaraswamy, the U.N. Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, also submitted a report that substantiates Israel's targeting of civilians and its soldiers' use of children as body shields to bullets.
      While reports confirm a serious imbalance under international law, on March 26th at the opening of the "Ernest Manson Lubavitch Centre" in Thornhill, Canadian Prime Minister Harper vowed his government's lasting support for the State of Israel. Yet there is evidence that Israel's present government is extreme, nationalistic, right wing, Zionist, aggressive, and has recently completed another step in its destruction of the Palestinian people. The severity of Israel's war crimes, impunity in targeting medical and UN storage facilities, its lack of contrition, its refusal to subject itself to humanity's refusal of genocides, have elicited outrage from peoples around the world. The Canadian Prime Minister vowed as well to stand against increasing evidence of what he interprets as "antisemitism."

Partial sources: "UN rights body approves Muslim-backed call to combat criticism of religion," Frank Jordans AP, March 26, 2009, Newsday. "Jewish group proud of role in barring Galloway," Alexander Pannetta ~ The Canadian Press, March 25, 2009, (Toronto Star). "FBI and American Muslims at odds,"Alexandra Marks, March 25, 2009, The Christian Science Monitor Yahoo! news: "Phosphorous attacks on Gaza possible crime: HRW," Agence France Press, March 26, 2009, google news; "Israel 'unlawfully' used shells in Gaza-rights' group," Adam Entous, March 25, 2009, Reuters; "UN reports say Israel targeted civilians in Gaza," Robert Evans, March 23, 2009, Reuters; "Israel, US criticize 'biased' UN rights report on possible Gaza war crimes," Matt Glenn, March 25, 2009, Jurist; "U.N. report condemns Israel for Gaza operation," March 23, 2009, CNN;"Human Rights situation in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories," A/HRC/10/20, Richard Falk, Feb. 11, 2009, United Nations General Assembly / Human Rights Council; "Harper reaffirms conservative support for Israel," Tamsyn Burgmann ~ The Canadian Press, March 26, 2009, Edmonton Sun.


      United Kingdom: according to Israel's foreign minister the United Kingdom won't be able to change its war crimes laws right away. UK laws make it difficult for Israeli emmisaries to lecture freely in the UK, due to the public sentiment about Israel's military action in Gaza. Israel has also interceded with the government of Spain in an attempt to change its laws of universal jurisdiction which allow prosecution in Spain of Israelis guilty of war crimes.     Partial source: "UK to Israel: War crimes law unchangeable now," March 22, 2009, Press TV.


      Mexico: Federal court has supported dismissal of charges against Luis Echeverria, the former Mexican President. Echeverria, once a Minister of the Interior was charged with genocide for the student massacre of 1968. The dismissal of charges does not deny the lower court's ruling that the massacre was genocide. Though some accounts implicate the U.S. embassy in planning the murder of students, no US diplomats or agents have been charged. Because they could be, and because the US is vulnerable for acts and policies in many areas of the world, genocide as an issue is increasingly subject to information management. The genocide industry, its academic centres, the avenues of applying the laws against genocide, are all tightly controlled to the service of the powerful. -ed. See previous.     Partial sources: "Mexican court upholds ruling dismissing charges against ex-president in 1968 student massacres," AP, March 26, 2009, Newsday.


      Ukraine: afraid that the vaccines of Western (ie. US) pharmaceutical companies carry sickness or specifically HIV, Ukrainians in large numbers have rejected the country's immunization programs for measles mumps rubella; nearly a million doses donated by Ted Turner are to be burned. The wariness affects other vaccines as well, - polio, hepatits B, diptheria, etc.. This may be a normal human response to U.S. foreign policies     Partial source: "Vaccine refusals spur outbreak fears," Maria Danilova AP, March 25, 2009,



March 22, 2009

      Sweden: early today Martin Smedjeback, Annika Spalde and Pelle Strindlund, all of Ofog, were arrested inside the security fence around the SAAB Aerospace Systems' factory for weapons in Linköping. The facility is said to make "Jas 39 Gripen fighter jets ... for... India, Thailand and South Africa." The action was part of the Avrusta campaign to disarm Swedish exports. Participants are questioning funds spent on weapons for areas where people are starving. Actions last October in Karlskoga and Eskilstuna disarmed howitzer components for India and genade launchers for the US in Iraq. For more information see or     Source, "Disarmers arrested at weapons factory in Linköping, Sweden: Fifth plowshares/disarmament action in Sweden since June 2008," March 22, 2009, Jonah House [access: ] email. .

      Sudan: the country's President Bashir was charged with war crimes by the International Criminal Court, ICC.The court publicly blames him for the deaths of thousands of African primarily tribespeople. There are a number of mistakes in the indictment. 1. Sudan has never subscribed to the International Criminal Court. 2. There is no clarity of guilt or of Bashir's responsibility for the tremendous loss of life, which might excuse extension of the Court's power over a non-subscribing country. A strong case can be made to assign guilt for the ongoing loss of Sudanese people, to U.S. covert and overt policies (This is explored in the "Tactical Use of Genocide in Sudan and the Five Lakes Region" . 3. The indictment suggests a tactical use of the ICC for the political interests of the United States and NATO. Chief Prosecuter Moreno-Ocampo, who endured Argentina's "dirty war" as an official of its Justice Department joins an intellectual community of Michael Ignatieff, Samantha Power and other former Harvard professors in the Obama administration, psychologically incapable of objective application of international law. 4. The indictment furthers a U.S. policy of destroying Sudan's ability to govern itself, initially signalled by the Clinton administration's bombing of Sudan's pharmaceutical industry in 1998. 5. The indictment continues a U.S. policy of revenge against Sudan for supporting Iraq when Iraq was first attacked, bombed, invaded, destroyed, by the US and NATO country coalition of 1990. Sudan remains a target of a Euro-American policy unaffected by the failure of the ongoing criminal aggression against Iraq. 6. Weakening the Government of Sudan the indictment of Bashir betters the position of UK, US and other NATO countries, in foreign acquisition of sub-surface land rights. 7. With Western controls on the ICC (the President of the UN General Assembly has noted that the ICC seems to only indict Africans), the Government of Sudan rejected the indictment and ejected human rights organizations serving foreign agendas. The sequence was not unexpected: the Prosecutor makes clear his priority is not the well being of the Sudanese people.     Partial sources: "Sudanese president Bashir charged with Darfur war crimes," Xan Rice, March 4, 2009,; "The Winter of Bashir's Discontent: Africom's covert War in Sudan," Keith Harmon Snow, March 4, 2009,

      U.S.: Illegal Haitian immigrants are being singled out as an ethnic / racial group and arrested for deportation from the U.S.. The priority group is about thirty thousand with over half a million targeted as a result of the Government refusing Haitians "Temporary Protected Status." Recent hurricanes have increased economic difficulties occasioned by the U.S. (Canadian and French) 2004 deposition of the elected leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. See previous. Genocide warning     Source: "Protest Planned Outside NY Immigration Office to Stop Deportations of 30,000 Haitians," Amy Goodman / Juan Gonzalez, Randall Robinson, March 20, 2009, Democracy Now!.

      Canada: Former U.S. President George Bush entered Calgary and delivered a St. Patrick's day speech to fifteen hundred 400 dollar-a- ticket Canadian supporters. There was mild protest on the street and the arrest of Splitting-the-Sky, subsequently beaten seriously in police custody according to Mohawk Nation News. In response to a letter from Lawyers Against the War requesting investigation and barring from Canada of Bush ["Attention Officer in Charge of RCMP War Crimes Section," March 11, 2009, Lawyers Against the War, [archive], the Royal Canadian Mounted Police answered after the event noting that Gail Davidson / LAW itself had already informed the government, and explained its reason for taking no action as current policy which is to investigate the war criminals living in Canada. The letter did not suggest that the current Prime Minister and Conservative administration is included in their attentions. It does suggest that Canadian police are on short leash to policies of Conservative government even when these policies are contrary to law. What Bush's entry to Canada suggests is that Canadians are living in a society ruled by policy rather than laws. The Conservative takeover continues, of military forces for their use in the illegal occupation of Afghanistan, and of police forces to wage a domestic "war on terror" with few legitimate targets. This reluctance on the part of Canadian police to support humanitarian law coincides with release of information from The International Committee of the Red Cross, affirming torture of prisoners by the Bush administration. In his article for The New York Review of Books Mark Danner, a US Professor of Journalism, discusses the report and torture of Arab men with a curious literary acumen that attempts respectable distance from the ugliness of US crimes. His more flatfooted conclusion on reading the ICRC report:

1. Beginning in the spring of 2002 the United States government began to torture prisoners. This torture, approved by the President of the United States and monitored in its daily unfolding by senior officials, including the nation's highest law enforcement officer, clearly violated major treaty obligations of the United States, including the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Torture, as well as US law.
While George Bush was able to fulfil his Canadian speaking engagement, George Galloway, outspoken British Minister of Parliament who recently led an aid convoy taking humanitarian assistance to Gaza, was denied entry to Canada. He was to speak in Ottawa April 2nd. The Government's selection of what intellectual content the Canadian public is allowed, is a denial of freedom of expression and apparently necessary to protect government policies.

Continuing a policy contrary to Canadian interests, Canada's Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has cut the funding to the Canadian Arab Federation's Settlement Service, "alleging CAF promotes terror," according to a CAF Action Alert. The funding cut is considered punishment for CAF's political dissent. In my own experience CAF is an anti-racist organization, consistently supportive of human rights, peace with justice, supporting the idealism, hopes and wisdom innate to immigrant communities. - ed.. Given the targeting of Islamic people in the "war on terrorism," and resulting persecution of Arab peoples in Canada this is a shameful withdrawal of Government support for the Arab immigrant community when support is needed and the community's faith in Canada deserves reward. The Harper government has supported Israel's aggression against both Lebanon and recently, Gaza. Canada's domestic policies are beginning to reflect Israeli policies. In Israel itself the Mossawa Advocacy Centre for Arab Citizens in Israel , reports a sharp increase in hate crimes against Arabs. As quoted in Israel News: "These attacks are not the hand of fate, but a direct result of incitement against the Arab citizens of this country by religious, public, and elected officials." An in-progress report from Breaking the Silence, an investigation by former soldiers into war crimes of the Gaza offensive, finds an "underlying policy" of war crimes implicit in the orders given. Current news stories of anti-Arab hate crimes explicit in the tee-shirts of Israeli military and trainees, are not suppressed and are shown in high resolution throughout the West's commercial media. In Toronto the Canadian Security Certificate detainee Mohammad Mahjoub has voluntarily returned to the Kingston Immigration Holding Centre; after the years of solitary detention, conditions of his two years of house arrest have proved un bearable to the family; it can neither survive them nor continue as jailors of the family's father, as children in Canadian society, as members of an entire family treated as criminals but without having committed a known crime.

Partial sources: "Lawyers' Group Urges Bush Be Arrested or Barred from Canada in First Trip Abroad Since Leaving Office,"Amy Goodman, Gail Davidson, March 17, 2009, Democracy Now!; "RCMP. War.Crimes.Reply,Mar. 19,09.eml " ("Letter to LAW re former President Bush.pdf"), March 20, 2009, Lawyers Against the War listserv; "Bush makes big impression in Calgary," Petti Fong, March 18, 2009,; "MNN Dumb Bush woos numb Canadians," MNN, March 21, 2009, Mohawk Nation News listserv; "Mark Danner: Bush Lied About Torture of Prisoners," Amy Goodman, Mark Danner, March 18, 2009, Democracy Now!; "U.S. Torture: voices from the Black sites," Mark Danner, Feb. 2009, The New York Review of Books; "Harper Government Cuts Funding to CAF," March 20, 2009, Action Alert, Canadian Arab Federation; "Racist attacks against Arabs increase tenfold - report," Sharon Roffe-Ofir, March 21, 2009, Israel News; "Gaza war crime claims gather pace as more troops speak out," Peter Beaumont, March 22, 2009,; "Dead Palestinian babies and bombed mosques - IDF fashion 2009," Uri Blau, March 20, 2009,; "Mahjoub Forced Back to Jail by Draconian Conditions That Have 'Broken' His Family," Matthew Behrens, March 19, 20009, TASC listerv.


March 13, 2009

      Maine: a note on community action which blocked the corporate takeover of Maine's water supply ~ see environment page.

      Canada: over a hundred Canadians have at some risk to themselves donated the planefare to bring Abousfian Abdelrazik home to Canda. The Montreal Canadian was visiting his mother in Sudan when CSIS asked the Sudanese to arrest him. His passport expired in prison. Now at the Canadian embassy in Sudan, he's waiting for a passport which the Canadian government says won't be issued until he has a ticket home. But at the same time the Canadian government says it's a federal offence for anyone to finance Abousfian Abdelrazik's support. This strange cruelty was answered by the decency of people who bought Abousfian Abdelrazik his plane ticket home April 3, 2009.     Partial sources: "Ticket bought for Abdelrazik, flight leaves on 3 April: One hundred people call the government’s bluff on AbousfianAbdelrazik," Press Release March 12, 2009, Project Fly Home apprec. Dawg's Blawg, apprec. Nowar-Paix; "Abousfian Abdelrazik," current, Wikipedia.


March 11, 2009

      Canada: Lawyers Against the War has asked the RCMP War Crimes Program to investigate George W. Bush for the crime of torture, particularly at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, Abu Ghraib Iraq, Bagram Afghanistan, and to inform the current Government of Canada that the former U.S. President is not admissable to Canada as part of an administration which has engaged in war crimes. To read the entire letter: "Letter of March 11, 2009 to the Officer in charge, RCMP War Crimes Section" [archive]. For background on LAW's work.   For Links to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act.     Partial sources: "LAW letter to RCMP," March 11, 2009 5:21PM, Lawyers Against the War email.

      United Nations: the UN News Centre reports "The UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances," will review 326 additional cases of "enforced disappearances." Created in 1980 by the Human Rights Commission, the Working Group has handled 52,952 cases. It presents a liason between families / relatives and government, to pressure governments to investigate enforced disappearances, and currently reports to the Human Rights Council [access:< >] which replaced the Human Rights Commission.     Partial source: "Hundreds of new disappearance cases taken on by UN unit," March 10, 2009, UN News Centre

      U.S.: Political prisoner Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin known to the civil rights movement as H. Rap Brown was placed in solitary confinement before February 22nd, without reason given. No bed. No shower. His Koran was taken away. There is no word of his release. Unverified support page: www.myspace. com/freetheimam.     Partial sources: "Urgent! Support needed for Imam Jamil," Kiilu Nyasha and Colia Clark, Feb. 28, 2008, Bay View; "Urgent Support Needed for Imam Jamil Al-amin Now!" Feb. 26, 2009, Block Report Radio.

      Haiti: five years after the French, U.S., Canadian, and UN supported overthrow of their government, thousands of Haitians in Port au Prince demonstrated February 28th in support of their deposed and democratically elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide. Reports claim there is now 80% unemployment; half the children aren't in school; half the people are without any medical care which is contributed by Doctors without Borders, Zanmi Lasante, and the Cuban government. Haiti imports half its food while half the peope make less than a dollar a day. 2.4 million Haitians can't afford the recommended calorie intake. In 2005 Aristide claimed the ongoing killing of Haiti's poor is a continuing "black holocaust." Genocide warning.

Partial sources: "Thousands march in Haiti demanding return of Aristide," feb. 28, 2009, News; "Five years of occupation," Roger Annis, Feb. 27, 2009, Green Left Weekly ~; "Haiti's poor driven to the edge," Nicole Colson, April 25, 2008,; "US, France behind black Haiti holocaust," Leonard, 19 April 05, Sapa-AP, April 21, 2005, mail & guardian online.



March 7, 2009

      Zimbabwe: Voice of America reports that officials from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund will meet officials of the newly installed Zimbabwean coalition government after a three year hiatus: the monetary organizations had suspended Zimbabwe for not paying its past debts. This suspension accompanied Zimbabwe's plunge into lethal poverty. The USAID report for March 6th reports that Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic now affects all ten provinces with 4000 deaths, 88,000 cases. A slight decline in death rate is partly attributed to increased mobilization and USAID/OFDA humanitarian funding. 30 recognizable strains of cholera have been identified so far. Meanwhile according to VOA U.S. President Obama notified Congress March 4th that he is extending sanctions against Zimbabwe initially imposed by the U.S. over ten years ago, until the political situation improves. The Washington Post reports bands of young blacks taking over white people's farms, and that Tsvangirai has claimed the land seizures illegal, and that Zimbabwe's economic troubles are blamed on such attempts. Yesterday a rural car accident killed Prime Minister Tsvangirai's wife, Susan, the mother of six, and injured Mr. Tsvangirai who was said to be flown out of the country by the President of Botswana's private jet. Previous.

Partial sources: "The IMF & World Bank Missions Due in Zimbabwe to Meet with New Government," Blessing Zulu, March 6, 2008, Voice of America; "Zimbabwe: Cholera Outbreak Fact Sheet #11 (FY 2009)," March 6, 2009, US Agency for International Development; "Mugabe's Allies Intensify Bid to Take Farms of Whites," Karin Brulliard, March 7, 2009, The Washington Post; "Zimbabwe PM: Cholera Toll Higher than Reported," March 5, 2009, VOA News; "Tsvangirai's wife killed in car crash," Richard Lapper, March 6, 2009, Financial Times .


March 3, 2009

      England: Attempted ethnic cleansing of "Gypsies" continues in the English countryside. Ref. "Seige of Dale Farm," March 1, 2009.

      Zimbabwe: the president of Médecins sans Frontières International, Christophe Fournier, has asked the international community to put aside its politics for the sake of women and children especially among the people of Zimbabwe, as a "massive medical emergency" risks overwhelming the country despite formation of a new unity government. Zimbabwe's police arrested Roy Bennett, the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture on a plane about to leave. Human rights activist Jestina Mukoko was freed from detention March 2nd. See previous.    Partial sources: "Zim cholera tip of massive medical emergency: MSF," James Mombe Zimonline, Feb. 17, 2009, Reliefweb. "As it happens," Part 1, CBC, 6:45PM; "Zimbabwe rights activist given bail," march 2, 2009, Associated Press.

      France: the country's highest court ruled the government of France responsible for sending Jews to the death camps. See the Jurist "France court rules government responsible for deporting Jews in WWII," at . The French Court's decision strengthens the principle of government accountability for its crimes, internationally and may have some effect on U.S. and Canadian policy.

      Peru: apart from the verdict expected in the trial of Peru's former President Fujimori, thirty years if guilty of the kidnapping and massacres as charged, the DA has opened an investigation into the sterilization under Fujimori's authority of Peruvian Indian women. According to a Peruvian women's rights organization: "The total number came to be 300,000 women and 22,000 men (who received vasectomies).… the majority of whom did not sign informed consent statements and were also subjected to threats, coercion and other violations." The special prosecutor is authorized to charge those responsible with genocide. The investigation could extend to U.S. and U.N. agencies.    Partial sources: "Forced sterilization of indigenous case re-opened in Peru," Rick Kearns, Feb. 20, 2009, Indian Country Today.

      Niger: The National Post reported responsibility for the seizing of Canadian diplomats Robert Fowler and Louis Guay was claimed by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, formerly Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et Combat (GSPC). The group's statement lists the Canadians among tourists said to be from Switzerland, Britain and Germany, all to be dealt with by Sharia law. See previous.     Partial sources: "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb: Who they are and what they want with Canada’s diplomats," Stewart Bell, Feb. 18, 2009, National Post;"Al Qaeda claims it has diplomats Fowler and Guay," Firouz Sedarat, Reuters, Feb. 17, 2009, Otttawa Citizen..

      U.S.: Night's Lantern notes with sadness the death of Peter DeMott Jan 6, 1947 - Feb 19, 2009, veteran, peace activist, prisoner of conscience as one of the Saint Patrick Four. For information see Jonah House (links page).

      Mexico: Night's Lantern notes with sadness the deaths of Manuel Ponce and Raul Lucas Lucia, "human rights advocates and Indigenous leaders" of Organization for the Future of Mixteco People murdered in the Mexican state of Guerrero during February. They were reported abducted on Feb. 13th, with cooperation of police and local authorities. Their bodies revealing marks of torture were found February 22, 2009 in a shallow grave.     Partial sources: "Mexico: Indigenous Rights leaders found dead," Feb. 24, 2009, Intercontinental Cry; "UA 41/09 Possible disappearance/ Fear for safety," PUBLIC AI Index: AMR 41/007/2009, 16 February 2009, Amnesty International.


February 12, 2009

      Ottawa: on February 11, Bob Rae (Liberal), Paul Crête (Bloc) and Paul Dewar (NDP) gave a news conference to encourage the return of Omar Khadr. Their party leaders - Michael Ignatieff, Gilles Duceppe and Jack Layton, have sent a letter to Prime Minister Harper urging Khadr's repatriation and US recognition of the Canadian as a child soldier. US President Obama will be visiting February 19th . From Khadr's Canadian legal team, Dennis Edney, and a representation of Muslim leaders have provided a plan for Khadr's reintegration, and called for his return. Khadr's U.S. military lawyer has been asking the Canadian government to repatriate Khadr for some time, as have groups in Canada concerned with international law, the Geneva Conventions, and the rights of children, but the Conservative government was reluctant to assert its authority under law. On February 3rd CAIR-CAN (Council on American-Islamic Relations Canada) sent a letter signed by Muslim groups and others concerned with justice, that requested the Prime Minister make better efforts toward Khadr's repatriation. There's grounds for the Muslim community and all Canadians to feel that lack of State efforts on behalf of Khadr as a child reflect a serious injustice. Lists of several hundred NGOs and concerned individuals supporting Omar Khadr and requesting repatriation, gathered by Lawyers Against the War and dating back to 2007 are posted here [archive]. Lawyers Rights Watch and Lawyers Against the War are releasing their statement, Omar Khadr: Release, Repatriation, Remedies the only legal options available to U.S. and Canada, at Parliament, midday today (these will be available for a time in the law directory [archive]. See previous.

Partial sources: "Omar Khadr's return in country's best interest, say opposition MPs, Feb. 11, 2009, CBC News; "Opposition urges Obama to release Khadr," Janice Tibbetts, Feb. 11, 2009, Canwest News Service ~ National Post; "185 Organizations and Individuals Write PM to Repatriate Omar Khadr," Ihsaan Gardee, CAIR CAN; "Omar Khadr Statement for Feb. 12/09 Ottawa Press Conference," Feb. 11, 2009, Lawyers Against the War list.


      Gaza related: aside from the deaths and the wounded, and the permanently damaged, the Ma'an News Agency , a Palestinian website, notes 600,000 tons of debris in Gaza, 14,000 homes entirely destroyed, 20 % of all homes in Gaza damaged, 68 government guildings, 31 NGO centers. The extent of damage suggests a war against a civilian population, its infra-structure, and an ongoing attempt to destroy a national and ethnic group [See the Convention against Genocide]. The Secretary General of the UN reports the UN is trying to reach a million people of Gaza with relief supplies, while Israel allows less than a third to pass through. There is a clear need for investigation of Israel's war crimes. The Belfast Telegraph reports the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) may boycott Israeli goods. In the debate Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams has noted Israel's assault killed 1300, children among them. The South African union coalition Cosatu (The Congress of South African Trade Unions) has pledged to bar Israeli ships from offloading.

Partial sources: "Trade unionists launch boycott of Israeli goods,"Feb. 10, 2009, Belfast Telegraph; "Durban dock workers refuse to unload Israeli vessel," Feb. 9, 2009, Port2port, Israel; "UN Chief Says Israel is Blocking Most Gaza Aid," Neil Macfarquhar, Feb. 10, 2009, The New York Times; "14,000 homes, 68 government buildings, 31 NGOs destroyed leaving 600,000 tons of rubble in Gaza," Feb. 5, 2009, Ma'an News Agency.


      Europe:     Roma Rights Network newsfeed: [this link didn't work out for us and was removed June 11 - jbg].
The Italian Senate has ratified measures that make it an imprisonable offense to be an illegal alien, and require doctors to turn in their patients if illegal immigrants. The legislation guided through the Berlusconi government furthers NATO country persecution of the Roma. See previous.     Partial sources: "Italy Tightens the Net around Illegal Immigrants," Feb.5, 2009, Prensa Latina; Roma Rights Network news feed (above), current .



February 9, 2009

      Zimbabwe: while this tragedy occurs within a perspective of genocide, the people of NATO countries neither wish it nor gain from such damage to and suffering of African peoples... ed.. The Zimbabwean reports a unity government is finally in formation, but observes: "Tsvangirai is said to have made it clear to Mugabe that no international aid would come Zimbabwe’s way until he and his Zanu (PF) party showed willingness to implement genuine economic and political reforms." The death toll from cholera has reached 3400 and the number of cases 70,000. WHO's 'worst case scenario' is surpassed. The casualty rate eases where people reach aid stations; in a hard hit province Médecins sans Frontières- Luxembourg and Zimbabwe's Ministry of Health together are effective. Anglican church leaders and media risk propagandizing for war in their disapproval of Mugabe. The source causes of the epidemic should be questioned more deeply, as cholera spreads and appears with devastating effect in areas beyond Mugabe's governance. A recent six thousand cases appear in northern South Africa. Cholera is not usually that virulent or spread by personal contact. The strength of the epidemic in South Africa can't be blamed on Mugabe, except in the political sense that South Africa has refused to sanction Zimbabwe in times of a medical emergency. Signs of a cholera epidemic are reported in Angola which recently hosted Cuba's head of State, in renewal of historic alliance. Zimbabwe has thanked Cuba for the assistance of its medical brigades. As noted here previously , NATO countries might want to trace points of outbreak and spread of the disease to investigate possibility of covert or rogue biological warfare. In December cases of anthrax were reported in Zimbabwe along with the spread of cholera. Zimbabwe is the only nation in the world targeted with anthrax in biological warfare which occurred during its war for independence. Inevitably some will consider the current cholera epidemic a reminder of the terrible cost in resisting foreign ownership and control...

Partial sources: "Tsvangirai meets Mugabe to clear way for unity govt," Feb. 7, 2009, The Zimbabwean; "Cholera cases near 70,000," Feb. 9, 2009, Africa News; "Cholera in Zimbabwe," Feb. 9, 2009, OCHA UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; "Time to support military intervention in Zimbabwe ?" a staff reporter, Feb. 6, 2009, Religious Intelligence Ltd. (London, UK); "Is cholera keeping Mugabe in power ?" Obert Matahwa , Feb. 9, 2009, Religious Intelligence Ltd. (London, UK); "WHO Praises Cuba's Contribution to Zimbabwe’s Health Care System," Feb. 9, 2009, ACn ~ Cuban News Agency;"Regional Update No. 5 - Cholera / Acute Watery Diarrhoea Outbreaks in Southern Africa," Feb. 9, 2009, OCHA; "Chiredzi District (Masvingo Province) Cholera Update," Feb. 5, 2009, Action contre la Faim; "First cholera, now anthrax hits Zimbabwe," Dec. 1, 2008, Mail & Guardian online.




February 4, 2009

      Ottawa: environmental update. Current hazard *.

      Zimbabwe: Genocide warning. According to Caritas Canada 83% of Zimbabweans live on under $2 a day. Though former colonialist countries (NATO) blame this on Robert Mugabe's technique of rule, 'Sanctions' against him have damaged the people. The European Union now has a list of 242 people and Mugabe banned from visiting the European Union (including 27 people and 36 companies recently added); all are "suspected of human rights abuses"(Reuters). Various forms of sanctioning are also applied by Australia and the United States. As of September Canada has refused to let Zimbabwean aircraft land in Canada and has embargoed arms sales. In 2002 Zimbabwe was excluded from a 54 nation Commonwealth grouping that disapproved of Mugabe's election practices. Zimbabwe has now withdrawn. Mugabe's opponent was and is a Harvard sponsored politician preferred by Zimbabwe's historical enemies. The Commonwealth's disapproval coincided with withholding of technical assistance from the International Monetary Fund. What Sanctioning of Zimbabwe seems to have done through racist contempt for a brilliant, constant, African ruler, is further a multi-front effort to destroy Zimbabwe's people. Meanwhile the UN food distribution program has had to cut its daily emergency ration to less than half. Malnourishment will substantially increase susceptibility to cholera. See previous.     Partial sources: "Food program mitigates effects of Zimbabwe crisis for hundreds of thousands," Caritas Canada, Feb. 2, 2009, Reuters Alertnet. "Factbox:- Sanctions on Zimbabwe, Jan. 26, 2009, Reuters. "Zimbabwe's starving millions face halving of rations as UN cash dries up," Chris McGreal, Jan. 29, 2009, "EU Adds Zimbabwe Sanctions, Puts Pressure on Mugabe," Patrick Donahue and James G. Neuger, Jan. 26, 2009,

      Sri Lanka: Genocide warning. Government military actions are killing large numbers of Tamil civilians. 250,000 civilians are currently trapped in a militarily contested area. Government forces say that the Tamil Tigers are giving the civilians arms.This may be a pretext to excuse military slaughter of civilians. The last hospital in Tamil territory is being shelled as government forces move into the area, with each side blaming the other. Western media takes the government's side; the government recently admitted responsibility for the shelling. The death toll of the war is estimated at 70,000. The Canadian Peace Alliance has called for the Sri Lankan government to "Stop the Attacks on the Tamil People." Today, candlelight vigils are called in cities across Canada; in Ottawa, 5:30 at the Sri Lankan embassy. The Canadian Tamil Congress has called for a mourning vigil from 1 to 4 at the Canadian Parliament.     Partial sources: "Stop the attacks on the Tamil people - Cross Canada Candelight Vigils - February 4," Feb. 2, 2009, Canadian Peace Alliance list; "War wounded flee shelling of Sri Lankan hospital," Somini Sengupta, Feb. 3, 2009, New York Times; "Lanka hospital shelled again; victory in sight, says Rajapaksa," Agencies, Feb. 4, 2009,; "Sri Lanka hospital shelling kills 2 in north - ICRC," Ranga Sirilal, Feb. 2, 2009, Reuters; "Tigers arming civilians: Army," B. Muralidhar Reddy, Feb. 4, 2009, The Hindu.

      Israel may have successfully interceded with the government of Spain to persuade the Spanish parliament to change the laws of "universal jurisdiction" - these might bring additional Israeli military personnel under Spanish jurisdiction for prosecution as war criminals. The government of Israel is also attempting to persuade the UK government. According to The Jerusalem Post Israeli Col. Geva Rapp [sic.] was forced to flee his lecture tour in Great Britain for fear of arrest as a war criminal. Participants in a London demonstration demanded it. The article announces what was a surprise to Israeli security forces, assuring its readers "Israel is working with the British government to change the law." Belgium has banned export of weapons to Israel and objects to Israel's enlistment of child soldiers at seventeen. Concerning the ICC the Times online reports that Mr. Moreno-Ocampo is still deliberating on whether the International Criminal Court should investigate Israel's military for war crimes in Gaza. Mr. Moreno-Ocampo interviewed by The Times in Davos at the World Economic Forum finds the questions of jurisprudence "very complicated." He interprets the law as granting the court jurisdiction if Israel's own courts default. He does not expound at length on alternatives. The International Coalition against Impunity (HOKOK), has asked the Court for the arrest of 15 Israeli military and defense officials for war crimes in Gaza, naming "Ehud Barak, Amir Peretz, Binyamin Ben Eliezer, Avi Dichter, Carmi Gillon,Dan Halutz, Doron Almog, Ehud Olmert, Eliezer Shkedy, Gabi Ashkenazi, Giora Eiland, Matan Vilnai, Moshie Bogie, Yaalon Shaul Mofaz, Tzipi Livni." It requests information on their whereabouts if outside Israel be sent to: For specific allegations see [access:< >]. See also Redress Information and Analysis .    "IDF colonel leaves speaking tour of UK for fear of arrest," Jonny Paul, Feb. 2, 2009, "Belgium to stop exporting 'arms that bolster the IDF' to Israel," Cnaan Liphshiz, Feb. 3, 2009, "Prosecutor looks at ways to put Israeli officers on trial for Gaza 'war crimes'," Catherine Philip and James Hider, Feb. 2, 2009, Times online; "ICC examines Gaza crimes," Feb. 3, 2009, "Spain may amend war crimes law," Feb. 2, 2009, The Jerusalem Post; "Public asked for information on travel plans and whereabouts of top Israeli leaders," Redress Information and Analysis, Jan. 26, 2009, [access:< >]

      Guantanamo / Canada: concerning the US military's incarceration and torture of a minor child, a former head of the Ontario Bar, James Morton, notes in The Ottawa Citizen that English Common law has never made peace with torture, though rulers have on occasion been tempted. His article reminds that Federal Court has found Khadr was tortured by the U.S. with Canada's involvement, and that the Geneva Conventions were violated. These war crimes are punishable under Canadian law though I know of no Canadian lawyers currently exploring this issue. - ed... In attempt to encourage Khadr's return to Canada Gerald and Maas has carried updates on his case since 2005. See entries on "Omar Khadr" in Guantanamo Camp, and the Gail Davidson / Lawyers Against the War updated factsheet on Omar Khadr [archive].     Partial sources: "Why Omar Khadr must be set free," James Morton, Feb. 2, 2009, The Ottawa Citizen apprec. LAW; for several postings from Lawyers Against the War...[archive].

      Afghanistan: Canadian troops await NATO orders to search for and kill Afghan citizens who are designated as involved in the drug trade. While Canadian legal experts debate whether it's a war crime for Canadian troops to murder suspects, common sense suggests extra judicial killing of civilians is a war crime and violation of Geneva Conventions, punishable under Canada's laws and without statute of limitations.     Partial sources: "Canadian troops could soon target Afghan drug trade: top soldier," Feb. 3, 2009, CBC news apprec. Freund.

      US: after another severe beating at age 64 and denial of medical treatment at USP-Canaan Leonard Peltier was returned to prison at Lewisburg (Pennsylvania) where inmates assured him of his safety - at some risk to themselves. Peltier speaks of those that helped him escape once who were soon mysteriously dead. An assassin who 'turned' to protect him was murdered on parole. The violence against Peltier fairly surely originates with law enforcement."The FBI has said that I will never leave prison alive..." Peltier says. Officials responsible for his case at the US Bureau of Prisons, FBI and Justice, should be identified and accountable to US domestic and international law.     Partial sources: "Leonard Peltier sent back to USP - Lewisburg," Feb. 2, 2009, Intercontinental Cry; also, apprec. Democracy Now!.

      Guatemala: the government has filed over 3000 complaints for 5000 victims of Guatemala's Civil War where military, death squads, police claimed the lives of several hundred thousand (ie. "The Rio Negro Massacre"). Most of the deaths were Indigenous peoples.     Partial sources: "Guatemala files criminal complaints for human rights violations during civil war ," Tere Miller-Sporer, Feb. 1, 2009, Jurist.




January 31, 2009.

      Gaza related: a Spanish court has ordered an investigation of a July 22nd, 2002 Israeli F-16 bombing in Gaza that killed fifteen and wounded 140. The attack was on the house of Salah Shehadeh. 7 former Israeli Defense officials risk charges for various war crimes: Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, Michael Herzog, Moshe Ya'alon, Dan Halutz, Abraham Dichter, Doron Almog, Giora Eiland. These have thirty days to present themselves at Spanish court before an international warrant is issued. The court action pressages charges for recent Israeli war crimes against Palestinian civilians. Spanish law allows universal jurisdiction to address crimes committed beyond its own borders.
     The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights which brought the suit before Spanish court has previously filed charges in the UK against former Israeli Southern Commander, Doron Almogfor breeching the Fourth Geneva Convention, causing Almog, planning a visit, to return to Israel without disembarking in the UK.
     To avoid future charges of war crimes, in a tacit admission of guilt the government of Israel is trying to pressure Spain into changing its laws. According to the Irish Times,"I was just told by the Spanish foreign minister that Spain decided to change the legislation," - Israel's foreign minister. Note: any change in the law can't be retroactive so legal challenges in Spain to war crimes against Gaza might well be made soon in the event that Spain's Congress can be bought. The US Senate for example gave unanimous support to Israel's invasion of Gaza. - ed..
      The Kawther Salam site posting photographs of Israeli Occupation Forces suspected of war crimes in Gaza [access: < >] notes an unexplained unreported phenomenon of large numbers of Israeli forces in Patagonia Chile. Informal witness and letters suggest Israeli forces are visiting in large numbers, having previously established a presence. See "Israeli War Criminals in Jenin & Lebanon," Kawther.Salam, Jan, 29, 2009 [access: <>]; "Israeli War Criminals in Patagonia," Kawther.Salam, Jan. 30, 2009 [access: < >].
      In an opinion piece for The Jerusalem Post ("Israel needs to invade the Hague," Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Jan. 31 / Feb.1, 2009) the director of "Israel Law Centre," calls on Israel's 'parliament' to enact a law similar to the U.S. ASMPA - American Service-Members Protection Act which would attempt to protect US military personnel charged with war crimes at the International Criminal Court by allowing a US President to free them by force, and forbids the US giving information to the Court. This U.S. position (and any similar position by Israel) makes clear the intention to commit war crimes.
   Additional sources: "Israel says Spain to amend 'war crimes' law," Jan. 30, 2009,, apprec. LAW. "Spain court to investigate Israeli role in 2002 Gaza bombing," Christian Ehret, Jan. 29, 2009, Jurist. "Palestine Centre for Human Rights welcomes decisions of Spanish Court to investigate war crimes committed by IOF in Gaza," Press Release, Jan. 29, 2009, Palestine Centre for Human Rights.



January 29, 2009.

      Peru: Minera Afrodita which fronts the Canadian company Dorato Resources with gold exploration in northern Peru, has found four employees and helpers kidnapped in the town of Huampani. The communities of the area claim the environment is damaged by mining, and that exploration requires their consent. The Peruvian government sides with the companies. Peru has suffered fifty years at least from this cycle of repression and resistance.     "Peru community holds miners hostage for sixth day," Dana Ford and Maria Luisa Palomino, Jan. 20, 3009, Thomson Reuters.

      DRC: With Rwandan and Congo military forces working together the rebel leader associated with Rwandan interests and the Tutsi tribe, Laurent Nkunda, has been arrested by Rwandan forces, and held in Rwanda where he is favoured and not exactly in prison. Wanted for war crimes in Congo the government of Congo expects extradition.     Partial sources: "Questions answers about the arrest of Congo rebel leader, Laurent Nkunda," Michelle Pau; AP, Jan. 23, 2009, "Congo rebel leader 'safe' but not in jail," AP Jan. 1, 2009, AOL news Australia. "DR Congo rebel Nkunda arrested," Jan. 24, 2009, Al-Jazeera, apprec. Global Research.

      Geneva and New York: Euro / global centres of human rights continue to reveal a blindspot concerning the rights of Roma. Roma Rights Network carries a report that in Geneva Switzerland, on January 15th "30 policemen in four police vans hunted innocent Roma throughout the city of Geneva. When the hunt was over, they had arrested 27 people; 15 men, 7 women, and 5 children." These were taken to the police station and after a hearing immediately deported, forfeiting any possessions they might have had. In New York City the United Nations holds its yearly observance of the Holocaust with its memorial day on January 27th. Romani weren't invited to the ceremony despite numerous requests from Romani agencies for inclusion. A rabbi was the keynote speaker. Others included, the President of the UN General Assembly, the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, a cantor. There were piano and violin performances. Aside from the Jewish and the "Gypsy" - as Roma and Sinti people were called - populations of Europe, groups such as Communists, trade unionists, homosexuals, petty criminals, sick children, old people, those resisting the authorities, were rounded up and exterminated by the Nazis. See previous.     Partial sources: "Roma rounded up and deported from Geneva," Roma Daily News, Jan. 24, 2009, Roma Rights Network ; "UN refuses to acknowledge Romani victims of the Holocaust at annual ceremony," Jan 15, 2009, Roma Rights Network.

      Zimbabwe: U.S., U.K. and European sanctions on Zimbabwe continue, as the World Health Organization reports 57,000 cases of cholera. Internal struggles are bending to serve the people. The new U.S. president is said to be encouraging as usual, African pressure on Mugabe, but also is considering using the UN Security council - a polite continuation of covert threat of force against the disabled country. Cholera which if treated properly in response to Zimbabwe's initial pleas for international help, is not usually a lethal disease. It has claimed three thousand deaths in Zimbabwe so far.     Partial sources: see previous entries; "Zimbabwe cholera outbreak kills more than 3,000," Jan. 28, 2009, Reuters AlertNet




January 27, 2009

      Gaza: According to PressTV Norwegian medics in Gaza have found depleted uranium residue in casualties.Use of depleted uranium is outlawed. There is evidence white phosphorous as well was used against Gazans (see below). Prof. Richard Falk who was the United Nations Special Rapporteur excluded by Israel in December, stated "the UN Charter, and international law, does not give Israel the legal foundation for claiming self-defense" (ibid.).
      Palestinian refugee / journalist Kawther Salam, has documented [access:< >] with photographs a partial list of Israeli military personnel allegedly partaking in the criminal action against the civilian population of Gaza (Dec. 27- Jan.18). Aside from Israel's Attorney General Menechem Mazuz, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit, Gabi Ashkenazi, are: Brig. Jonathan Locker, Air Force Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan, Col. Ron Ashrov, Brigadier-General Eyal Eisenberg, Colonel Yigal Slovik, Brigadier (res) Sho'alay Marom, Lt. Col. Yoav Mordechai, and many many others, along with the alleged war crimes of each. She notes 90% of the casualties are civilians, that Israel expects massive international lawsuits against its military, that Israeli media are not allowed to publish names of the operation leaders, and names of military officers involved are being censored. Israeli censorship practices may be extending to US and Canadian media, so the data may have to be widely shared. For most war crimes there is no statue of limitations. Her work should be protected by the UN Human Rights Council.

   Partial sources: "Falk Likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto," Jan. 22, 2009, Press TV Tehran, apprec., Montreal Muslim News; "Names and Photos of Israeli War Criminals in Gaza," Kawther Salam, Jan. 26, 2009,, apprec. Montreal Muslim News; "Montreal: professors and universitiy employees call for Israel boycott," Le Devoir, Jan. 24, 2009, Tadamon!.

      North American Prisons: the FBI continues to practice psychological torture and physical abuse of Leonard Peltier, who remains through years of unjust imprisonment a leader of the American Indian movement. Transferred once again to a new prison, he was badly beaten in the yard (January 13th). Why was this high profile political prisoner transferred to an unfriendly prison population ? Does the new beating signal a renewal of federal crimes against native Americans ? Does it enforce the parallel between the genocide of First Peoples in North America with Israel's current massacre of Palestinians ? Federal treatment of Peltier since his initial incarceration has been accompanied by extreme physical abuse, denial of proper medical treatment as an extra-judiciary punishment, and beating.
      By order of the new U.S. President, Guantanamo prison camp is to be closed, the U.S. secret detentions facilities are to be closed, and the U.S. military and government agents are to stop torturing people. U.S. military prosecutors have requested the trials in progress at Guantanamo, suspended. The new President's recognition of the use of torture by American forces suggests the methods of interrogation ordered by the Bush administration can be recognized as torture in American courts. U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak, said in an interview (to be broadcast on German ZDF television Jan. 27th), that the U.S. ought to try former President George W. Bush, and Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, for the torture of detainees at Guantanamo. For a partial list of accountable personnel... (a .pdf file).
      The Toronto Star reports that the case against the "Toronto 18" might have to be dropped due to consitutional rights of the accused. Without Bush's war on terror turning US law to committing crimes "for national security," and with Canada's resistant Supreme Court rulings against fascist practices, architects of the "Toronto 18" persecution may re-examine their case. Night's Lantern was a fairly lonely voice in noting the injustice when it occurred. Names of the detainees are currently removed from our accounts, due to a judicial order prohibiting their publication while the trials are proceeding. See "Those called the 'Toronto 18', The detention of Muslims and their defenders.

Partial sources: "Urgent Alert ! Leonard Peltier's safety is in jeopardy," Betty Peltier-Solano, Jan 20, 2009, [access:< >] apprec. Elliott , Mostly Water; "Attorney to prison: Peltier in grave danger," Michael Kuzma, Jan. 24, 2009, Censored News; "Prosecutors request suspension of Guantanamo trials on order from Obama," Jan. 21, 2009, CBC News; "Obama orders Guantanamo, CIA detentionn sites closed," Jeff Mason and Ross Colvin, Jan. 22, 2009, Reuters AlertNet; "Official: UN may prosecute Bush administration, regardless of US action," David Edwards, Jan. 23, 2009, (Rawstory), Information Clearing House; "Toronto 18 trial could collapse, says judge," Isabel Teotonio, Jan. 17, 2009, Toronto Star.



January 19, 2009

      Gaza: The International Coalition against Impunity, has called on The International Criminal Court to indict Israel's leaders for war crimes in Gaza. According to Chief Prosecutor Mr. Moreno-Ocampo the ICC lacks jurisdiction to prosecute Israel. Israel has not signed the Roma treaty, and the UN Security Council has not expressly referred the case. There is a danger that an aggressor country through careful planning - premeditation, legal and political manoeuvering, seeks to place itself above the international laws intended to protect humanity. While Israel and the U.S. have both refused to sign on to the ICC, and while US control of the Security Council may inhibit a referral, the refusal to accede to the Court suggests both countries have chosen to be criminal. Israel's allies who have signed on to the Court and have aided Israel's military are now vulnerable to prosecution for complicity in war crimes. Canada for example has signed. If the ICC continues to back away from the law on jurisdictional grounds, other legal options remain. 1., Cases might be brought against persons or corporations serving the criminal government, when they enter any country where war crimes are prosecutable. 2., International law and treaties with the force of law, are simplifications of laws which in many instances are already in place as criminal law. 3., Since there is evidence the government of Israel has effected a policy violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, genocide could be charged. Israel has signed and hasn't officially withdrawn from the Treaty which is law. 4., If the ICC feels it lacks jurisdiction to deal with a genocide by Israel, despite a mandate which doesn't limit application of the law to those nations acceding to the Court's authority, an alleged genocide by Israel might be challenged by any country at the International Court of Justice, ICJ. 5., Under the terms of the UN's Convention on Genocide, the UN General Assembly might institute a court specifically to deal with this alleged genocide. 6., A case against alleged war crimes or genocide by Israel could be brought within Israel, in the courts of any country claiming "universal jurisdiction," or in the courts of a country protecting the rights of victims who are its citizens. In response to Israel's aggression against Gaza incurring a ratio of ten Palestinian civilians killed to 1 Hamas fighter, the US media outlet, Voice of America quotes one of Washington's specialists at International law," Where you have war, you have war crimes." In U.S. Canadian and Israeli reporting on war crimes, it is very difficult to find voices or volunteers not in the service of special interests.     Partial sources: "War crimes experts concerned about Gaza fighting," Al Pessin, Jan. 17, 2009, VOA; "ICC has no juurisdictiion over Gaza war crimes claims," Jan. 16, 2009, Radio Netherlands Worldwide; "Iran calls for trial of Israeli leaders at int'l tribunal," Jan. 17, 2009, Fars News Agency.

Historical note
One set of war crimes reported in the media: Fida Qishta and Peter Beaumont present in an article ("Israel accused of war crimes over 12-hour assault on Gaza village") appearing in The Observer (UK), January 18, 2009, the following alleged crimes by Israeli forces: 1. "attempted to bulldoze houses with civilians inside"; 2. "killed civilians trying to escape under the protection of white flags"; 3. "opened fire on an ambulance attempting to reach the wounded"; 4. "used indiscriminate force in a civilian area and fired white phosphorus shells."



January 17, 2009

      Congo (DRC): a portion of the rebel National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP), has called a truce. Its (Tutsi) fighters are to be absorbed into the government army. Today the large pro-government militia, PARECO also merged with government command. Presence of Rwanda's army commander at the peace negotiations in Goma tends to undermine Rwanda's official position that it isn't involved in de-stabilization, destruction of civilian life, and acquisition of resources in Eastern Congo. The truce may seriously undermine the 'rebel' Rwanda / U.S. oriented leader General Nkunda. In September a correspondent for the UK's Daily Telegraph reported 1500 Africans a day dying from effects of the Congo conflict (See 2008 Archive). Partial sources; "Breaking the silence of 1500 deaths each day," Sept. 23, 2008, Friends of the Congo; "DR Congo rebel faction ends fight," Jan. 17, 2009, BBCnews; "Congo govt, diplomats optimnistic on peace deal," Joe Bavier, Jan. 17, 2009, Reuters.


      Gaza: Iranian TV reports that a fourth UN school for Palestinian refugees was bombed this morning killing 6 wounding 11. It cites 1,193 Palestinians killed since Dec. 27th, 5311 wounded; the medics in Gaza report 600 of the dead civilians , and of these 411 children. During the day Israel announced a unilateral ceasefire for 2400 GMT. Defense for Children International (Palestine Section), has written the government of Canada (as well as 13 countries that abstained) asking for clarification of its refusal to support the United Nations Human Rights Council's vote condemning Israel's aggression against Gaza and the war crimes against its citizens. DCI also reports concern for the doubling of Israeli arrests of Palestinian minor children living in the West Bank, and for hundreds of minor children reported arrested by Israeli troops on entry to Gaza. European reaction to Israel's aggression has been actionless, often silent, occasionally eloquent and a fury sprung from tears. British MP Sir Gerald Kaufman (Labour) told parliament within context of the Holocaust, that the current government of Israel was committing war crimes. "The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians" [access: < >]. Evo Morales, President of Bolivia announced January 14th Bolivia's severance of ties with Israel, and in accordance with the establishing documents for the International Criminal Court, will ask the court to investigate Israel for war crimes. Bolivia's foreign minister Wilfredo Chavez affirmed the intention in Geneva. Morales has noted the right of nations to bring charges of genocide.     Partial sources: "Israel UN school raid kills 6 including woman, child, " Jan. 17, 2009, PressTV; "Israel declares ceasefire in Gaza," Jan. 17, 2009, BBCnews. "Israel PM declares halt to Gaza offensive," AFP, Jan. 17, 2009, google news; "UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza," Jan. 16, 2009, youtube, Montreal Muslim News list; "DCI writes to states that failed to support Gaza Resolution," Jan. 16, 2009, Defense for Children International (Palestine Section); "DCI concerned by increase of arrests of West Bank children," Jan. 17, 2009, Defense for Children International (Palestine Section), apprec. Montreal Muslim News; "Bolivia breaks relations with Israel for the Aggression in Gaza," Prensa Latina, Jan. 16, 2009, Pravda; "Bolivia to take Israel to the Hague," Jan. 16, 2009, PressTV Iran.


      Ottawa: locally, at 1:00 pm there was a peace protest at Chapters Bookstore, Rideau Street. About ten young and old people at zero degrees handed out leaflets calling for a boycott-the-store, or simply giving some information about Israel's blockade of Gaza, made worse by the invasion. One leaflet said: "Boycott Chapters / Indigo, cut the ties with Israeli apartheid !" Background: The boycott ties Chapters and Indigo Books and Music, its parent company, to direct support for Israel's military. The owners and CEO of the parent company founded the HESEG foundation which helps mercenary soldiers from all over the world go fight for Israel. That's a bit like raising an army. The "lone soldiers" as they're called, don't go playing paintball in the woods. Who would dare protest at such a bookstore. So these were brave people leafleting in the cold and we went to be with them. Julie carried her "Genocide" painting which reminds people laws against genocide have no statute of limitations. I held a door for a man in a wheelchair who wanted to go in where it was warm. People passing were really nice.     Partial sources: leaflets & "Boycott Chapter& Indigo," May 11, 2007,; "HESEG Boycott Factsheet," current, Coalition against Israeli apartheid (caia)."




January 16, 2009

      Gaza: UN Secretary General Ban on arriving in Israel to plead for a ceasefire in the invasion of Gaza, was greated with the loss of the United Nations relief complex; fires from Israeli tank shelling could not be extinguished; one of the burning buildings warehoused the humanitarian aid. Christopher Gunness, spokesperson for UNWRA states in an interview with Democracy Now!, "Well, this morning, there were three rounds of white phosphorus which landed in our compound in Gaza. That set ablaze the main warehouse and the big workshop...". As of Jan. 13th, the IDF denied using white phosphorus. Now the UN has suspended its aid operations in Gaza again. Israeli military forces also attacked the Tal al-Hawa hospital sheltering 500. The Red Crescent Al-Quds Hospital was hit, risking 100 patients as well as staff, and its pharmacy destroyed. Aside from what seems the intentional destruction of UNWRA medical and humanitarian warehouse, the president of the ICRC reports that one of Palestine Red Crescent's two warehouses for humanitarian aid was on fire as well.
      IRFAN Canada donne la bonne nouvelle que treize de ses camions se sont arrivés en Gaza le 14 janvier : les medications, les couvertures, des besoins éssentiels du peuple; il y'aura unautre éssaie la semaine prochaine. Pour faire une donation on peut voir... [ access: < >]. Malaysian Red Crescent was able to hand over five boxes of medical supplies to the Palestine Red Crescent Society.    Partial sources: "Israel pounds gaza: shells crowded hospital, UN compound and building housing media organizations," Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Jan. 15, 2009, Democracy Now!; "UN suspends Gaza aid," Jan. 15, 2009, The National UAE, apprec. Montreal Muslim News; "Israel-OPT: Israel denies using white phosphorus in Gaza,"IRIN, Jan. 15, 2009, ReliefWeb; "Bonne Nouvelle / Good news," Jan. 15, 2009, apprec. Montreal Muslim News; "Israel shells hospital, UN compound," Jan. 15, 2009,; "MRC humanitarian aid arrived in Gaza," Jan. 16, 2009, ReliefWeb; "Gaza: wounded at risk as Al Quds Hospital is hit," Jan. 15, 2009, ICRC.

Editor's note: Night's Lantern carried a current "genocide warning" for Gaza, June 30, 2006 - noted again March 7, 2008 when Israel's Minister of Defense threatened Palestine with a Shoa. We posted another November 23, 2008 (see also Jan. 19, 2008 and previous notes on the violations of humanitarian law): News Archives 2008. News Archives 2007, and back.



January 15, 2009

      Zimbabwe: cholera deaths rose to 2106 by Jan. 13th with 40,448 cases. The UN World Health Organization and Zimbabwe's Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, have set up a centre together to better respond. The country remains in a medical emergency and most international political agendas trying to remove President Mugabe from power have been back-burnered. Alleged human rights abuses of those pressing for change, continue.     Partial sources: "Zimbabwe," Jan. 13, 2009, "Health Action in Crises", WHO, [access: < >]; "Human rights in Zimbabwe: Urgent action for detained activists," Lindsay Mossman, Jan. 8, 2009, amnesty international canada [access:< >].


      Guantanamo: "Pentagon voids Khadr proceedings" (Paul Koring, Jan. 14, 2009, reports according to Omar Khadr's military lawyer the Pentagon has withdrawn charges against all detainees at Guantanamo about to be tried and will "re-file" them. Generally, Khadr's case remains a puzzlement: in Afghanistan, a child - and there is evidence of his innocence, was discovered during a U.S. military action, was shot in the back, and was interrogated for information. There is evidence the US military denied him medical treatment until information was forthcoming. Transferred to Guantanamo there is evidence the child was tortured, degraded and abused. He was denied proper schooling and spent six years in a cell. Under law, these are crimes. Gerald and Maas has followed this case since Khadr was taken to Guantanamo and like the camp itself, the case is insane. There is strong suggestion of the use of this young person's life as a mechanism to control the North American public: this very public crime against a child is to teach all of us the helplessness of people when faced with the arrogantly powerful. They can't give Khadr back his childhood. He deserves his freedom. See - Gail Davidson / Lawyers Against the War's recent background update, 2008 [archive]; for Night's Lantern's sequential notes on Khadr's treatment among other detainees at Guantanamo Bay Camp, see Guantanamo Camp 2004 ~ 2005 ~ 2006 ~ 2007 and Guantanamo Camp 2008. Free all political prisoners.




January 14, 2009

      Gaza (see also previous entries): A Palestine Centre for Human Rights press release notes horrific burns which may be the result of phosphorus bombing. Dr Nafez Abu Shaban noted as "Head of the Burns Unit" at Gaza City's Al-Shifa Hospital,states: "We are now receiving patients with burns that are so extreme, the patients' tissue and muscles have been destroyed. We have been forced to amputate some patients' limbs as a result. We have carried out six double leg amputation operations on patients who had suffered critical burns of this nature. Three of the patients died after surgery".... "We do not fully understand why some of the injured are bleeding internally, because we can find no X-ray evidence of foreign objects inside their bodies" ...." I have never seen injuries like this before. We need international health organizations to send us medical specialists immediately who can assist us in responding to injuries from chemical weapons." The Centre calls for investigation by international groups and for prosecution of those guilty of war crimes. The head of the International Coalition against Impunity has formally requested the International Criminal Court's investigation of war crimes during the invasion. In a Reuters report the head of Gaza's ambulance service reports 1010 Palestinian dead during the 19 day invasion so far. PCHR finds 673 civilians, including 69 women and 225 children. Israel's losses can be estimated at ten military and 3 civilians. The World Health Organization reported that as of yesterday all hospitals have only an 8 to 12 hours "partial power supply". Since the invasion started Dec. 27th, 13 health personnel were killed, 22 were injured on duty, 15 ambulances damaged, 11 health facilities damaged (shelling), a pediatrics hospital (Dorah) hit Jan. 8 and again Jan 13th; the "Gaza European Hospital" was damaged Jan. 10th, and El Nasser Paediatrics Hospital was damaged Jan. 10 but functioning.     Partial sources: "PCHR Condemns IOF Use of Unidentified Incinerating Bombs Against Civilians, Causing Horrific Burns," Press Release , January 14, 2009, Palestine Centre for Human Rights; "Hague court must investigate Gaza war crimes - group," jan. 14, 2009, reuters; "Gaza medics say death toll in offensive over 1,000," Jan. 14, 2009, Reuters; "White Phosphorus and its use in Gaza," Jan. 11, 2009, Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem, apprec. Montreal Muslim News; "Gaza," Jan. 13, 2009, "Health Action in Crises", WHO, [access: < >]; "Health situation in Gaza - 13 January 2009," who.




January 12, 2009

      Gaza: re. white phosphorous - to correct my entry of January 8th - there are now reports of white phosphorous used by Israel in its invasion of Gaza; the material is forbidden as a weapon of war and early reports suggest it was used to create a smokescreen for invasion rather than as a weapon; more recent reports find evidence of civilians burnt by its contact.     Partial sources: "Gaza victims' burn increase concern over phosphorous," Jan. 8, 2009, timesonlines;"Photo shows 'Willie Pete' went to Gaza," Jan. 25, 2009, Press TV; "Rights group: IDF using white phosophorous bombs in attacks on Gaza," ap, Jan. 11, 2009,; "Israel is experimenting new non-conventional weapons in Gaza" [access: < >]; apprec. Montreal Muslim news; "Israel: Stop unlawful use of white phosphorous in Gaza," Digg, Jan. 11, 2009, AfterDowningStreet.Org.


      Ongoing genocide warning
      United Nations: The Human Rights Council condemned Israel's aggression against Gaza by a vote of 33 to 1 with 13 abstentions. Canada presented the only "no". The Council plans a fact finding mission to identify human rights violations. The Canadian Peace Alliance (about 150 groups) has launched a letter writing campaign to ask Prime Minister Harper why the Conservative government is supporting "the wholesale slaughter of innocent people." See "Canada's shame, Conservative government votes against human rights," Jan. 12, 2009, CPA [access: < >]. Palestinian casualty statistics in Israel's invasion: the UN reports that by this date nearly half the 3860 wounded and 40% of the dead are women and children. UNWRA director John Ging speaks of the Al Shifa hospital in Gaza: "The hospital is really full of patients whose lives have been in many instances really destroyed, and they’re alive." UNICEF Children's Fund is appealing for resources.     Partial sources: "Gaza: UN official reports horrific hospital scenes of casualties," Jan. 12, 2009, UN News Centre; "UN human rights body to send fact-finding mission to Gaza," Jan. 12, 2009, UN News Centre.


Historical note / more on Geneva Conventions
A fault: they're classist in that officers as prisoners-of-war are to receive a stipend many times what an NCO receives which is more than the ranks receive. Class is carried into European warfare by rank. In revolutionary armies rank tends to rely on ability. People's armies understand that it's essentially foolish to show rank. Jay Bybee while Assistant Attorney General (2002) of the Bush White House team made a case for murdering Taliban by saying they didn't qualify for Geneva Convention protections on the grounds that it was difficult to identify their commanders, and Taliban didn't wear his concept of a uniform, etc.; it is specious legalistic quibbles, tenable only by power, which has supported the war crimes of the Bush administration. What Geneva Conventions realize is the necessity for mercy and inevitable destruction of those who do without. The Conventions and Additional Protocols are available at the International Committee of the Red Cross website [access: < >]. These make clear the need and intention to spare all wounded prisoners, and assure all prisoners of war and all civilians humane treatment during wartime; the Conventions go to extremes to bring under humanitarian protections, resistance to occupations; the US and Allies in WW II broke Geneva Conventions by any inhumane treatment of partisans.     "The Geneva Conventions: the core of international humanitarian law," Jan. 9, 2006, [access: < >] & accompanying links; "Memorandum opinion for the Counsel to the President, Jay S. Bybee, Feb. 7, 2002, Status of Taliban Forces under Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, apprec. C. Gittings, PEGC.



January 10, 2009

      Ottawa: called by Canadian-Palestinian and Canadian-Jewish groups, there was a rally to protest Israel's seige of Gaza and killing of Palestinians. Held at the memorial flame in front of parliament at one o'clock by one-thirty the crowd stretched up to the steps; our estimate was twenty-five hundred. There was little disruption by infiltrators and very little police presence. Among speakers were a correspondent by phone from Gaza with report on the loss of civilian lives, a speaker from N.I.O.N. (currently an anti-Zionist Jewish group) with roots in the Holocaust, who reiterated a perspective that Israel's actions are a genocide. The march to the Israeli embassy was uneventful, cold in the shadows of the buildings at about fifteen degrees F.. As the march returned to Parliament a police person was photographing marchers. I asked why because it scares people and many were grieving for the casualties in their families, and for the crimes Israel was committing. Police explanation was that there were different groups at odds within the marchers and police could sort out the photos afterward. Police do not understand yet that when entire families and political groups peacefully protest international crimes such as genocide or war crimes against a civilian population, the people are standing up for the laws of Canada as well as international law; in Gaza currently police are early casualties targeted as members of the Hamas infra-structure.

      Gaza: a UN Security Council resolution (unanimous excepting the US abstention) insists on a ceasefire and calls for resumption of humanitarian aid; UNRWA has announced it will resume food and aid deliveries in Gaza; demanding accountability for war crimes, the UN's Human Rights Commissioner has asked for an investigation of acts by either side; "The ceasefire called for by the UN Security Council must be implemented immediately; the violence must stop,” says Navi Pillay. People and alternative media are able to provide increasing documentation of specific instances of war crimes. On January 9th Aljazeera reported that Israel had rejected the ceasefire while the CBC reports that Hamas is "not interested in a ceasefire. Without noting the word "immediate" in the UN Security Council call for ceasefire, Canadian Prime Minister Harper speaks of Canada's support for a "durable" ceasefire.     Partial sources: "Eighty-nine children and 30 women amongst gaza's confirmed dead," Press Release, Jan. 5, 2009, Al Mezan; "UN rights chief suggests mission to assess possible war crimes in Gaza conflict," Jan. 9, 2008, UN News Centre; "UN aid shipments to resume in Gaza," Jan. 9, 2009,; "Gaza under fire despite truce call," Jan. 9, 2009,; Security Council calls for immediate durable, fully respected ceasefire in gaza leading to full withdrawal of israeli forces, Security Council, Jan. 8, 2009, DPI United Nations; "Canada wants 'durable' ceasefire in Gaza," Mike Blanchfield Canwest, The Vancouver Sun.




January 9, 2009

      Gaza: a humanitarian crisis exists; the UN is responsible for feeding close to a million people, UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency) spokesperson Christopher Gunness has announced the suspension of UN relief operations in Gaza. His staff continues to be targeted by Israeli defence forces. UN food deliveries are coordinated with the Israeli military. The targeting of food convoys shows direct hostility. Refugees under UN protection have also been killed. the UN Humanitarian Affairs chief John Holmes has also noted the attack on a UN medical convoy. The ICRC (International Red Cross) finds Israeli defence force actions unacceptable in denying medical care to the wounded.    Partial sources: "UN aid worker killed in Gaza," AFP, Jan. 9, 2009, The Sydney Morning Herald; "UN halts aid to Gaza, citing Israeli attacks on staff," Jan. 8, 2009,; "UN suspends Gaza operations," Andrew England, Jan. 8, 2009, Financial Times.

      CTV reports that 48 Canadians are being allowed by Israelis to leave Gaza; this is the result of days of negotiations between the Canadian government and Israel; in some cases family members are being left in Gaza. Canadian embassy officials were able to help the evacuation of citizens from 20 other nations as well.

Historical note
Among Canadian culture heroes, the pianist Anton Kuerti said: "Israel's behaviour makes me ashamed of being a Jew and Canada's servile support of the United States' position that it is all Hamas's fault makes me ashamed of being a Canadian." The professor of international law Michael Mandel has asked Ottawa to insist on a cease fire in Gaza, citing the government's complicity in opposing a UN request for ceasefire
    Partial sources: "Canadians evacuated from Gaza," Jan. 8, 2009, Canadian Press; "Canadian Jews condemn Gaza attack," Jordana Huber, Canwest, Jan. 8, 2009,; "Israel allows 48 Canadians stuck in Gaza to leave," Jan. 8, 2009, CTV.


      New York City: an alert from the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR, Jan. 8, 2009) suggests the problems in stopping Israeli war crimes through US law: in 2005 CCR filed Matar v. Dichter, a case in Manhattan (federal district court) against Avraham Dichter, once "Director of Israel's General Security Service". The class action was taken for Palestinian civilians whose residence building was bombed midnight July 22, 2002 in an Israeli targeted assassination attempt. CCR charged Dichter as the person responsible for the war crime; Judge William Pauley dismissed on the grounds that Dichter had immunity (Foreign Services Immunity Act) since he was working for Israel (please note CCR's "Synopsis" [access 9 jan. 2009: < >]); this directly contravenes findings of the Nuremburg tribunals. CCR is to argue again January 16th in NYC and has called a rally Jan. 16th, 11:30am, Foley Square outside the courthourse. American law was able to charge in this case under Alien Tort Statute and the Torture Victim Protection Act seeking damages, rather than filing criminal charges against a known war criminal.




January 8, 2009

      We used the drawing to the right by Julie to protest the bombing of civlians and shelling of Lebanon in the summer of 2006. The invasion of Gaza seems similar though there's no mention [updated January 12th] of white phosphorous or cluster bombs. The issue of genocide remains hidden by the press. The essential crime of bombing / shelling civilians is accomplished now with impunity, as though punishment for war crimes can be parried by deals with guilty politicians of other countries. Part of the tragedy of Israel's crimes is that these seem intended to plant hatred past forgiveness throughout the rest of humanity... - jbg

      Gaza: on January 6 israel bombed / shelled a Gaza City elementary school and the Al-Fakhora school located in the Jabaliya camp for refugees. Reports list the number of dead between forty and fifty, most of them civilians; some were children. A Canadian Arab Federation News Release (January 6, 2009) states the UN confirmed that Israel's Ministry of Defence had received exact coordinates for the Al-Fakhora refuge / school location (see also "Gaza's day of carnage - 40 dead as Israelis bomb two UN schools," Chris Mcgreal, Hazem Balousha, Jan. 7, 2009, Aside from ongoing war crimes the law is broken as noted in the December 27th statement by Professor Richard Falk: there is punishment of the collective group of Gazans for the actions of a very few; civilians are targeted; massive bombing with heavy civilian loss of life is not commensurate with the minimal effects of rocket attacks ("Israeli airstrikes massive violations of Geneva Conventions: Richard Falk UN SR for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,"Jan. 6, 2009, Lawyers Against the War e-mail list).

      Canada: on January 6th Prime Minister Harper declared the Israeli bombing of a UN enclave sanctuary school, the fault of Hamas which represents the victim group; over forty were killed ("Ottawa blames Hamas for civilian deaths at school," Campbell Clark, Jan. 7, 2009,; the UN's UNRWA spokesperson in Gaza, Christopher Gunness states that the UN and humanitarian enclaves have given their coordinates to the Israelis; these seem to be intentionally targeted ("40+ killed in Israeli strike on Gaza shool sheltering refugees," Amy Goodman, Jan. 7, 2009, Democracy Now!; "A debate on Israel's invasion of Gaza," Amy Goodman, Jan. 5, 2009, Democracy Now!). Re. crimes of targeting: Israel in its bombing of civilian Lebanon at the end of July 2006 killed Canadian Major Paeta Hess-von Kruedener with three other soldiers under UN command (see July 27th at the 2006 archive). His observation post was generally considered targeted by Israeli forces for its reporting of Lebanese civilian casualties.
      in Ontario the bombing of Gaza University on December 29th, is noted by the powerful union, CUPE; its University Workers Committee proposes a boycott of Israeli academics from teaching at Ontario universities. Some academics have called the proposed ban anti-semitic ("Ontario wants ban on Israeli academics," Josh Wingrove, Jan. 6, 2009,; "CUPE chief issues apology for nazi comparison," Canadian Press, Jan. 7, 2009,; "CUPE calls for ban on Israeli professors," Vanessa Koortekaas, Jan. 6, 2009, National Post).
      In Niger (see "Niger" at Dec. 30th, the 2008 archive) Robert Fowler and Louis Guay have still not reappeared; UN sources report there is no confirmation that either is alive; their driver remains unnamed - 'a local.' UN sources suggest a local rebel group may be suspect ("Diplomat Bob Fowler still at large weeks after disappearance in Niger," Jeff Davis, Jan. 7, 2009, Embassy). There are no reports that Canadian companies have withdrawn their mining personnel / families.
      The Calgary Herald reports that Kimberly Rivera, who came to Canada instead of redeploying to Iraq, was told to leave Canada by January 27th or be deported. Jason Kenney in charge of Immigration finds these US soldiers of conscience "bogus refugee claimants". Refusing to serve in a criminal war, Rivera lives in Toronto with her husband and three kids - one born in November; the Herald article notes others with their families who are currently at risk of deportation: "Dean Wilcott, Christopher Teske, Cliff Cornell, Corey Glass, Jeremy Hinzman, Patrick Hart, Matt Lowell". Because they were faithful to humanitarian law during an illegal war these people are at risk. By refusing to take in and support soldiers of conscience, NATO governments are proving complicit with a criminal policy.     Partial sources:"US army deserter must go: Immigration", Tiffany Crawford, Canwest, Jan. 7, 2009, Calgary Herald; "US woman deserter ordered to leave Canada," Paola Loriggio, Jan. 7, 2009, The Toronto Star.

      the CBC reports (six o'clock news, Jan. 7, 2009) that a canadian soldier accused at military court for second degree murder of a wounded Afghan, may get off on the grounds that Taliban are not considered a formal army; in defence of the soldier the CBC states "Taliban fighters are not recognized as soldiers of an enemy army; they are considered insurgents, and therefore not afforded the same protection" ("Canadian soldier charged in killing of insurgent released," Jan. 7, 2009, with a remarkable legal ambiguity that might try to excuse the murder of unarmed or wounded combattants.

Historical note
Geneva Conventions and other laws protecting civilians in time of war seem to forfeit protection if the civilian is associated with a resistance group rather than recognized military. in World War II Italian partisans who fought the Nazis, were murdered when caught by the German and Italian fascists, and during the American and Allied liberation as well, could be and were shot without trials. This international mechanism of condemning a country's resistance to forfeit human rights leads to class warfare and revolution. Siempre resistenza.
      Germany: having created a field of stones in memory of the Holocaust of Jews, and opening last May a monument for gay victims, Germany has decided to honour the half million "Gyypsies" murdered in concentration camps during the Third Reich; the monument will be mid-Berlin. The commission for the design went to an Israeli artist. After 15 years of disagreement among Roma and Sinti groups, a poem by Italian Roma poet Santino Spinelli was chosen to be inscribed there; it's called "Auschwitz" and speaks of "occhi oscurati" no longer capable of tears; for the full text [access: < >] Sources: "Nazi atrocity memorial set to go after 16 years," Dec. 21, 2008,; "Berlin memorial approved," Anna Brooke, Reuters, Dec. 20, 2008, The Windsor Star).



January 4, 2009

      Gaza: actions which constitute crimes against international law continue; the UN OCHA Relief Web is reporting 415 Palestinian deaths in Gaza and of these 21 women, 65 children. Ambulance teams continue to be targeted by the IOF [the Israeli Occupation Forces]. An Al Mazan article cites air raids on civilian targets. Civilian casualties of the bombings continue; on the night of January 3rd the Al-Makadma mosque was bombed while people were praying ("IOF escalate its crimes in Gaza: ground operation commences," al mezan center for human rights, Jan. 4, 2009, Reliefweb). Since the aerial campaign started 5 other mosques (as well as 2 prayer halls) were damaged. The Tel al-Hawa mosque in Gaza City was destroyed as a military target ("Israel bombs Gaza mosques, claiming misuse by Hamas as militant centers," Arthur Max, AP, Jan.1, 2009, The ICRC reports that its medical specialist team of two doctors and two nurses, needed to supplement medical personnel in Gaza exhausted by the heavy casualties, is being denied entry to Gaza; the DPA report cites 460 Palestinians killed with a quarter of these estimated as civilians ("Red Cross says its medical team denied access to Gaza," Deutsche Presse Agentur Jan. 4, 2009, Reliefweb). US presidential candidate for the Green Party, Cynthia Mckinney, and a small boat with 3.5 tons of medical supplies as well as medical personnel trying to reach Gaza by sea, was rammed in international waters by an Israeli military vessel, and taking water found refuge in Tyre ("Gaza aid boat 'rammed by Israel,'" Dec. 30, 2008, BBCnews; "Cynthia Mckinney's account of attack on free Gaza ship / oh what a day !" Cynthia Mckinney, Dec. 30, 2008, Censored News). The BBC reports that Hamas rocketing of Israel considered "ineffective militarily" (v. low casualties) will turn into "bitter urban warfare" in response to Israel's ground invasion ("Hamas ready for bitter urban battle," Martin Asser, Jan. 4, 2009, BBCnews). On January 3rd the US blocked a UN Security Council call for immediate cease fire, and on the evening of January 3rd an Israeli ground operation with air cover entered Gaza ("US blocked UN statement on Gaza," Joshua Mitnick, Jan. 4, 2008, The Washington Times); CBC news ("Israeli ground forces surround Gaza City, Jan.4, 2008) reports the Israeli operation has cut swathes through Gaza during the night, killing 4 Hamas and 20 civilians, bringing a total of Palestinians killed to 500, with 30 Israeli military wounded. By my understanding Israel is currently violating international law by invasion of Gaza; by targeting civilian areas and civilian infra structure; by isolating a civilian population and restricting its movement; by depriving a civilian population of food; by denying a civilian population medical assistance; by denying a civilian infrastructure maintenance and fuel;by extra-judicial killings of those it considers its enemies; by targeting religious buildings and places of refuge, in a manner which suggests the intention to destroy a civilian population...ed.; see Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide.



January 3, 2009

      Gaza: ongoing..."Gaza souhaite la bonne année à l'occident"....[access:< >] ~ time, date, place, victim identifications, are lacking; it is a duty of witnesses, including members of the press to document instances of war crimes...ed.]


suppressed news


A branch that comes from violence will not take root; for a blighted root is on sheer rock, like reeds by the banks of a river, which are dried up before any grass; but kindness, like eternity, will never be cut off, and faithfulness will be established forever - from Ben Sira (Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, Abegg et al)

At first posting in 2002 this bulletin board was for emergency protests, attempts to counter genocide, anti-war information, which were suppressed in the media. My interest remains in how a society is moved into what have become genocidal wars, and how people are able to resist... This account becomes a history in motion and a way to counter enforced forgetfulness, the lies that say these things never happened, or that there is nothing wrong with the murders of hundreds of thousands of innocents in other countries, or the continuing move toward eradication of the poor by death, in North America. This account is against forgetfulness. - jbg 


ed. & commentary: j.b.gerald
graphics by j. maas
(excludiing videos & posada print)
gerald and maas night's lantern
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format update 25 november 2012
additional 'a name' links january
link update 1 january 2018
typo correction 26 january 2018