wmd here plowshares action


april 15, 2008: these men were released in 2007 to continue their normal lives ("plowshares activist michael walli released from prison," dmcw mail list, feb. 15, 2007, the christian radical; "newsletters,summer 2007, spring 2007, accessed april 15, 2008, loaves and fishes); also [access: < www.paxchristimetrodc.org/ >], pax christi metro d.c. .

nov. 22, 2006: bismarck n.d.: sentencing was on nov. 15th and 16th; fr. carl kabat received 15 months; greg boetje-obed received 12 months and 1 day; michael walli received 8 months; each is supposed to pay $17, 000 as restitution; evidence and testimony concerning international law and relevant united nations statues concerning nuclear armaments were not allowed before the jury ("blood-pouring anti-nuke clowns sent to prison," bill quigley, nov. 17, 2006, commondreams.org); for more information on the history of the plowshares movement (previous [access:< http://www.plowsharesactions.org/ >]); for these men's addresses and updates see jonah house.

sept. 21, 2006: reverend carl kabat, omi, gregory boertje-obed, and michael walli were convicted of "destruction of government property;" they're threatened with sentences of ten years and/or $250, 000 fines, with sentencing on december 4th (information source:"three men convicted in missile vandalism case," jenny michael, sept. 15, 2006, bismarck tribune); from a peacemaker's perspective theirs were symbolic and nonviolent actions, necessary to humanity, religious, and without malice and without guilt; for reports of the trial and information: www.jonahhouse.org .

june 29, 2006, according to their press release:
two u.s. veterans and a priest of the "weapons of mass destruction here plowshares" disarmament action were indicted today on federal charges for "depredation of government property" and "sabotage," that could carry up to thirty years in prison; in joint statement greg boertje-obed, michael walli and carl kabat, o.m.i. "have chosen to start the process of transformation and disarmament by hammering on and pouring our blood on components of the minuteman III nuclear missile system; we believe that the concrete that goes into making missile silos would be better used for building homes;" the press release suggests the accused won't make bail and can be reached for now at burleigh county jail, p.o. box 1416, bismarck, nd 58502; information: www.jonahhouse.org ( source: "federal felony charges for 3 plowshares in north dakota," press release, june 29, 2006, disarmnow@jonahhouse.org ).





    For Immediate Release
    Tuesday June 20, 2006

    "WMD Found in North Dakota: Disarmament Begins"

    A Roman Catholic Priest and two Veterans went to a Minuteman III silo this morning and began to disarm the nuclear weapon using hammers.Reverend Carl Kabat, OMI, Gregory Boertje-Obed, and Michael Walli entered the E-9 missile silo on the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nation in North Dakota about 75 miles southwest of Minot. Using a sledgehammer and household hammers, they disabled the lock on the personnel entry hatch that provides access to the warhead and they hammered on the silo lid that covers the 300 kiloton nuclear warhead that is targeted and ready to launch. The activists painted DISARM on the face of the 110-ton hardened silo cover and the peace activists poured their blood on the missile lid.

    They were detained and arrested by McLean County Sheriffs and are being held in the McLean County jail in Washburn, North Dakota. The three have been charged with county Criminal Trespass and Criminal Mischief.

    [Speaking from jail, Carl Kabat, OMI from St. Louis, Missouri:] "We now prepare for the nuclear bombing of Iran with the reasoning that only weapons of mass destruction can stop weapons of mass destruction. We bombed and strafed in Iraq based on lies that the Iraqi's possessed nuclear weapons. We have the weapons here."

    The Minuteman III missile is targeted and on alert for launch. The missile is armed with a warhead that carries 27 times the heat, blast and radiation of the bomb dropped by the U.S. on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.

    The activists say that they are following the nonviolent Jesus, that they are taught by their faith to love their enemies, and that the money used for these weapons of mass destruction is a theft from the poor and should be used for food, housing, medical care and rebuilding the infrastructure of our country.

    ATTACHED: Statement, Fact Sheet and Biographies. For press updates, more information and images, go to www.jonahhouse.org

    Nuclear Weapon Here Plowshares

    Please pardon the fracture of the good order. When we were children we thought as children and spoke as children. But now we are adults and there comes a time when we must speak out and say that the good order is not so good, and never really was. We know that throughout history there have been innumerable war crimes. Two of the most terrible war crimes occurred on August 6th and 9th, 1945. On August 6th, 1945, the UnitedStates dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, killing more than 100,000 people (including U.S. prisoners of war). Three days later the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki, Japan,killing more than 50,000 people. Use of these weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations were abominable crimes against humanity. The U.S. has never repented of these atrocities. On the contrary, the U.S. has deepened and expanded its commitment to nuclear weapons. The U.S. built a large nuclear-industrial complex which has caused the deaths of many workers and has resulted in killing many more people by nuclear testing. Our country built thousands of nuclear weapons and has dispersed weapons-grade uranium to 43 nations. Each Minuteman III missile carries abomb that is 27 times more powerful than those dropped on the Japanese people. The building of these weapons signifies that our hearts have assented to mass murder. Currently the U.S. is seeking to research a new class of smaller nuclear weapons - demonstrating its desire to find new uses for weapons of mass destruction.
          The U.S. is rushing down the path that leads to more death and destruction, ultimately bringing this nation and other nations to ruin. Therefore we issue a call for national repentance. We make an urgent appeal to the people of the U.S. to change course - to place our security in God and not in weapons of mass destruction.
    We have chosen to start the process of transformation and disarmament byhammering on and pouring our blood on components of the Minuteman IIInuclear missile system. We believe that the concrete that goes into making missile silos would be better used for building homes. We know that total disarmament of our first-strike system of nuclear weapons will require national repentance with a change in the hearts and minds of the people of the U.S. The pouring of our blood is meant to make visible the bloodshed resulting from the production, testing, and use of nuclear weapons. We believe the message in the Bible that after Cain killed his brother Abel that Abel's blood "cried out from the ground." We hear our sisters' and brothers' blood crying out from the ground. We believe that God hears these cries and grieves deeply over every person whose blood is shed. We call ourselves the "Weapon of Mass Destruction Here Plowshares" to highlight that our nation has thousands of horrific weapons of mass destruction. U.S. leaders speak about the dangers of other nations acquiring nuclear weapons, but they fail to act in accordance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which commits the U.S. to take steps to disarm its weapons of mass destruction. We act in order to bring attention to people's responsibility for disarming weapons of state terrorism. We can begin the process of exposing U.S. weapons of mass destruction, naming them as abominations that cause desolation, and transforming them to objects that promote life.
            We dress as clowns to show that humor and laughter are key elements in the struggle to transform the structures of destruction and death. Saint Paul said that we are "fools for God's sake," and we say that we are "fools for God and humanity." Clowns as court jesters were sometimes the only ones able to survive after speaking truth to authorities in power.
            Is there hope for the world? Yes - if people begin to live the truth now. We believe that Jesus reveals who God is, and that God is a God of love and nonviolence, teaching us to love all people, even our enemies. Furthermore, the prophets Isaiah and Micah prophesy that there will come a time when people will learn the ways of God and

      "They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
      and their spears into pruning hooks;
      nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
      neither shall they learn war any more."
    By our plowshares/pruning hooks action we have tried to make visible God's will for disarmament and peacemaking. By living this truth we hope to shorten this murderous age - closing the gap between the future hope for universal peace and our present reality of endless violence and war-making. We begin to bring hope into the present moment.

    Carl Kabat, OMI Greg Boertje Michael Walli

    June 20, 2006

    WMD Here Plowshares

    Greg Boertje-Obed-51; from Duluth, Minnesota; member of Loaves and FishesCatholic Worker and Veterans for Peace; former U.S. Army officer;participant in previous plowshares actions which disarmed Trident II nuclear missile tubes in Rhode Island, combat helicopters and nuclear-capable war planes in Pennsylvania, and a Tomahawk nuclear-capable missile launcher and missile tubes in Virginia; married to Michele Naar-Obed; father of Rachel Obed,--11 years old."I believe Jesus led us to do this witness based on his teachings of intervening for the sake of the poor. These weapons are killing us and the poor today. I believe this plowshares action is a natural extensionof our Catholic Worker mission which is hospitality, providing for the needs of the poor, and defending the poor."

    Carl Kabat, OMI-72; from St. Louis, Missouri; 47 years a Roman Catholic priest; worked as a missionary in the Philippines and Brazil; participated in the first plowshares/pruning hooks action in 1980 and the first SiloPruning Hooks action in 1984 and other plowshares actions; served about 16years in jails and prisons.
    "We are fools and clowns for God and humanity's sake. Over 2,500 Americansoldiers have died because of nuclear weapons in the past several years in Iraq. I remember Eisenhower who said that every weapon that is made is a theft from the poor. The only condemnation of Vatican II was that nuclear weapons are a crime against humanity and are to be condemned unreservedly." Carl Kabat, OMI

    Michael R. Walli-57; Vietnam veteran; Roman Catholic; currently residing in Duluth, Minnesota
    I've been influenced by the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and the teachings of the late Pope John Paul II to oppose the culture of death, and this plowshares action seems to me to be a suitable way of acting on these teachings. Michael Walli

    MINUTEMAN III - Fact Sheet

    A Minuteman III is a first strike Intercontinental Ballistic Missile(ICBM) nuclear weapon. The current U.S. ICBM force consists of 500 Minuteman III's located in three missile fields: F.E. Warren Air ForceBase with 150 missiles covering the corner of Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming; Malmstrom AFB in Montana with 200 ICBMs; and Minot AFB in NorthDakota with 150 missiles. These warheads can be launched from a Minuteman III missile silo within minutes and reach any destination within 35 minutes. A nuclear bomb launched from a Minuteman silo produces uncontrollable radiation, massive heat and a blast capable of vaporizing and leveling everything within a 50-mile radius. Outside the 50 square miles -- extending into hundreds of miles -- the blast, wide-spread heat, firestorms and neutron and gamma rays are intended to kill, severely wound and poison every living thing and causing long-term damage to the environment. A Minuteman warhead has the potential to destroy the genetic code of the human race. Current warheads carry 27 times more power than the U.S. nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945.

    The Minuteman III is currently undergoing upgrades to extend its 2020 service limit. Minuteman III is the sole ICBM deployed by the United States. Each Mark 12 or Mark 12-A warhead in a Minuteman III silo can travel more than 6,000 miles at 15,000 miles per hour.

    At one point the U.S. had 1,000 land-based ICBMs at a cost to taxpayers of $7 million each. Minuteman IIIs are in transition from having 3 independently targeted warheads to carrying one.

    The Minuteman missiles are dispersed in hardened silos and connected to an underground launch control center through a system of hardened cables. Launch crews, consisting of two officers, perform around-the-clock alert in the launch control center. A variety of communication systems provide the National Command Authorities with virtually instantaneous direct contact with each launch crew. Should command capability be lost between the launch control center and remote missile launch facilities, an airborne launch control center dubbed "looking glass" automatically assumes command and control of the missiles.

    The Minuteman III system is undergoing upgrades to: replace an aging guidance system; increase payloads; remanufacture the solid-fuel rocket motors; replace standby power system; repair launch facilities; improve communication; enhance accuracy; and improve survivability in a nuclear war.

    In January 2002 Nuclear Posture Review, issued by the Bush administration, threatens the use of nuclear weapons to "deter" any attack by chemical or biological as well as nuclear weapons by any non-nuclear state or entity within or sponsored by "the axis of evil." We now prepare for nuclear bombing of Iran with the reasoning that only weapons of mass destruction can stop weapons of mass destruction.

    By any standard of proof, the threat or use of the Minuteman III constitutes crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity or genocide.

    Don't forget to visit our website www.jonahhouse.org
    Email of June 20, 2006 5:04 PM, "Plowshares Witness in North Dakota," disarmnow@jonahhouse.org


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gerald and maas nights lantern
june 20, 2006 press release/materials posted with permission from disarmnow/jonah house june 21, 2006
update june 29, 2006
update sept. 22, 2006
update nov. 22, 2006
update april 15, 2008
repaired august 7, 2012