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Primary Law

Primary United Nations Human Rights texts (Common Rights & Expectations)
These treaties and translations to French, Spanish Arabic and other languages can be found at the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights at the United Nations,

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
First Optional Protocol
Second Optional Protocol (Abolition of the Death Penalty)
Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
1967 Protocol
UN Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals who are not nationals of the country in which they live (link)
UN texts concerned with the rights of refugees (Links to the English, French, Spanish translations)
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms   (link)
Charte canadienne des droits et libertés   (link)

Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act   (link)
Loi sur les crimes contre l'humanité et les crimes de guerre   (link)

Bill of Rights
Night's Lantern genocide warnings and updates

Selected postings, Lawyers Against the War & related

"Narration of Facts," Ad Hoc Committee for Justice for Iraq, 6 October 2009, a case presented to the Spanish Court attempting to charge with war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide: George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack H. Obama, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Anthony Blair, Gordon Brown

The Center for Constitutional Rights "Complaint," Case No. 3:23-cv-05829, Nov. 13, 2023, The United States District Court for Northern California A case filed at U.S. federal court on behalf of two Palestinian human rights organizations, five Palestinians and three Palestinian-Americans, and alleging the failure to prevent genocide and complicity in genocide of U.S. President Biden, Secretary of Defense Austin, Secretary of State Blinken.

Report by the Independent Special Interlocutor, Oct. 29, 2024, Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools:
1. "Sites of Truth, Sites of Conscience, Unmarked Burials and Mass Graves of Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children in Canada."
2. "Upholding Sacred Obligations, Reparations for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada," Volume 1.
3. "Upholding Sacred Obligations, Reparations for Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada," Volume 2.
4. "Executive Summary Final Report on the Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children and Unmarked Burials in Canada."

By Gail Davidson:
Request to the Members of Parliament to "Stop Canada's Complicity in Genocide - Destruction of Palestinians by Israel"
Request to the Senators to "Debate Canada's Complicity in Genocide - Destruction of Palestinians by Israel"
"APPENDIX: Death, Destruction and Displacement by Israel of Palestinians in the GAZA in violation of the United Nations (UN) Convention to Prevent and Punish the Crime of Genocide"




Gerald and Maas
update 22 november 2024