art & struggle
suppressed newscommon rights and expectations :
a handbook of human rights laws
dedicated to the children of iraq
convention on genocide
genocide warnings
treaty on abolition of the death penalty
political prisoners :innocent or guilty of refusing injustice
art & politics (2004)
books and art
2 etchings with watercolor & 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 poems
some recent poems
red cloth series videos
a tribute to josé guadalupe posada
some links
bertrand russell peace foundation
internet centre anti racism europe
the daily life of kawther salam
the vanished gallery ~ desaparecidos
project to enforce the geneva conventions & blog
new york city jericho movement
unifor canadian freelance union/syndicat canadien des pigistes
international network of genocide scholars
john bart gerald and julie maas
night's lantern
update 3 january 2025