atelier        genocide warnings         suppressed news


some posters and broadsheets from
gerald and maas

"housing is a human right"
"¡habrá más poesía!"
" at the brecht forum"
"everywhere the forest is home"
"mind control"
"georgia prison strike"
"free all political prisoners"
"the sam melville / jonathan jackson brigade" broadsheet
"the wedding of elena & abimael" broadsheet
"red arabesque peru" broadsheet
"the greed of death"
"no spp"
"out of afghanistan"
"christmas at acteal"
"canto / garden"
a genocide warning from 1990
"don't waste maine"
"el salvador 1981"



participant, "nova express," nuit blanche / supernova!, ottawa, sept. 21 - 22, 2013.

participant, art in / en action, montreal, nov. 11 - 15, 2012.

poet and artist: 30 posters from the heart, a retrospective of gerald and maas political posters and broadsheets since
1980, at gerald and maas atelier, ottawa, fifth ottawa peace festival. sept. 21 through oct. 2, 2011.

poet & artist, 30 posters from the heart, 30 years of posters and broadsheets by gerald and maas at the brecht forum
new york city; exhibit dedicated to josé guadalupe posada. may 1 - 31, 2011.






gerald and maas
poster images: j.maas
updated 5 april 2017