the saint patrick's day four (u.s.)
update of jan. 25, 2006: "killing cannot be with christ" - st. patrick, stated by the four at the lansing new york military recruitment center, march 17th, 2003; daniel burns was sentenced to six months in jail, 250 dollar fine, and a share of the cleanup costs of $958 ("one of st. patrick's four sentenced," staff, jan. 23, 2006, news ten now; "peace activist gets six months in jail for recruiting station protest," jan. 24, 2006, democracy now!); peter demott was sentenced to four months federal prison and four months community confinement ("vietnam vet and civil resister peter demott, sentenced in federal court," quinn-jacobs, jan. 24, 2006, access: http://www.stpatricksfour.org/); update, june 18, 2006: on may 22, 2006 peter demott was moved to the federal half way house binghamton, ny. ("st. patricks four" [access:www.witnesstorture.org/aggregator/sources/2]); clare grady was sentenced to six months and to pay her share of restitution; the mother of two daughters she was placed in handcuffs ("mother and activist, clare grady, sentenced in federal court," quinn-jacobs, jan. 25, 2006, ibid); teresa grady will be sentenced jan. 27, 2006; although their action was a symbolic pouring of their own blood, the four were convicted of trespass and damaging the government's property as the u.s. was poised to invade iraq; tried in 2004 the state was unable to win a conviction against them so the case was prosecuted at the federal level; the government failed to convict any of the four on federal conspiracy charges, but was able to convict them on lesser charges, refusing to allow them any mention of international law or its principles, justice, and the moral and legal imperatives of the people to adhere to the geneva conventions ("judge censors testimony, charges st. patrick's four members with contempt," press release , sept. 22, 2005, st. patrick's four, access: http://electroniciraq.net/news/2158.shtml; passim http://www.stpatricksfour.org/); the court has failed in its duty to free them; update of jan. 28, 2006: teresa grady received four months (federal), a 150 dollar fine, and was ordered to pay her share of the clean up costs ("human rights award recipient, teresa grady, sentenced in federal court," quinn-jacobs, jan. 27, 2006, st. patrick's four [access: http://www.stpatricksfour.org/]); update june 18, 2006: teresa grady, out ("st. patricks four" [access:www.witnesstorture.org/aggregator/sources/2]); update september 27, 2006: the st. patrick's day four are all released (nuclear resister #142, july 24, 2006).
the information on these pages is incomplete; for corrections,
information from the nuclear resister at nukeresister@igc.org, updated december 21, 2003,
is noted simply as the nuclear resister with thanks; they have noted the courage of antiwar
prisoners for many years; update: the nuclear resister, no. 138, of sept. 15, 2005, appears
at www.serve.com/nukeresister/nr138.pdf.
deletions, or suggestions please contact gandm@nightslantern.ca .
political prisoners
suppressed news