atelier        suppressed news       north american political prisoners


political prisoners: refusing war
2004 ~ 2005 ~ 2006 ~ 2007 ~ 2008

protesting torture (u.s.)

update of oct. 25, 2007, tucson arizona: on oct. 17th fr. steve kelly, s.j. and fr. louis vitale received sentences of five months in prison for trespass and resisting orders to stop praying, nov 19, 2006; the second charge was added after a refusal to accept a dishonest plea bargain; the government failed in its attempt for pre-trial detention; frs. kelly and vitale were attempting to deliver a letter to major general barbara fast, the commander of u.s. military intelligence fort huachuca; the judge of the federal court in tucson refused evidence of torture used by u.s. forces, or other violations of international law ('priests protesting torture jailed," bill quigley, oct. 18, 2007, information clearing house; "priests imprisoned for five months in torture protest," cohen-joppa nuclear resister, oct. 17, 2007, torture on trial); update of march 29, 2008: on march 14, 2008 louie vitale (74) and steve kelly(58) were freed from prison, having attempted nonviolent witness against torture of human beings("fr. louie vitale, ofm and fr. steve kelly, s.j. released from jail," march 20, 2008, pax christi of metro dc)..



sacred earth and space plowshares #2 (u.s.)

jackie hudson ~ 30 months (nuclear resister) ; out.
carol gilbert ~ 33 months (ibid.); out.
ardeth platte ~ 41 months (ibid.) ; out.

....for more information (initial posting)....
for addresses and updates, see jonah house;
update 2005: jan. 2005, sr. gilbert a dominican nun and poverty worker in baltimore maryland has been denied the right to return home to jonah house when she is released from prison; a similar restriction is likely at the release of sr. hudson; sr. hudson ("december letter,", "epistle 7," winter 2004-5) notes her slave labour wages of eight cents an hour (u.s.) while in prison, and the government's insistence on restitution for damage done by sabotage; the sisters have taken vows of poverty; with sister platte, all three have refused to pay restitution for their action "calling this u.s. government to accountability for its own lawlessness as the nuremberg principles and our own u.s. constitution calls for;" (ibid.) see jonah house; update: sr. hudson scheduled for release march 4, 2005; refusing to pay compensation for damages; refused probation by washington state; to report for probation in colorado; conviction on charges of sabotage is being appealed in federal court (according to press release of march 1, 2005, ground zero center for nonviolent action); update as of may 9, sr.hudson was released and sr. gilbert will be may 23rd (ref. jonah house); update: initially ordered to report to colorado to begin three years of "supervised release," sister gilbert has returned home to baltimore where she has been "accepted" by baltimore federal probation (jonah house press release for May 23, 2005); "we acted because we never want a child to ask why were you complicit ?" - sr. gilbert (democracy now, may 24, 2005); update: sr. ardeth is supposed to be released from danbury dec. 22, 2005; authorities tell her baltimore probation won't allow her home ("sr. ardeth denied permission to return to jonah house," oct. 30, 2005,; update: sr. ardeth to be allowed home to jonah house on release ("welcome," nov. 21, 2005, jonah house website, access:; update: sr. ardeth platte was released from danbury prison december 22, 2005; she described her serving time as "sacred", and said "this is civil resistance, standing firmly against the crime of the government" ( "pacifist nun out of prison: dominican sister says time at fci was 'sacred'," fitzgerald, dec. 23, 2005 danbury news-times; see jonah house); update november 10, 2006, on the sacred earth and space plowshares ii action from 2002: sister carol, sister ardeth and sister jackie are all out of jail; they remain confined to their federal district court regions for parole as the judge considers plans for community service; community service was requested of them instead of financial restitution for damaging nuclear weapon systems ("orders in the case - sacred earth and space plowshares ii, 2002," oct. 21, 2006,; update november 15, 2006, denver colorado: to help pay the $3,052.75 restitution as currently requested by the judge, the sisters are requesting cans of food be sent to help the local military families on assistance or receiving food stamps; for the correct address and a coupon jonah house; from urgent november 15, 2006, denver colorado: sacred earth and space plowshares ii, three nuns released from prison and required to pay restitution, have asked cans of food be sent local military families on food stamps or assistance; for address and more information - jonah house; end of the year update denver colorado: sisters jackie, ardeth and carol say thank you to all who were able to send cans of food to their collection for the children of enlisted men's families; shipments delivered by truck to buckley afb aurora and peterson afb colorado springs were turned back and taken to centres to be "distributed to the homeless in denver and colorado springs, many of whom are veterans;" judicial response is pending (the amount of restitution the court has requested is here corrected to $3,082.) ("gratitude from sisters jackie, ardeth and carol," dec. 01, 2006, jonah house) (posted night's lantern jan 9, 2007).



weapons of mass destruction here plowshares 3 (u.s.)

september 15, 2006, bismarck north dakota: the weapons of mass destruction plowshares 3 were convicted of destroying government property; sentencing december 4th; update november 22, 2006, bismarck n.d.: the weapons of mass destruction here plowshares action three were sentenced on nov. 15th and 16th: fr. carl kabat (73) received 15 months; greg boetje-obed (52) received 12 months and 1 day; michael walli (58) received 8 months; each is supposed to pay $17, 000 as restitution for damaging the 40 ton nuclear missile silo; evidence and testimony concerning international law and relevant united nations statues concerning nuclear armaments were not allowed before the jury ("blood-pouring anti-nuke clowns sent to prison," bill quigley, nov. 17, 2006,; a long standing injustice of plowshares movement trials within the u.s. is that u.s. judges have refused to honour the country's treaty obligations which affirm international law within its judicial system; in u.s. plowshares actions the "nuremburg defense," often presented and entirely applicable is usually barred. -ed.; for more information on the history of the plowshares movement ; for these men's addresses and updates see jonah house; update april 15, 2008: all three were released from prison last year.




protesting military uses of vieques, puerto rico (u.s.)

josé vélez acosta ~ 33 months - in sep. 5, 2003 (the nuclear resister), scheduled release jan 27, 2006 (ricanstruction; reported in need of medical attention, october 2005 ("political prisoner josé velez needs medical attention," prolibertad, oct. 22, 2005, wbai); difficult to verify release.

josé pérez gonzález ~ 5 years - in sept. 5, 2003 (the nuclear resister), scheduled release jan. 17, 2008 (prolibertad wbai); update: well known to his community in puerto rico, he was imprisoned on the u.s. mainland, and according to the i.a.c., recently moved from prison to prison five times, and currently to federal prison facility atlanta ("vieques and puerto rico," 2 march 2005; "update on the vieques political prisoners," posted june 16, 2005, international action center, ).

néstor de jesús guishard ~ 14 months - in dec.4, 2003 (the nuclear resister) scheduled release dec. 9, 2004 (prolibertad wbai);

heriberto hernández carmona ~ 4 months + 2 months house arrest - in dec. 4, 2003 (the nuclear resister);

jorge cruz ~ 18 months - voluntary surrender jan. 2004 (the nuclear resister) ;

josé montańez sanes ~ 18 months - voluntary surrender jan. 30, 2004 (the nuclear resister); scheduled release may 29, 2005 (prolibertad wbai);

jesús delgado ~ 6 months house arrest (the nuclear resister).



protesting the school of the americas, ft. benning, georgia (u.s.)

since 1983 many brave americans have been placed in jail for their overt opposition to the school of the americas; a chronology of prisoners of conscience from these actions can be found at; current news and actions - school of the americas watch; update september 27, 2006: for charges related to school of the americas protest and the 2004 georgia g8 summit, jonathan robert is serving 12 months with release expected november 2006 (nuclear resister #143, september 20, 2006).



peace people

helen woodson, imprisoned since 1984 for resistance actions against nuclear missile silos and weapons of mass destruction (see: plowshares "chronology," silo pruning hooks); during a brief parole in 1996 she retrieved with starting pistol a large sum of money from a bank teller, placed the money on the floor and burned it; violating recent parole by threatening air force personnel etc., her current pre-sentence report suggests nine years ("an excerpt from a letter from helen woodson in the bates co. jail: august 20, 2004," jonah house:; "helen woodson & fr. carl kabat re-sentenced - u.s. prisoners of conscience since 1984," by nuclear resister,12 jul 2004); update: in november 2004 ms woodson was sentenced to 51 months ("peace activist receives 51 -month prison term," morris, nov. 25, 2004, kansas city star ref. for mother earth).

laro nicol, peace and justice activist, believed framed; nolo to weapons and explosives charges avoided a longer sentence; in for two years, release: june 15, 2006. (the nuclear resister #139 nov.18, 2005; "laro nicol, arizona's first casualty of war," [dec. 30, 2005 access:]).



war tax resistance

inge donato, six months for war tax related difficulties; to be released feb. 6, 2006 (the nuclear resister #139 nov.18, 2005); update april 21, 2006: inge donato was released on february 6th; kevin mckee began serving his 24 month sentence feb. 13, 2006; joe donato began serving his 27 month sentence on february 21, 2006; war tax resisters haven't been given such long criminal sentences for 50 years; all three members of a pacifist ethical and religious group, 'the restored israel of yahweh", found paying taxes for the war against their faith ("three co's face prison for war tax refusal," ruth benn, ("south jersey co's imprisoned for war tax refusal," feb. 23, 2006, press release, [access:]; "war tax conscientious objector goes to jail," press release, feb. 24, 2006, presbyterian peace fellowship).



conscientious objectors and others who refuse (u.s.)

sgt. kevin benderman by u.s. army court martial of july 28, 2005, is acquitted of desertion but found guilty of missing a movement, ie. re-deployment to iraq; a prior tour of duty in iraq led to his application for c.o. status which was refused; he is sentenced to 15 months ("soldier gets 15 months in prison for refusing iraq duty," july 29, 2005,; "in praise of kevin benderman," norman solomon, july 29, 2005, alterNet) benderman refused re-deployment because killing really doesn't make any sense to him ("why i refused a 2nd deployment to iraq," benderman, jan. 9, 2004, jonah house).

sgt. abdullah webster of the u.s.1rst infantry division, germany, sentenced to 14 months confinement with discharge for refusing to go to iraq; he had applied for c.o. status; place of incarceration not specified ("1st id soldier jailed, discharged for refusing to deploy to iraq," army, june 10, 2004); update: abd allah webster, married with one child and 18 years in the service, is being held at mannheim germany; the army is reconsidering his co request ("muslim g.i. appeals for release," aljazeera, 13 sep 2004); update: abdullah webster was released april 30, 2005 - "my faith forbids me from participating in an unjust war" ("a word of thanks from abdullah webster," jonah house, (2jun05).

ssgt. camilo mejia, sentenced may 21, 2004, by court martial at fort stewart georgia to one year in prison for desertion, rank of private, discharge; "by putting my weapon down I chose to reassert myself as a human being," -camilo mejia, when he turned himself in and applied for c.o. status (benjamin, "free camilo mejia, now," alternet, may 24, 2004); update: released february 15, 2005 (free camillo web site:

stephen funk, awol 47 days and publicly opposing invasion of iraq, bad conduct discharge after sentence ~ six months - out 3/6/04 (the nuclear resister).

brendan walsh is serving five years with three years additional of probation at release; he pled guilty to throwing a burning bottle through the window of a recruiting centre, in april 2003; he was also charged with trying to destroy military communication lines ("us anti war activist gets 5 years," march 2, 2005, brighton abc, supporting class struggle prisoners; update march 15, 2006: he was transferred from allenwood to lisbon ohio ("show support for brendan walsh," kansas mutual aid, feb. 18, 2006, infoshop news ).

urgent note of march 16, 2006, u.s. canada: despite official u.s. military denials there is strong evidence that the vietnam era permanent awols are being targeted for arrest, currently within the states and at border entry; ie. the current experience of these men of conscience: allen abney, jerry texeiro, ernest johnson/mcqueen.

allen abney, a u.s.deserter during vietnam, was arrested on entering the states march 9th at an idaho crossing; he is now a canadian citizen held in a u.s. military prison ("u.s.deserter likely to be released soon," march 13, 2006, cbc news); the army times reports that the chief warrant officer currently in charge of the marine corps absentee collection center is reopening old cases, while naval personnel command says “for each of the active deserters we have on our rolls — 1,190 as of 31 Jan. ’06 — there is a federal warrant out for their arrest” ("decades later, marines hunt vietnam-era deserters," bill nichols, march 8, 2006, usa today ~ army times); a marine spokesman at camp pendleton where abney is held denied there was any military crackdown on deserters ("u.s. denies targeting deserters," mickelburgh, march 14, 2006, globe and mail); update march 17, 2006: released march 16th, 2006 with a discharge approved according to maj. gen. michael lehnert ("discharge approved for vietnam era deserter," tony perry, march 16, 2006, los angeles times).

jerry texiero aka gerome conti is alleged to have left the military in 1965 without permission; he was arrested november 15, 2005, in tarpon springs florida; his fingerprints match those wanted by chief warrant officer james averhart, in charge of finding deserters from the marine corps; a st. petersburg times reporter learned that 27 of the some 60 or 70 unsolved 'old' cases have been apprehended since september; he is awaiting military resolution of his case ("after forty years, cold trail led to alleged deserter," van sant, aug. 18, 2005, st. petersburg times; "forty years later: pinellas marine arrested for desertion," nov. 15, 2005. wtsp - tampa bay's 10 news; "no.68," nov. 2005, the broken rifle: newsletter of war resisters' international,; "no. 138," sept. 15, 2005, the nuclear resister); update: charges are dropped and the prisoner is released for discharge ("marine's desertion charges dropped," van sant, jan. 12, 2006, st.petersburg times).

dale bartell, after a tour in iraq and turning to the mennonite church, he tried to file as a conscientious objector and refused deployment; pleading guilty to "intent to avoid hazardous duty," he was sentenced july 12th to 4 months in prison; his wife was arrested on charges of "enticing, abetting a deserter," carrying a possible three years; charges against her were dropped july 27th, 2005("jailed on faith," de yoanna, july 28 - aug 3, 2005, colorado springs independent; "carson g.i. convicted of dodging duty," huspin, july 21, 2005, colorado springs gazette;"cpt reservist bill durland defends wife of u.s. army c.o.," editor, july 30, 2005, cptnet; "the army has arrested the wife of an active duty war resister," dalton, july 23, 2005, uncommon thought journal); update: out (the nuclear resister #139 nov.18, 2005).

blake lemoine after service in iraq was stationed in germany where he made a c.o. claim (pending) and notified his chain of command that he intended to resist; currently serving seven months for refusing to obey orders ("press release 13 april 2005," oklahoma committee for conscientious objectors,; "no. 138," sept. 15, 2005, the nuclear resister); update: out (the nuclear resister #139 nov.18, 2005).

ernest johnson jr. aka ernest mcqueen left the service without papers in 1969, when he humanly decided he didn't want to do that, and is now held in a texas prison arrested for avoiding service ("former marine jailed for avoiding vietnam service," goodman & staff, jan. 18, 2006, democracy now; "vietnam-era marine deserter, 55, arrested in texas," boyd, jan. 17, 2006, the seattle times); update march 15, 2006: receiving a discharge with no court martial he was released january 26th to return home ("vietnam war deserter won't stand trial," charlotte observer, jan. 27, 2006, today in the military,

sgt ricky clausen of north carolina, believing the war in iraq illegal and immoral after 5 months duty in iraq, an 82nd airborne interrogator / paratrooper, pled guilty to going awol from fort bragg and received 3 months confinement, pay and rank reduction, and was awarded a non-standard discharge ("awol soldier gets 3 months confinement," associated press, oct. 12, 2006, yahoo news); posted november 10, 2006. spc. agustin aguayo, under charges of missing a movement and desertion, is facing up to seven years imprisonment, forfeiture of pay (he's married with twin daughters), demotion to square one, dishonorable discharge; he shouldn't be in prison; the medic has already served a year in iraq where he learned he was a conscientious objector and applied for c.o. status, pulling guard duty unarmed while he waited for the decision; he was refused c.o. status; when they tried to send him to iraq a second time he went awol from his unit in germany, turned himself in back in the states, and was put in prison in germany; his case is currently in federal court; courage to resist carries his clear statement: "i have come to believe that it is wrong to destroy life, that it is wrong to use war, that it is immoral, and I can no longer go down this path..." - agustin aguayo; to support see ('awol army medic charged with desertion," kevin doughterty, jan. 12, 2007, stars and stripes; "agustin aguayo, conscientious objector, imprisoned in germany" [access, jan.12, 2007:]; "agustin aguayo' story in brief" [access, jan.12, 2007:]), posted updates january 13, 2007; update feb. 21, 2007: on feb. 16, a federal court of appeals refused to release this medic opposing his deployment to iraq; aguayo has asked for conscientious objector status; he faces 7 years in prison; he holds dual citizenship of the u.s. and mexico ("court refuses medic's discharge claim," ap, feb. 17, 2007,; "war objector's mom asks mexico for help," mark stevenson ap, feb. 20, 2007, army times' "court rules awol soldier must stay in jail," amy goodman, feb. 19, 2007, democracy now!); most countries consider it a war crime to invade a sovereign nation; update of march 8, 2007, wuerzburg germany : at his court martial aguayo was found guilty of both desertionand of missing a movement, by col. r. peter masterton; the announcement of the sentence was delayed a day, and reported by democracy now! as 8 months, with over six months already served; the sentence reflects the validity of aguayo's claim to be a conscientious objector ("army medic is convicted of desertion," george frey ap, march 6, 2007,; "war resister agustin aguayo sentenced to 8 months in prison," goodman & gonzalez, march 7, 2007, democracy now! ); update april 22, 2007: sentenced to eight months for desertion and lesser charges spc. agustin aguayo was released april 18th; he is appealing his convictions and lack of an honorable discharge ("medic who refused to return to iraq freed," david rising ap, april 19, 2007, army times); * update may 18, 2007: agustin aguayo, a medic, has brought suit against the army for denying him status as a conscientious objector ("war resister agustin aguayo speaks out after his release from military prison for refusing to fight in iraq," amy goodman & agustin aguayo, may 17, 2007, democracy now!); the ability to apply for c.o,. status within the military is a necessary mechanism, that has never been honored appropriately; c.o. status is often denied when it has to be granted; if aguayo's suit is successful it could begin to allow people without lawyers and from neighborhoods without a peace movement, the equal right to a having a conscience; update aug. 15, 2007: agustin aguayo is speaking out, touring with his family ("report from pacific northwest resister tour," july 26, 2007, courage to resist).

update august 16, 2007: sentenced to 7 months in the brig and less than honorable discharge, mark wilkerson is released from prison and speaking out with iraq veterans against the war and courage to resist ("mark wilkerson, iraq veteran and gi resister, finally free," july 26, 2007, courage to resist).

ehren watada became the first u.s. army officer to refuse deployment to iraq,on the grounds that the war is illegal and immoral; now charged with refusing to deploy, and "conduct unbecoming an officer" in criticizing bush and the war, lt. ehren watada is up against 6 years in prison; the military judge won't allow the defendant to rely on protections invoking the illegality of the war or affirming free speech; specifically lt. col. john head, u.s. army, the judge, refuses to consider the legality of the war in iraq which is the defense's point; the u.s. instigated war's defiance of international law, its lack of security council mandate, its aggression, its instances of violating the geneva conventions have been succinctly presented by francis boyle, the expert witness [see "iraq and the laws of war"], often relying on the army field manual 27-10 which demands objection to violations of the geneva conventions; with boyle having clarified the illegality of the war under law, the trial proceeds under brute power of the military, threat, and the state's terrorism against those who care ("military judge: objector can't raise questions about war legality," associated press, jan. 17, 2007, the seattle times; "judge lets charges against army officer stand: trial to proceed on refusal to deploy, criticism of bush," bob egelko,jan. 18, 2007, san francisco chronicle; "lieutenant watada's war against the war," jeremy brecher and brendan smith, june 26, 2006, the nation ~ the brussells tribunal; "reporter's transcript of audio recording of proceedings," aug. 17, 2006, "with prof. francis a. boyle", the brussells tribunal) posted updates january 19, 2007; update of feb. 8, 2007 : first lieutenant ehren watada pleaded not guilty on the grounds that the war in iraq was illegal; implausibly the court barred consideration of the nuremburg context, on feb. 5th; on feb. 7th, a conflict arising from the pre-trial agreement has caused a mistrial; the case may return to court march 19th or be dropped ("mistrial in case of u.s officer who refused to fight in iraq," agence france presse, feb. 7, 2004, yahoo! news; "mistrial could be end of watada case," mike barber, feb. 8, 2007, seattle post-intelligencer); update of march 8, 2007: the army has decided to refile charges and the court martial will continue at fort lewis, washington, july 16, 2007; if found guilty he could face a sentence of up to six years ("fort lewis court martial scheduled july 16 for ehren watada," ap, march 1, 2007, kpua ~ hawaii news); it's unwise of the army to put men of good conscience in prison; update of july 11, 2007, fort lewis washington state: on july 6, 2007 an army judge decided lt. watada could be tried twice for the same crimein charges rising from his refusal to deploy to iraq and for saying why; the army times concedes various problems with col john head's (the judge) handling of the case ("judge: army can try watada again," ap, july 9, 2007, army times); update oct. 4, 2007: according to reliable sources the army is threatening to go ahead with a new court martial october 9th, despite the appeal of the first trial; this places the soldier under double jeopardy and mocks the judicial process; by ignoring the appeal the army has surprised the defense which lacks information about legal options; update oct. 6, 2007: judge benjamin settle of the u.s. district court in tacoma washington ruled that the claim by attorneys for ehren watada, of double jeopardy was not frivilous; watada's court martial scheduled for october 9th is rescheduled for october 26th; watada's previous court martial which ended in a mistrial is under current appeal to the "court of appeals for the armed forces" ("federal judge delays watada trial," mike barber, oct. 5, 2007, seattle post-intelligencer online); update of nov. 11, 2007: district judge benjamin settle continues to delay the army's second court martial of lt. eheren watada, ruling on nov. 8th that a plausible double jeopardy claim against the military had to be settled first ("federal judge grants injunction against second court-martial for iraq war resister," jaime jansen, nov. 10, 2007, jurist; "war objector's 2nd court-martial blocked," ap, nov. 8, 2007,

navy petty officer ariel j. weinmann on a "deserter watch list" when he returned to the u.s. from mexico, was picked up for desertion in march 2006 and imprisoned in norfolk, court martialed for desertion and providing defense information to an unauthorized person; the navy was reluctant to release information about the case ("sailor to face prosecution on charges of espionage," kate wiltrout, aug. 26, 2006, virginian-pilot); kommersant, a russian online paper ("u.s. submariner leaked data, dec. 6, 2006, kommersant) reports that in early december 2006, he pleaded guilty to spying and through a pre-trial agreement was given ten years before possible parole rather than life imprisonment; the statesman journal of salem oregon ("jilted love, not political intrigue, drove salem man to espionage," chris almos gannett news service, dec. 11, 2006) gives the terms of the pre-trial sentencing agreement as 12 years with parole possible after 4 [transferred from bulletins jan. 24, 2007 & updates]; update jan. 28, 2007: with minimal information i may have to withdraw this listing; wouldn't a spy have to be 'placed' or have a market for information ? this prisoner allegedly offered information to find asylum in another country; if his primary need was for asylum i think he's a political prisoner.- ed..

february 21, 2008, germany: three u.s. soldiers who have said "no" are serving time in mannheim before they're discharged; they are james blanks, for going awol, missing deployment to afghanistan, failure to obey orders (out soon); jeffrey gauntt for missing deployment to afghanistan - received 10 months, out in april 2008; andrew hegerty for desertion, refusing an order - out in august 2008 ("solidarity campaign for g.i. resisters in german prison," jan. 30, 2008, courage to resist, apprec. rawlings,mvfp); see courage to resist access: < > .




the saint patrick's day four (u.s.)

update of jan. 25, 2006: "killing cannot be with christ" - st. patrick, stated by the four at the lansing new york military recruitment center, march 17th, 2003; daniel burns was sentenced to six months in jail, 250 dollar fine, and a share of the cleanup costs of $958 ("one of st. patrick's four sentenced," staff, jan. 23, 2006, news ten now; "peace activist gets six months in jail for recruiting station protest," jan. 24, 2006, democracy now!); peter demott was sentenced to four months federal prison and four months community confinement ("vietnam vet and civil resister peter demott, sentenced in federal court," quinn-jacobs, jan. 24, 2006, access:; update, june 18, 2006: on may 22, 2006 peter demott was moved to the federal half way house binghamton, ny. ("st. patricks four" []); clare grady was sentenced to six months and to pay her share of restitution; the mother of two daughters she was placed in handcuffs ("mother and activist, clare grady, sentenced in federal court," quinn-jacobs, jan. 25, 2006, ibid); teresa grady will be sentenced jan. 27, 2006; although their action was a symbolic pouring of their own blood, the four were convicted of trespass and damaging the government's property as the u.s. was poised to invade iraq; tried in 2004 the state was unable to win a conviction against them so the case was prosecuted at the federal level; the government failed to convict any of the four on federal conspiracy charges, but was able to convict them on lesser charges, refusing to allow them any mention of international law or its principles, justice, and the moral and legal imperatives of the people to adhere to the geneva conventions ("judge censors testimony, charges st. patrick's four members with contempt," press release , sept. 22, 2005, st. patrick's four, access:; passim; the court has failed in its duty to free them; update of jan. 28, 2006: teresa grady received four months (federal), a 150 dollar fine, and was ordered to pay her share of the clean up costs ("human rights award recipient, teresa grady, sentenced in federal court," quinn-jacobs, jan. 27, 2006, st. patrick's four [access:]); update june 18, 2006: teresa grady, out ("st. patricks four" []); update september 27, 2006: the st. patrick's day four are all released (nuclear resister #142, july 24, 2006).

information from the nuclear resister at, updated december 21, 2003,
is noted simply as the nuclear resister with thanks; they have noted the courage of antiwar
prisoners for many years; update: the nuclear resister, no. 138, of sept. 15, 2005, appears


the information on these pages is incomplete; for corrections,
deletions, or suggestions please contact .



political prisoners
suppressed news


gerald and maas night's lantern
with appreciation to all sources, ed. & commentary by j.b.gerald, images by j.maas
january 1, 2004 through april 15, 2008